Sunday, November 15, 2015


Commentary by Theodolite Fulton “Steamboat” Stevens

When I revisit the U.S. Constitution, I find way too many areas wherein our “Founding Fathers” equipped this nation with the ways & means to make sure things did not get out of control, like we see today with respect to the Hillary Rodham Clinton “private server” fiasco. Believe me, it is a serious matter we must contend with until closure finds respect upon the “Constitution”, but it appears we are ready to let it go as urination under the bridge – to nowhere ring a bell? This case should be the “Litmus Test” for government officials, but for some reason it finds ridicule instead. Which leads me to believe (1) we give not a rat's ass upon the greatest “Government for the People by the People” roadmap ever concieved for “FREEDOM back in 1789, or (2) over time the “True” intent of our Founding Fathers to protect “Liberty” has been hijacked, things changed to benefit crooks in Congress along with accomplices affiliated with government - “our” government! When I consider the excuses allowing HRC to self-incriminate herself without retribution, based on what was the original intent of the “Constitution”, how come she is allowed to carry on with such preferntial treatment without some semblance of responsibility? She struts this attitude and her audience applauds “my shit don't stink and fuck you Mr. and Mrs. American”. And the fact that there are numerous violations her actions - or inaction - while Secretary of State, yet she is running for the Presidency? Come together now “We the People”, get a hold of your snake-oil reality fantacy. Take for instance the following:

Approved, July 27, 1789.
If an original paper is of such nature as cannot be safely transmitted without cyphers, a copy in cyphers, signed by the Secretary for the department of foreign affairs, shall be considered as authentic, and the ministers of the United States at foreign courts may govern themselves thereby, in the like manner as if the originals had been transmitted.”
Resolved, That the Secretary for the Department of Foreign Ahhirs, and each of the persons employed under him, shall take an oath before a judge of the State where Congress shall sit, for the faithful discharge of their respective trusts, and an oath of fidelity to the United States, before they enter upon office.
By an act passed September 15, 1789, chap. 14, the Executive department denominated the Department of Foreign Affairs, was declared to be, thereafter, denominated the Department of State.
Yes, another violation by Hillary when using the “private server” - like unprotected sex, no “cyphers”. “Oath of Fidelity” to whom? She admitted so, or eluded to the fact she didn't know if things like viruses transmitted from her “private parts” were protected. Even though many Americans are sick and tired of the “server” thing, if we allow our impatience to interfere with the sometimes slow wheels of justice, well kiss goodbye to Miss Liberty. We must stand our Constitutional ground and hold HRD accountable for violations against our “Founding Fathers”, else...”Freedom at Last” is but a “Dream” again and next time around a “Revolution” to protest inequalities of “Freedom”, well the 1% will be not accomodating our demands without “our” sacrifice of blood, sweat and tears.

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