Thursday, December 21, 2017

Woody & Ady

Woody Guthrie and that proverbial “This Machine Kills Fascists” is alive and well today, as is demonstrated in “Street Fighting Man” Ady Barkan - protecting our DEMOCRACY against the arrest upon our PATRIOTISM and arson upon our FREEDOM by the Donald John Trump “Fascists” ape-rape squads, a.k.a. 115th GOP Mitch McConnell with Paul Ryan Congress! Trump Tower is a sign of Racial Hate, Old Man Trump ordained that signature of segregationist authority during the “Beach Haven Bother can you spare a dime” era, at one time ago when “This land is your land, this land is my land” sea to shining sea without bigotry My Country ‘Tis of We. If “Bigotry” sailed over on the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria…get my point? But “Bigotry” went unchecked when it landed at Liberty Island and spread south like a plague - reason being the Confederates lost the WAR, ape-rape bigotry, and we had the opportunity to hang all the “Turncoats”. But that was NOT the American way – give peace a chance even with those bent on dressing up in drag with those clown-clan outfits. But MY American spirit will never let True American Democracy or Miss Liberty down, no matter what comes from the Moron’s Dysentery Dynasty administration aiding & abetting our “Red, White & Blue” castrated by Vladimir Portnoy Putin’s influence. Martial Law has taken over the GOP Congress, habeas corpus is in effect, as the republican members have become prisoners onto itself that body and those that deny this allegation are subject to a Eunuchizing tribunal, all secretive and if “We the People Proletariats” do not wake up, the wake of FASCISM will soon be staring US smack in the face-the-nation. The Revolution is here…and long overdue as “wealth” has invaded our Tranquility. They have the money, they have the Congress, but we have the knowithal and the nowithal to…be “Street Fighting Americans”, just like Woody, just like Ady!

I suppose that Old Man Trump knows just how much racial hate(WG)
Then I suppose that Donald knows how to sell that racial hate
He stirred up in that bloodpot of human hearts
And Donald stirred up in that bloodspot a human Holocaust
When he drawed that color line
Then Donald drawed that wealthy line
Here at his Beach Haven family project
There at Donald’s Mar-a-Logo family escort
Beach Haven ain't my home!
American Haven ain’t their home!
No, I just can't pay this rent!
And No, I just can’t ay this red sent!
My money's down the drain
His money drowns with pain
And my soul is badly bent!
When his soul is Lucifer sent!
Beach Haven is Trump’s Tower
American Haven is our Power(WTP)
Where no black folks come to roam
Someday we’ll claim that home
No, no, Old Man Trump!
No, no, Sold Man Trump!(WTP)
Old Beach Haven ain't my home!
(Woody Guthrie)
And America ain’t theirs to own.
(We The People)

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