Sunday, November 19, 2017

The NRA & Russian Connection

I’m a pack rat – save everything, especially when it comes to e-mails since time immemorial my correspondences. Which came in handy just the other day, as something was fishy. See, I was signing up for some retirement medical stuff and thought I was on the correct DOTCOM, but in reality had stopped for a stagecoach break at a different site. Yes, for some reason maybe the IPA on hop-along overload, I was directed without knowledge to the membership page for the National Rifle Association. Now I keep my computer loaded, with information like name with rank to serial number for ease of not worrying about some password dreamed up when I was drunk many moons ago. So, trigger finger allows quick fill-in-the-blanks. Anyway, when I hit the send button and not realizing I was signing up to become a bonafide member of the gun club, I received an “Error Warning” that my e-mail, home address and phone number were already reserved for another member? And that is when it hit, as I remembered an e-mail received some years ago wherein some Russian sounding Kaspersky whore-name surname wanted to use my maildrop and other essential rendezvous meeting place data to become a member of the guns right movement. See, even though the NRA allows foreigners to join in the fun of protecting the 2nd Amendment Right to righteously live in fear, with a genuine American address it means $10-bucks in savings. I guess just opening that e-mail allowed the Russian spies to hack my identification – to sign on as a member of the NRA with some of my credentials, a non-threatening hack! That is it, the only hack attack I have been subject to for many hours, days and years linked in to the “Tube” – as ex-Senator Ted Stevens defined our thirst to be somewhere other than the comforts of our own homes with a simple click. That’s right, a Russian whore using my P.O. to become a member of Wayne LaPierre’s brigade of AK-47 yielding idiots. So, has the National Rifle Association been the subject of PUTINFORNICATOMICS? It means getting fucked by Vladismear Putin. WE the PEOPLE hate Russians! So, when that rogue-rouge government decided to meddle in our business, to grope the U.S. Constitution like Donald Trump talks about “grabbing them by the pussy”, we must find out just how deep this anal dipping invasion affair went, and it started way before the Mike Flynn’s became instrumental in patriotic sabotage. The Russians planned this infiltration with precision, as it was and remains a WAR. In efforts for this take-over to work so well, the military mission had to establish covert bases, or in other words with the remote hi-tech eavesdropping of new-age warfare, deploy and establish a presence in things important – like the National Rifle Association. See, that organization allows for “Foreign Investment” and provides privacy beyond reach. Members are not screened, anybody can become a member with a few simple clicks and a credit card. This is a powerful organization that has above and beyond the know-how to sway many voters, as with the crutch of the 2nd Amendment, it resonates the goal. What they don’t want you to know, the fact that America’s iconic National Rifle Association may have been infiltrated by “Fake” memberships associated with Vladismear Putin, in efforts to boost the membership by millions. It is estimated that the rank and file of the NRA increased when Obama was sworn in back in 2009, but that spike in membership was consistent with how this nation views the “Back of the Bus”. But since that time, wherein under the Obama administration the 2nd Amendment saw very minor restrictions, the membership in the NRA as seen an increase in membership consistent with what we know about, well with respect to when and where the Russian government started infiltrating this nation in efforts to sway the 2016 election. Sure the NRA was a prime target of the Russians. Vladimir is a member, but you will never get Wayne LaPierre to admit it. The NRA collects $millions$ in membership dues and contributions, wherein a trace of that loot more difficult than any “offshore” hide-out. So, let me take a poke at what my Phineas J. Whoopee algorithm mathematically correlates and calculates of how this All-American organization is now under “Russian” influence. I will wager that 6-million members are under the influence of Vladismear Putin. Which means through membership fees and political clout contributions, that easily affords LaPierre’s raiders a Daddy Warbuck’s political war-chest of $350-Million to support, well Donald John Trump election. Russians here, Russians there, Russians everywhere and when an iconic organization like the NRA looked at its goals without watching out who was supporting such goals – we have been hoodwinked, groped, raped and Putin laughs at US each and every damn day since November 8th. Turning back? We must get even, and that is a tough call and even by having a Mueller FBI investigation that will find corruption and Americans may receive jail time through this Russian connection that swayed or helped turn an election against the righteousness of a democratic election process – Putin continues to laugh as this is just more chaos eroding away our 200-plus years as a freedom fighter against Russian style Communism. And the NRA helped Putin’s wet dream come true. Sad Sack America! Now you know what PUTINFORNICATOMICS is all about. And instead of becoming friends with the Putin oligarchy, we must declare WAR that which sends the message we will defend our democracy, even if today so weakened by our own will that which demonstrates we were infiltrated by a “Golden Shower” because we as a nation are so divided. It is dangerous, what we stand for today. Then again, until such time organizations like LaPierre’s NRA admits that Putin was successful in infiltrating our liberty, the seriousness remains hidden and this is the definition of an Un-Patriotic practice and treason follows those that continue to hide behind the U.S. Constitution as a scapegoatease, that their ambitions where Patriotic and Putin so agrees!

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