Friday, December 22, 2017

Oh Happy “T-REX” Days

“I heard the sound of a thunder, it roared out a warnin'. Heard the roar of a wave that could drown the whole world. Heard one person starve, I heard many people laughin'…” So, name a single individual laughing all the way to that Wall Street “Swine-dled” safely hidden away offshore account? Say REX, say T-REX, say T-REX for Texas – it adds up to Black Gold! Hey, offshoring is a “Black” hole. I have written on the following subject many times. But today’s date and mission is another take at this subject matter, warranted re-merit due the “Tax Reform” being close to becoming a law of their land – making a wet dream for the wealthy a Christmas wish come true. Yet it will be but a premature ejaculation, they can only starve us to skin and bones but once then we all stop working. That means the wealthy would then have to wipe their own ass? See, after some 54-years trying with crying, Don Young is ecstatic - even though I thought the Alaskan representative was still in a coma after a baboon with the credentials to vote republican hit him in the head with a coconut and that caused an irrevocable behavior disorder “Lobotomy”. See, in this “Delusional Disorder Tax Reform” comes a reprieve, a pardon already, wherein once upon a time - before Moronism deep throated Democracy - there existed a ban on jurisdictional authority to open up ANWR-Area 1002 for oil development. Alaska’s “Arctic National Wildlife Reserve”, with famed Area 1002 a piece of that “wild” owned by the Eskimo. It is a pristine area in Alaska that has been off limits to resource exploration and development until now – every U.S. President since Carter made that a "Keep Out" priority, from Reagan to H.W. through Bill then onto Dubbya and still off limits by Obama – as it was more important to allow exploration in the National Petroleum Reserve(NPR), then to harass the ANWR wilderness. See, in NPR, oil leaks out of the ground naturally! But, Uncle Sam charges a 20% “Royalty” for those invited to desecrate ancient Eskimo burial grounds. It brings in loot to fill the U.S. Treasury. With ANWR 1002, there is NO government take as it is a sacred Eskimo burial but who cares! Now many upon many solstice moons ago, EXXON invested in an oil deposit that was not really a wise investment development decision – until now. First and foremost, it was located on the northern coast of Alaska and many expensive miles away from Prudhoe Bay – the livelihood of Alaska’s oil development boom. That which was only supposed to last 10-years, that was 40-years ago yet oil in “them thar hills” continues to send barrel after barrel rolling through that historic 800-mile long pipeline. Prudhoe is where the TAPS – Trans Alaska Pipeline System – allows oil and gas development to see the fruits of investments. It allows “Stranded” resources to become “marketable”. Once oil reaches Prudhoe Bay via a Deadhorse, it is sent south and then jumps aboard a tanker and is free to find a buyer. It gives that $$$ signature of approval. So “Tony Tiger” bit the bullet and sank loot into an exploration lease on a piece of property owned by the rich State of Alaska. Now land leases that may contain boat-loads of valuable resources, it costs a bundle “upfront”, with the reasoning it forces developers to not renege on efforts to produce the resource - for sale as a commodity that fills the state’s coffers and wallets of the Lisa MurCowpiefly politicians. It is still a big gamble, as it costs $millions$ to sink a Deep “Permafrost” Horizon test well in Alaska – a state with no sales or income taxation and a yearly citizen’s Cane sugar dividend averaging out at $1000 bucks, giveaways galore a way of life up north in the “Last Frontier”. So after about a 2-year expiration period, a company like EXXON must have a good excuse or good attorneys for not producing a single drop of that “Black Gold”. Else the state will foreclose the lease and with that any development expenditure “write-offs” disappear. Now the Point Thompson lease has been in the EXXON portfolio for many years, with court appeal after appeal and finally the legislative gavel said develop or else. But EXXON was adamant to maintain the lease even with “zero” exploration activity, which cost $millions$ in appeal motions, just to maintain control of a lease that didn’t have an infrastructure to send any fossilized resources to market. Why? Because this lease sits about 25-miles from ANWR Area 1002 – that which was opened today with the “Tax Reform”.  That is but a "stone's throw" away with respect to Alaskan Oil 101. Think about it, it’s not dilusional, opening an area that holds the potential of huge oil reserves that sits at EXXON’s back door? No wonder the XON stock has shot through the roof the past 24-hours! As starting today and for a long time to come EXXON will be the “Gatekeeper” of the Area 1002 resource development. Yes, like a Mafia – pay up or find that “Deadhorse” sharing that bed. See, when finally forced to develop this lease after appeals ran dry, EXXON spent the loot to build a pipeline that runs to TAPS in a “feet dragging” mission. It did not want to develop this formation, EXXON was just patiently sitting out the delays in opening ANWR. And the Pt. Thompson lease is a rather strange formation – called “Retrograde Condensation”! Say what? It means “stuff” that deviates from well-known physical properties consistent with Pressure-Volume-Temperature properties of normal fluids. It behaves like Congressman “for all coconut groves” Don Young, unpredictable. That said, is it worth much to do about nothing? Yes, EXXON is sitting on a “Pot-of-Gold” which means T-REX will make a whole lot of income, from his retirement investments with EXXON. Remember, he left that company to join the Portnoy Putin and Donald Trump love affair and was given one hell of a retirement package that included $millions$ in stock options. With news that “Tax Reform” was simplified today to allow oil development in ANWR - still don’t understand that “simplification” theory - for every $minion$ obligation EXXON owes T-REX, well today Mr. Rex made a Christmas bonus of $2-Million – in a single day! Compare that to your Moron “Tax Reform” bonus of $2000 bucks over a year’s time! And remember, our bonus won't be ready and willing for another 16-months - many will die of old age before that return! Now this “Condensation” owned by EXXON and only a few miles from AREA 1002 - even though worthless on its own due the fact it can evaporate to a nothing burger so can’t be measured so can’t make income - well low and behold it can be mixed into a normal API grade crude oil and enhance its value tremendously, like “Premium” gasoline blending. So, EXXON has the Pt. Thompson processing facility, up and running but not producing like in a warm-stand-down mood, the pumps and pipeline are ready and willing and soon to be open for business will be ANWR Area 1002. EXXON will control what happens in ANWR, as the “Big Players” left Alaska a long time ago and only “Boll weevil” Independents will brave that 1002 – the “Oil Trash” name for new hands! So they will rely on existing infrastructure and pay out handsomely to EXXON to make a few pennies on a dollar’s worth investment - volume my friends volume! And EXXON owns a majority of the TAPS, so it is indeed double jeopardy for the small fish interested in what took place today with “Tax Reform”. And by “spiking” the oil from Area 1002 with that “Retrograde Condensation”, money, money more, well it is “Triple Jeopardy”...wait as with the “Corporate” tax castration from 35% to 21%, it is double jeopardy again and again, a few loopholes and some more agains…it will bankrupt America. And of course it was planned this way and when Rex was sworn in to swear his allegiance to the “FUCKING MORON”, well he can now retire as his main Lee Raymond objective was accomplished. It’s strictly business! A note on “Corporate Taxation”. When the tax rate for Corporate America was at 35%, it is a well-known fact that across the board with “lucrative write-offs” the cost of doing business, that rate was in actuality 15%, less than half the “Tax Codes” original intent of “fair taxation”. So, lessons learned, take the new rate of 21% and find the same “lopsided loopholes” and…drum roll please, a whopping 9% tax rate? No, this country will never go bankrupt, as when the deficit reaches “Helter Skelter” many states will be faced with lack of Uncle Sam appropriations – we are already hearing the warning of this soon to happen misery. And then each state will raise taxes for fundamental services, like police and firefighters, library and schools – only essential services will find recovery. And when a state raises its income taxation rates, hold on to your wallet folks as this “Delusional Disorder Tax Reform” is about to be the biggest tax rate in history – unless you are a Richie Rich! People are already moving in droves to Alaska, no taxation YET!

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