Wednesday, January 17, 2018

At the Crossroads - FASCISM

Today is January 17th, 2018 so “I went down to the crossroads, fell down on my knees. Down to the crossroads, fell down on my knees. Asked the Lord above for mercy, Save me if you please”. Pleasure be one last cup of covfefe before I go, I a shaking nervously and I ain’t obese but nowhere near as fit as the Moron. I just listened to American Patriot Jeff Flake’s “Stalin Manifesto”, scary - like Helter Skelter Hairy Scary! But Flake is NOT a “Fake” and merely trying to send a warning shot across the bow of the U.S.S. America that when the 1st Amendment comes under attack and silenced by the lambs like under the threat of the 2nd - look there is a reason the 1st was the egg before the chicken! Yes, well into 2018 already my sentiment so what, maybe true just another day older and deeper in debt down on them knees? It is the day we have all been waiting for, some of US. After a postponement about a week ago, Donald John Trump is supposed to announce the White House “Fake News Award”, just 3-days shy his 1st term of endangerment and 13-days shy his “State of the Eunuch” address to some balless members of the 115th Congress. Praytell, what today shines upon this “Fake News” realization? There is nothing “Fake” about it as we are at a Constitutional Crisis - matter of fact beyond that at the crossroads of Fascism. It took US by surprise. When we see North Korea and South Korea working in a bipartisan fashion to open the door to diplomacy for peace and at the same time we have a “Turncoat” Congress that cannot agree on anything, mind you this is what Fascism is all about. Divided we fall! Said again, divided we fall! Make it stick, “Divided We Fail”! OK, take the fact that Kim Bong-one and Moon Joint-in called the Moron-in Covfefe’s bluff and entertain that with a White House “gag” order against Steve Bannon even when a Congressional subpoena is in effect - we are under attack by homegrown strife. We be our own worst nightmarish enemy. So how in righteous hell did we get to this “crossroads”, just read faithfully what Jeff Flake warns about! Now most of Trump’s fringe supporters, those that tipped the electoral college scale in the popular vote category but NOT the majority vote of “We the People” know a Moron when we see one - they have no idea this “Fake News” as the only way they get up-to-date covfefe chatter on what is going down is by listening in on the smackdown station. Generations have made wrestling a family affair, and find no realization of just how “Fake” this sport - it ain’t a sport but a rip off for those that find it entertaining. Yes, the WWE with news-anchor Vince McMahon. If you polled that faction of Trump supporters with the name game, they would be more knowledgeable about Donald Trump verses the Boogeyman along with Rikishi Stinkface awards then what is going on in the beltway. Hey, this is America, do as you please and if “Fake Wrestling” appeases so be it lackadaisical behavior! And that is wherein the collusion aspect of the 2016 election arrested what we were used too in this nation. For years, many found not the time, interest or ambition to waste time reading the directions found in a voting booth. Hey, if you can’t stand the heat stay away from the kitchen. The 2016 election changed that landscape forever, good that many more participated in an election process based on “Democracy”. But just casting a vote then finding more important things upon our valuable time, mind you it is castration of liberty. Especially with a bozo like the Moron, as he lies and that relates to cheating his way into the Oval Office - he does not keep his promise and those that voted for him should be the faction leading to his arrest and impeachment. But to busy figuring out who will win the tag team match! If you enjoy the vote, pay attention to what that vote finds aftermath the count and those elected get sworn in. And that is wherein we are sinking fast, lost is just how powerful that vote is! Fascism is knocking down our door of Freedom, due a weakness upon a social order already “Faked”, two can play this game. Said again, such a slight margin the electoral college. See, you had your die-hard conservative republicans that would vote in even a “Golden Shower” pervert and the diehard democrats that would vote in the wife of a “I did not have cigar sex with that woman” pervert. So, going into the voting booth on that November night, it was an even keel race. And take into account the faction of die-hard democrats that said NO way another Clinton - look no further why we have ended up with a man that wouldn’t know the difference between right & wrong as long as his financial freedom is not abridged. Pervert verses Affiliated Pervert - just like a WWE event intended on arousing the manic depression of middle-class life. When the “smackdown” crowd hit the voting booths and didn’t recognize any name but that of the guy that wrestled with the “Boogeyman”, Donald John Trump found the necessary bridge to the White House. Pinch yourself, Vladimir Portnoy Putin had nothing to do with the election turnout in the end! Any other candidate against Hillary would have lost, as the fringe then would have not voted because non-recognition would have confused and they would have stayed home. They knew Mr. Trump, an edge up. Hey, want a life after wrestling, politics just ask Vince’s wife as she is now Donald Trump’s SBA mogul - or is it mongrel?. Collusion, sure it started on the “Fake” wrestling circuit and payback came to the McMahon family. But it boils down to a weakness in being educated politically and that is wherein a weakness allows in another form of government to infringe upon our liberty and today we face doom through Fascism. This is not Donald John Trump’s preference, it is out of convenience that Fascism is taking a foothold and when it works for Trump, to remain and retain power it will be his saving grace to embrace the Fuhrer movement and this nation becomes a “Shithole” - he was forewarning US with that outburst about “John” being his middle name and all that toilet talk. It’s all about power. I mean why de-neck the snake if the reptile is soothing your hardon? But saving grace, our Founding Fathers realized this weakness and there is built into our Constitutional commitment a self-destruct mechanism that…let’s hope it works!

Mmmmm, standin' at the crossroad, I tried to flag a ride
Standin' at the crossroad, I tried to flag a ride
Didn't nobody seem to know me, everybody pass me by

Lord, that I'm standin' at the crossroad, babe, I believe I'm sinking down.

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