Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Sleeper CELL?

Aerial footage of the Amtrak 501 train wreck site indicates that premeditated sabotage may have contributed to the deadly derailment. AMTRAK strives a culture based upon “superior safety”. Shit happens! Even though there exists convincing eavesdropping evidence from the cock-flight lounge recorder that the train was traveling in excess of the posted 30mph speed zone, there exists other reasons maybe this mishap right before Christmas. The suspicious suspension of a critical “sleeper” may have allowed upstream and downstream rail fastener failures and thus compromised the track gage to cause a catastrophic failure. From the sky view, it appears that the “sleeper” was removed by unorthodox means, dragged out-of-the-way and away its integral structural meaning through remaining indications of ground surface disturbances and subsequent run-off stains. This before the out-of-control accident wiped away the evidence. This accident was a sabotage and not due any maintenance activities or lack of. The failure point surrounding this missing “sleeper” is consistent with the trajectory envelop(shrapnel dispersal) of the main wreck, that of the locomotive and its final resting place on Interstate 5. Speed is still a factor, but due the fact this “Inaugural Ceremony” was late on departure, if any pressure from the powers-to-be a little pedal for the medal, it is the recipe for disaster. Maybe under ultimate conditions of both mechanical wherewithal and weather mild mannered, the track could have maintained motive force integrity for the fast traveling erection without any First Responder Emergency incident. But Casey Jones was a little too quick for judgement that turn, especially with the track ahead missing some critical supports. Conspiracy 101. Hey if 1 + 1…it gets the point across. Now take also into consideration that there was ease of pedestrian access to this bridge and the curve somewhat out in the middle of nowheresvilla, so with the correct tools like a Dollar Store wrench made in China and a crow-bar from a local mistress, along with some mean-spirited muscle, that wooden timber could have been easily removed without sweat and anyone with a K-grade rail dynamics knowledge would have realized that over a short-lived time interval there would come a failure. This was a planned sabotage from what can be seen with the GOOGLE MAP view tools application. Disrupt the moving economy was paramount, especially a few days before Christmas. It all adds up, a picture is worth a thousand words alone by itself - it "tells a story don't it". Yes, most likely “Home Grown” terrorists plotted this event. Look, the Mayor of Lakewood has been an adamant Naysayer of this “Fast Train” concept, an outspoken vigilante man. That packs a punch, sometimes in the wrong direction. Likewise, fallout when Sarah Palin targeted Gabrielle Giffords, the insane are called to duty another’s dissatisfaction with the system. A few beers, a plan is hatched and innocent victims…SarahPAC Tough Todd Palin did what? Talk about a “Train-Wreck” family affair! Now according to the VAMPIRE simulator used to evaluate rail failures, the “Derailment Coefficient” increases dramatically when there is a “Sleeper Failure”. By basically starting off with a pre-triggered event along with imminent vibrations from train traffic, it leads to another neighbor failure then another like the Hatfield & McCoys going at it again, that which increases the “Coefficient” exponentially and soon the lateral forces at any speed are greater then which the rail can handle and a derailment occurs - at any speed. So, maybe we best find this missing “sleeper” that which could lead the authorities to a “Sleeper Cell” bent on hell raising nightmares. Timothy McVeigh is alive and well…

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