Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Levon "Walnuthead" Pancetta

I am glad that someone has come to Bill Clinton’s defense, over the Monica Lewinsky “Cum Stains the Oval Office” affair and will arrest once again the deep probing cigar fantasies of the 42nd U.S. President. Did you realize that when George & Laura Bush took up residency in the White House that the entire “Oval” was raised and rebuilt, there existed fallout of Bill’s “I did not have sleaze with that…” Anyway, with all the other sleazy sexcapades floating around like endless “floaters” upon a bipartisan beltway cesspool on overflow, Mr. Walnuthead came to Bill’s defense…BRAVO Levon Pancetta, with encouraging words to the effect that “Bill had suffered enough”! Wow, so comforting these words of sympathy from a Bill jock strap that reeks of decaying “fromunder” mold…sympathy for the devil on Viagra. And this will set precedence, that those in power find the magic of the pardoning wand for fooling around with interns. Which is in effect double-jeopardy upon the victims, which is against the law of this land in a thing called the U.S. Constitution. Bill knew he had been unfaithful to Hillary and disgusted that office when word got out about the affair between Monica and Bill’s cigars. That was his out, as it was not a direct engagement and being a seasoned lawyer, he used the 3rd party assumption of guilt to claim his innocence. No fingerprints! I think Bill recovered away from his bad behavior over-indulgence habits, though therapy, by the world’s best known subject matter expert Jerry Epstein. See, following the “Impeachment” of Bill, he was under supervision the pontiff of the “Lolita Express”. It meant therapy sessions far and away, at remote places away from any sexual misconduct. Sure, Jerry is a registered pedophile pervert, but that means he knows his business and can help others. So I am glad that Bill hooked up with Epstein. Now even though many did not vote for Hillary as we could not stand the fact Bill was about to re-enter the White House had…and we ended up with Donald John Trump. But let us remember what the MORON’s pre-inaugural speech taught us about infidelity: "I moved on her, I did try and fuck her, she was married…Melania said this was okay." So thanks Levon, for coming to Bill’s defense and clearing the record. My new book: The Pervert Circus Jerk! Wow, I just got hit in the head with a walnut, maybe Jerry can help, nutcase therapy seems to work wonders. Damn, Madman Charles Manson is ready for that 6-feet under parade. Madmen come and madmen go, madman across the water and Donald John Trump…well that “Trump” in “Trumped” finds meaning. Hey, there was a guy named “Trump” in Henry Murray’s “Needs” experiment performed during the 60s at Harvard. There was also a guy named “Lawful” and that turned out to be Ted Kaczynski, which is testament that the White House is today but a lunatic asylum wherein…what you mean the Moron choked on a turkey bone? That would be grounds for celebration and talk about a Christmas present, WOW! May you have a very merry Christmas, may all your dreams come true…buy my book!

Introduction by Elton John, my new book: “The Pervert Circus Jerk”

"Madman Across The Water"

I can see very well
There's a boat on the reef with a broken back
And I can see it very well
There's a joke and I know it very well
It's one of those that I told you long ago
Take my word I'm a madman don't you know

Once a fool had a good part in the play
If it's so would I still be here today
It's quite peculiar in a funny sort of way
They think it's very funny everything I say
Get a load of him, he's so insane
You better get your coat dear
It looks like rain

We'll come again next Thursday afternoon
The In-laws hope they'll see you very soon
But is it in your conscience that you're after
Another glimpse of the madman across the water

I can see very well
There's a boat on the reef with a broken back
And I can see it very well
There's a joke and I know it very well
It's one of those that I told you long ago
Take my word I'm a madman don't you know

The ground's a long way down but I need more
Is the nightmare black
or are the windows painted
Will they come again next week
Can my mind really take it

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