Monday, November 2, 2015

FIRM Deferments

Wow, does that suck! Fred Thompson has passed away. See, I have been trying to get approval a Fred Thompson “Reverse Mortgage” through the Movie Actor's Guild for the last 10-years. But being not an actor, I was turned down. Which meant I had to deal through the American Advisors Group, the time-share owned by the Bush Family. Yes, “Time-Share” as in time this outfit will own 25% of the American Dream when it confiscates many aging veterans' homes! Now time was on my side this opportunity to be like Fred, as age wise I didn't need the “Reversal” loot just yet, so I shopped around but was getting discouraged at some of the con artist like approaches trying to deceive me into signing on the dotted line – right now today! That was with caution, as my research always found that the loans originated at the local “Payday Loan” offices, those pimp-joints so conveniently located at the entry of every damn military base in the states – as we don't pay our troops their worth! Sad, that we treat our men & women in uniform with so much disrespect – as when they get that paycheck, it's frightening. Sure I'm right, as if not so these “Loan Sharks” would be doing the business somewhere else - like behind bars. I see these thievery joints cropping up front and center attention the main gates into our pride and joy military bases, from sea to shining sea. If this doesn't paint a picture of a demented society that wants protection but can't afford protection...Anyway, then I saw this advertisement on FOX, wherein Fred talks about his experiences with a “FIRM”! No not his legal theatrics, but a real McCoy “Federally Insured Reverse Mortgage”. See, when the “Fed.'s” will insure my property, well this is the American Dream come true! So I was soon in contact with, well no return numbers except 611 – which I was afraid to dial as it appeared to be a self-destruct code because I was testing and teasing Fred. But one day I was successful in making contact with an individual, well he needed some language barrier corrections. So it was difficult to get the rundown of what this “Fred Thompson” guarantee was all about – but I was guaranteed that it was the same damn loan package that Fred was tied down with. See, if a “Reverse” is good enough for Fred, it's good enough for me and my family. So what the heck, as Fred was a lawyer, a U.S. Senator and a lobbyist – so it had to be good. It has too be a good thing I thought, as Fred was also a $millionaire$ lobbyist after his senate career and following his pathetic acting career. OK, not nice. But I had faith in Fred, as he was a member of Congress before that body decided to hibernate and perform “Nothing”. So after the calculations and trying to discipher the intent of the “FIRM”, well I would pay a premium for this “Federal Insurance” that was twice as much as what I pay today for property insurance? So what I would get as a monthly settlement to forfeit away my house, well it was starting to hurt! And all it does is guarantee that if I die, well Fred gets his share of the loot, from the U.S. Taxpayers! Yes, I pay a premium so the U.S. Taxpayers are on on the hook to pay Fred's commercial bribe salary! And in the meantime when the Hurst is driving me away to the grave, my spouse must fend for her life to remain in the house and will most likely be evicted before the funeral – by AGG henchmen! OK, here is what I am getting at. Many seniors have been taken for a ride with this “FIRM” introduction that indicates we have members in Congress that will stoop very low when push comes to shove life after a “Do Nothing” passion. Sure Fred is free to spree his experiences, but he never had a “FIRM” for himself, yet his acting career has paid off by the “Sense of Congress” missing in action after time on the “Hill”. He makes it sound so good! See, we would like to hold our “Congress” to high esteem after-the-fact, yet when a guy like Fred uses his credibility to skunk...well like already mentioned, this scam targets our aging veterans, but what would Fred know or care about that as he was a “Deferment Man” also!

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