Monday, November 16, 2015

Massive Erection?

So turn on FOX or the Cyst Mathews empire and here it is a Sunday and all we hear is something about a “Massive Bombardment” by the French upon Hillary's Dream Team – a.k.a. ISIS. Look, this faction came to be to power when Hillary was SOS – Secretary of State – and had she been performing her job instead of gallivanting around the globe firing up her fanatic “Fantasy” audience, ISIS would have been not a problem today. Fantasy? Wanting to turn the “Oval Office” into a brothel, again. Look, read my lips as the “Levant” was a faction with so much internal fighting it was on the outs back in 2008 – and had not a single soldier in Syria! But from 2009 through 2014, ISIS was able to recover and today is a major threat. The recruiting that took place during such years is like, well a national “DRAFT”! With the amount of weapons under its control, a massive ARMY of religious fags including “children”, it is today a “Global Threat”. See, Hillary is “Hawkish”, so her message is “I'm Margaret Thatcher” so I deserve your vote. But if no threats from abroad, then she has nothing to offer as a Commander-in-Chief. So yes, this ignorance by Hillary Clinton was a premeditated “Stand By Your Man” Bill Clinton calculated move to make sure “blood & tears” turmoil was around when the 2016 Presidential campaign was kicked-off. Look, there is no stopping this “mentality” of more power, it is sickening but believe me there are many that cover themselves with the Red/White/Blue but give not a rat's ass about you or I as it is only that self-centered image that counts. So may as well vote for Hillary, so she can fix the mess she is responsible for. Anyway, so the French Fry Air Force drops a total of 20-bombs from its wings and calls it a “Massive” undertaking? Look, the targets were more likely then not on the U.S. radar, so we gave the attack coordinates that supposedly destroyed a Dunk'n Donuts shop. Look, the “Gay Paree” attack was a tragedy, and it was an attack on America. But the “WAR MACHINE” today is guaranteed income from such attacks, I mean if ISIS was a forgotten misery, then what would the “bombs bursting in air, gave proof...”, wrong target. But even that tragedy does not come close to the sorrows we are seeing here in the Homeland. Sure after the Paris attacks security at sports venues and movie concerts went increased. But in Kentucky, MY GOD, a 7-year old girl watching a high-school football game with her mom was abducted and then found murdered behind the stadium? This is the “True War”, as like said before, most world conflicts are generated purposely in efforts to keep the “WAR MACHINE” profitable. So cannot we stop worrying about what is happening in the “Middle East” and pay attention here at home? Look, I am a “baby boomer” and this war in the desert is close to becoming the 75-year war and with the looks of things – it will reach the 100-year flood-stage of abuse, unless! See, Bernie is right, if that “Desert Storm” wants our involvement, then the nations under fire are going to step up to the plate. Else we will find something better to do with our loot – like finding the cure for those that find an interest in attacking our youngsters for no apparent reason except – we need to reinstate the “Loony Bins” and “Litmus Test” the citizens. Then maybe all those members of Congress that rely on the “WAR MACHINE” can be put away and new faces face the fact that the only reason we have destruction here in the “Homeland” is because the “Constitution” is under attack and has been under attack by those sworn to pigsty our “Founding Fathers” heritage. To hell with the “Middle East”, let that part of the world fight it out, and when the dust of tyranny settles, maybe “Peace” will be the next best thing...but what will the American Defense contractors do? That's why Wall Street is behind “Hillary”! WAR makes "money"! And remember this tidbit. George H.W. Bush warned of the consequences of a protracted “war” in that region. By God, he was right but was a dedicated Commander-in-Chief that gave not a rat's ass about the “WAR MACHINE” and the defense contractor profits and did indeed accomplish a "mission", then our troops-in-boots came home – something that got away from son George. And even though Obama took the old man's advice to heart – he had just too much of the PNAC mentality getting in the way of “PEACE”, and Hillary didn't help as what's a brothel without a madam?

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