Sunday, October 18, 2015

Bluff Charge

Dear Hillary Rodham Clinton;

If indeed you have answered to the best of your ability questions before the U.S. Congress' sanctioned Benghazi Select Committee, then just don't show up next Thursday – you have that option under the disguise of “Harassment”. Just “sock-it-to-them”, and use that Clinton stubbornness. That said, should you not show and others requested to attend the “Witch Hunt” then followed suit, that would indeed “Wreck” the committee's future – as Trey Gowdy would not attempt to jail those that didn't show. We are behind you this “DON”T SHOW” demonstration! So, please test this option for your fan club, as that would truly show many of us a “True” Commander-in-Chief, not afraid to step up to the plate and call “Bluff”. 
"Yes, this is Trey's dick size after enlargement...."


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