Monday, November 2, 2015

Impeachment Hearings!

OK, wake up AMERICA, but for here is what's at stake this nation's “Good Standing”. Heaven forbid the FBI finds wherein Hillary Rodham Clinton, after the fact she has taken office as the 45th President of the United States is indicted for a simple matter! Praytell if a single document under Hillary's watch when in the position of Secretary Of State was obliterated, destroyed, concealed, removed or mutilated, as then there is evidence that allows the “G-Men” to fine Hillary $2000 bucks – yes chump change. And this has nothing to do with he-said or she-said classified or not information. But there is a catch, as under this same “Public Law” of record 18 U.S. Code §2071 comes the non-money non-incarceration piece of the puzzle. Specifically, this law calls for the following penalty also: be disqualified from holding any office under the United States”. So, if after the fact the investigators find wherein say the NSA had a stake-out map of the strip joints frequented by Bill & Company – if that was so destroyed during the “Private Server” cleansing ritual and is retrieved by the “Geek Squad”, guess what Hillary? Yes, Bill's 1st Lady would thus be disqualified from holding “any” office, including seat warming the Oval! Which means “We Americans” would have to endure more hardships with yet another “Clinton Impeachment Hearing”. The law cannot be hidden away this serious matter, and as stated with respect to Hillary's dilemma, Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully” is a suspect. So why in hell shall this America take the chance, as Hillary has already changed her Pinocchio tune, and under 18 U.S. Code §2071 it doesn't have to be anything close to a “classified” abuse of such for a guilty verdict – as “or other thing” covers a whole lot of ground. And Hillary by virtue her S.O.S. position of authority was the bonafide “Custodian” of record all records before the State Department during her tenure, that is inherently written in the “U.S. Constitution” from way back when it was adopted by the Founding Fathers. And Hillary agreed upon such terms and conditions when sworn in under oath! So, look at what has transpired so far, as if we find that there was a violation upon this “Code” and we forfeit away the penalties, then we have forfeited away what our Founding Fathers set as punishment such behavior wherein the “disqualification” finds merit. But to conveniently ignore this “Law” and the consequences, well that is the beginning of the end of “Our Democracy”. So YES, we are better off to call on Hillary to “Quit” her political aspirations now before it is too late at our expense, and that of our kids. With what we have heard so far from the bag of excuses, we will soon find out that the law may have been broken, with nothing “classified” just stupidity in trying to erase the tracks of “other things” considered...this has nothing to do with character, just a simple violation wherein the perpetrators must face justice and “disqualification” is what it's all about!

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