Monday, November 16, 2015

Nobel Peace - 2016

The following correspondence has been received by the White House and is under serious consideration. Please network this request to friends and associates that represent the goals to fight for equal rights our LGBT sons and daughters, for reinforcement correspondences requesting the same.

Dear Honorable Barack H. Obama
44th President of the United States;

In September, the Nobel Nomination Committee started receiving nominations for the 2016 awards. Not just anybody can “Nominate” a potential candidate for the “Prize”. So sometimes we need help from a friend! You are the honorable recipient of the 2009 Nobel Peace award, which goes along with what I believe will be the “Greatest Presidency” of our times. With that, you alone can nominate a potential candidate deserving this coveted recognition. So I reach out to you with a request, that strengthens your “legacy”. I am asking for you to take the time to write in a nomination the “Peace” prize for American attorneys David Boies & Theodore Olson, for their combined efforts to strengthen equalities with respect to LBGT rights, and such advancements made before the Supreme Court of this land - which we all know is essentially the “Law of this Land” from sea to shining sea. Their efforts before the High Court” finds “Constitutional Merit” consistent with “Peace”, so like yourself dedicated to the cause of human advancement making this world a more peaceful place to reside, so have Mr. Boies and Mr. Olson performed the same with a conviction like we see coming from your honor, as Commander-in-Chief. So please take this request under consideration, as it is deserving these gentlemen, these statesmen like yourself and with such an award it can only reinforce your legacy for “Equal Rights”. Thank you Sir, for, well your list of achievements are beyond recognition but will resign away into the history books forevermore – as enjoyable reading future generations a “Great American”!

S. Pam McGee PN

Ted Olson & David Boies
2016 Nobel Peace Prize?

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