Friday, January 19, 2018

Normalized CHAOS

For the last year or so, since about January 20th following the televised high noon hanging of “Democracy” and daughter Miss Liberty raped by comrades of Portnoy Putin while engaged in our business, I have been testing a Net-Neutrality Netanyahu Neutering algorithm dubbed N4. I became interested in this 4-dimensional “Boundary Function Theory” - that presented many dark cell moons ago by Theodore John Kaczynski from the Annex - my interest due the crowd size during Donald John Trump’s Moronic Masturbation ceremony. See, it was a no-show of hands “With” the maggot and a “Fuck No” the Trump Dysentery Dynasty taking over Tranquility Base. I mean for the obese guy and that undocumented immigrant contract wife, in tow a son that looked like he was a student of the Mr. and Mrs. Turpin “Torture Fun House”, it looked more like a funeral procession than an inauguration, even smelled of that fromunder dying corpse stench - oh that was Melanomia’s perfume form Slobenia? Really, the Donald met the melancholy Mel at a Mrs. Midel FART contest? It was sad yet a happy ending for Barack Obama when compared to the filth that was about to take over the White House. Have you seen how Melanomia re-decorated the once sacred place into a palace? It will never be the same and if Solidarity soon wins, time to raze the cum stained Oval Office and begin anew. Hire Barack to be the chief architect of the “Office” and Michelle “ma Belle” the boss of the “House” kitchen design. But I have the “Covfefe Castration Complex Fake”, due access to a Cray super-computer way up “North to Alaska” and courtesy of Uncle Sam - I am sure when Trump reads this he will pull the plug on that far and away gadget, lucky he cannot read any words past 3-sentences. Yes, a man of few words and loads of something, but the jury is still out on what that “something” amounts too as it gives “Bull Shit” some competition. OK, I am getting ahead of myself. But for the last year Mr. Cray has been performing flop-flop calculations at the speed of right trying to implement the “Boundary Theory” on how prejudice and discrimination against Otis Redding may affect how this nation respects or for that matter disrespects the color of a man’s skin. So, after some 1x10101000 heart throbs, the results allow this algorithm to normalize the “APPROVAL & DISAPPROVAL” rating of Barack Obama and Donald John Trump after the 1st year in office, based on an elimination of any hangover prejudices. Drum roll please: With the Moron, with input the Gallup-Clap Poll that which finds today an “Approval” at an all-time low of 37% and when “Normalized” without the effect of the “Clap”, hold on Melanomia, an “NORMALIZED APPROVAL” of 8% in unison with a “NORMALIZED DISAPPROVAL” of 92%. For real these results, if prejudice and discrimination are subsequently corrected for the “population” indoctrinated in such polling - those that show more empathy towards a dog then their neighbor who is a “Black Man”. And to be fair with Barack Obama and Michelle “ma belle” and how such prejudices affected the 44th and family…how in Transylvanian hell did Melanomia get away with "theft”? She should have been sent back home for infringing on someone else’s intellectual property. See that proves that Melanomia entered into this United States like a silent fart, it stinks and no one takes blame, as she seems to NOT understand our laws - can she recite the pledge of allegiance? No not Žive naj vsi narodiSTOP IT! With the Barack, as input the Gallup-Clap Poll found at the close of the bell  an “Approval” at 50% and when “Normalized” without the effect of the “Clap”, hold on Ma Belle, an “NORMALIZED APPROVAL” of 89% in unison with a “NORMALIZED DISAPPROVAL” of 11%. Which means today that Barack Obama and Michelle “ma belle” will reign above the Dubyas’ for an all-time record on the “APRROVAL WATCH” scale. IMAGINE, a “brotherhood of man”! IMAGINE, where we could go if we placed all prejudice and discrimination on hold! How about banning it? It is banned, but preferential treatment allows some that “License to Kill” Democracy for ALL! What it boils down to is simple. You are on a plane, sitting in 1st class and enjoying free this and free that. The plane does a Hudson’s landing after the pilot and copilot get in a fight. Soon, you find yourself helpless and a black guy comes swimming by and tells you to hitch a ride on his back, as he is fit and can swim to safety. Your choice, but when you are saved and dried out, at social hour can you admit it? It’s like that silent FART - we know whom is at blame but cannot admit it due the embarrassment factor, just like with prejudice and discrimination and remember “WAR IS OVER IF YOU WANT IT”! Thank you, Barack & Michelle, as I can say I lived 8-years under a TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOT, and at no time during that time did I feel threatened by Russian intruders! And this last year under a Presidential Moron, a Presidential Maggot, well do we really have the staying power for more Gonorrhea infiltration?

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