Monday, November 20, 2017

Crappy Way to Begin Holiday!

Just In: Charles “Helter Skelter” Manson is dead! Ding Dong the “no name Maddox” is dead, Ding Dong this wicked man is dead! Too bad, as the “cult-man” was so promising as one of the new-age enlistees for Donald John Trump’s “Make America Great Again” military revival! See, the entire military is being revamped, new recruiting offices are opening up from sea to shining sea as the Pentagon is going along with the White House’s new plan to fill the ranks of the troops-in-boots. So there comes now new qualifiers for those wanting to serve their country. Gone are the days of able-bodied and able-minded, as just last week the unannounced policy enacted to facilitate this new-age Make America Great Again plan of attack, it allows those with mental disorders(a.k.a. patients from the psycho wards the likes of a Ladd Lunatic Asylum), along with inductees with a history of “self-mutilation” or bipolar disorder depression or drug and alcohol abuse – well these patients can now seek waivers to join the military. Yes indeed, and all under the MORON’s watchtower, accordingly individuals once banned from military service can now volunteer, as soldiers are not showing up at the recruitment stations in efforts to keep the troop count up to par. Draft time again? NO, enlist a psycho army as we have a psycho presidency, the lingering side effects of “Heel Spurs”. It goes hand-in-hand, new recruiting strategies and a FUCKING MORON at the helm! So yes, we are heading towards a Charles Manson psycho-mania-maniac military extravaganza. OK, maybe Manson was too old, but right up the alley as a drill instructor this new-age “Grab them by the pussy” mentality. A renowned university performed a test with volunteer female students, those that were virgins. They were tested while resting in a state of tranquility, then when all was peaceful restrained to listen in on Donald John Trump’s “treatise” on women as follows: "I moved on her, I did try and fuck her, she was married. I moved on her very heavily in fact I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said I'll show you where they have some nice furniture. I moved on her like a bitch. I couldn't get there and she was married. Then all-of-a-sudden I see her, she's now got the big phony tits and everything. She's totally changed her look. Whoah. Yes. Whoah. Look at you. You are a pussy. Maybe it's a different one. Yeah that's her with the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful... I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything. It looks good. Oh nice legs huh. It's always good if you don't fall out of the bus. Like Ford, Gerald Ford, remember? We're ready. Let's go. Make me a soap star. Absolutely. Melania said this was okay." John Lennon was right, as with a guy like Trump, “Woman is the nigger of the world” still! But IMAGINE this, Trump could have pardoned Manson, and fit-for-duty as an ARMY man!

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