Sunday, November 19, 2017

Trump Summons Militia

Hey ye hear ye, comes now the silent call for all able-bodied men and women of the Militia to come to the aid of the MORON. And why this SOS from the Tower Maggot? The Chief Commander of the U.S. Strategic Nuclear Command who has his finger on the nuclear holocaust trigger, 4-Star General John Hyten has spoken out with unabated military might that he would push back against an order from the siting 45th President of the United States, Donald John Trump, for engaging a nuclear strike if it were "illegal". What definition defines the latter, this “illegal” element? It sounds like a very broad “Timeout” wherein once upon a time it was the time-honored decision of one individual, it now finds a referee and possible descension with desertion the wishes of the presiding President any meltdown dreams. This is not good, as it will set precedence. Never has the “Top Brass” had to intervene the power of the presidency, and finds a consensus amongst our military engagement experts that Trump is somewhat “Unfit” for holding the office. Basically speaking with authority, Daddy Warbuck’s just took Donald’s car keys away from him, and it is porn prom weekend! This is the beginning of a crack in the dam, a military coup d’état in action. See, Donald’s secret war-chest suitcase also known as the “Nuclear Football” and within reach 24/7, it now has a new addition called a chastity belt, just in case the “Little Man” pisses the MORON off and instead of a “Twitter” sent in an early morning rage it is the other option pushed – total annihilation! BRAVO Mr. Hyten and the Joint Chiefs of Staff this chastity belt. Some may disagree, as when the Commander-in-Chief is publicly warned, publicly HUMILIATED his options upon a sworn “oath” to protect this nation, dire straits await our nation’s historical fate. Yes, military options being swindled away from Mr. President, like “groping women without consent” and this is wherein the “Militia” starts to find its Constitutional obligation front and center of attention and that movement should be flocking in droves to the nearest battalion headquarters. Take away Donald’s nukes, what will be next, maybe his military? So, what does Trump have at his disposal to ward off an attack against this nation’s sovereignty? He has a NAVY with Seals killing ARMY Green Berets in the field of combat; he has an AIR FORCE engaged in SEXcapades upon the high skies; he has a dysfunctional NAVY with ships that are constantly off-course upon the high seas along with a Semper Fidelis that still “can’t stand the truth” about GTMO. But not to worry, as just last week the White House signed off on the Pentagon’s unannounced policy enacted in August, a new-age Make America Great Again plan to allow those with mental disorders(a.k.a. patients from the psycho wards the likes of a Ladd Lunatic Asylum), along with inductees with a history of “self-mutilation” or bipolar disorder depression or drug and alcohol abuse – well these patients can now seek waivers to join the military? Yes indeed and under the MORON’s watchtower, accordingly individuals once banned from military service can now volunteer, as soldiers are not showing up at the recruitment stations in efforts to keep the troop count up to par. Draft time again? NO, enlist a psycho army as we have a psycho presidency, the lingering side effects of “Heel Spurs”. It goes hand-in-hand, new recruiting strategies and a FUCKING MORON at the helm! Wakeup AMERICA! So, if you own a gun, get the KY lubrication out as pretty soon you may be called to order, as Donald Trump owns your ass as part of “His Highness Militia”. Extra, Extra read all about it, if you chose to bear arms in your home Trump has control over your targets - that’s in the Constitution. And when that call to duty arrests the peace and quiet of your concealment, even on a Sunday morning while preparing for your daily preparation-H suppository courtesy the 115th U.S. Congress and paid for by the NRA…who in hell wants to fight for that idiot in the WH anyway and many will just turn in their weapons at the Oval Office dumpster = the ultimate in gun control. Wow, Donald Trump enlisting gun control to rid this nation a serious violation upon life, liberty and that pursuit of happiness. About time we had legislation that will rid this nation once and for all this disgusting disease of weapons here and weapons there. WE the PEOPLE are living in fear, because of the wide-spread addiction to weapons at our fingertips! Remember what Roosevelt said when he was handed the “Nuclear Football”: Only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Best take his word else live a life in misery thinking that what you pack will arrest violence. The 2nd Amendment has run its course, as from sea to shining sea this fantasy to be loaded to the gill with bullets, to sleep with bullets as a nearest companion, it is so sad. This prevailing crap that we must be armed to protect ourselves, it isn’t working! Why? Most gun carrying creeps think they are tough, but when push comes to shove only 0.001% of registered gun owners could willfully and easily pull the trigger on another human! Wow, maybe we are human! So, love it or leave it, gun control is coming to US through a military coup, because we know the “Top Brass” is better fit to uphold the U.S. Constitution then the crowd of cowards that are holding a sit-in, maybe laugh-in, in the White House today. And what will replace that “tube” of cold-rolled steel that has let us down and sworn upon as the saving grace by the Wayne LaPierre’s of the “Fake Protection” society condoned as a vigilantly known as the NRA? Just in, Wayne says he has “Heel Spurs” and cannot join in the “Militia’s” bowel movement. We have an alternative this madness behind a hairpin trigger approach, the power behind the 1st Amendment is just about to get its heyday parade as there is only one weapon of choice this evil upon us, as FASCISM is alive and well and finds the ultimate enemy of the people and we shall overcome, by “Our Word”, something I learned from this nation’s greatest of Patriots, Woody Guthrie!

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