Sunday, November 19, 2017

Patriotism 101


The Partnership, Making America Great - Destroyed Today! 

Once upon a time we saluted a "Bipartisan" Congress that cared about AMERICA! When men and women all walks of life from the across-the-isle would embrace the true spirit of Patriotism, for US - that no matter what political side one favored, it didn’t matter in the “Halls of Congress” the buck stops there. Then that “working together” was destroyed by the wicked rich. What was good for the middle-class masses was a detriment to the hoarding of wealth which emancipates power, so there came an undermining of cooperation within Congress, premeditated perversion against My Country ‘Tis of Thee. For the stubborn that had sworn an oath to abide by the U.S. Constitution, there came destruction and assassinations. Honorable men like Senator Ted Stevens taken down, and dishonesty given a pardon as political and religious crookedness invaded our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Today, Congress and the White House are nothing more than the ultimate Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization, with control over the RICO police. WE ARE UNDER ATTACK! 

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