Wednesday, November 4, 2015

South Korea

Must be something in the water, as South Korea continues to dish out scientific discoveries like no other nation on this “Blog Hole” excited earth. We used to be tops in that field of worthwhile tinkering, until “research” loot ended up supporting the “WAR MACHINE” research instead and Steven Hawking showed us that even intelligence finds foolhardiness. See, we spend 50% of the “Taxable Income” money trying to find a way to make “WAR” the true “perpetual motion machine”, as our economy would be in ruins otherwise NO “bombs bursting in air”! Sure we have enough weaponry to obliterate the peace & quiet of space, but our road and highway infrastructure is deteriorating beyond repair. And because of lopsidedness along with shortsightedness upon what we care about and spend money to reinforce, well when that “loot” is hijacked by “American Greed” our schools become breeding grounds for a mass murderous safe zones and, well it sucks what we as a nation condone. So it is fine in my book that somebody else is taking up the slack with this Science Friday, to research our ways & means to survive with a better lifestyle the rich and famous ONLY. Guns and Roses? So thanks Koreans, as besides enlightening us that Alaskan babies are routinely over-weight we now have a link that summons our curiosity to “Global Warming”. OK with respect to the 49er and “Fat Tire” babies, well the research by our Korean freinds indicated that because Alaska is the “biggest” of self-sustaining welfare states, one that provides a yearly “check” to the “Fringe”, well somehow it amounts to fatter babies! Unfortunately, it is a true fact that was summoned to excitement by this Korean “Newtonian” Craze. And how about this Mr. Whoopee and that 3DBB magical board that knows “ALL”. “Global Warming” saw a 10% decrease the past year, due the fact that “Green Energy” - like solar power – has started to take a bite out of the fossil fueled conglomeration. But that 10% was erased by...drum roll please...cell phone Usenet! Yes indeed, as the constant chit-chat uses alternating radio-waves being bounced every which way loose, and like a micro-wave this cyclic eavesdropping on everybody else's business, it sends the air molecules into tiny like fibrillations and the end result is this heated air phenomenon. OK, in caveman's terms of endearment and endangerment, we are cooking ourselves just to be heard! So, maybe this “Newtonian Craze” could reserch this bewilderment, why can't Hawking try to smile for once and believe in... the “Nature of a Creator”?

Another Fool...

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