Sunday, October 18, 2015

Le' GAIA Watch

More and more prominent scientists “worldwide” are starting to engage on a “loose lips sinks ships” reversal revival, upon previously accepted foregone conclusions the earth is doomed due “Global Warming”. Sure this planet's surface and oceans-19/5 finds somewhat abnormal temperatures for this time of year - due amongst other things mankind's sensation for fossil fuel economics – it is a bit toasty today. Yes, economics alone is to blame for the “heat” mankind contributes to the “Warming” trend as oil is cheap and allows huge profits for the corporations that raid the hen-house the hell with the greenhouse I like my “tax-free” penthouse. But when that oil remains so cheap it does not reign in the profits understood and demanded by Wall Street stock-teasers, another mode of transport will be discovered – in line with the profits required but maybe next time around a friendlier energy source upon the environment. To refine oil it takes “heat” and then once refined and distributed at the pump, it creates more “heat” to support the combustion cycle. Look, we are never going anywhere far and away from planet earth on a fire-cracker, so until such time we invent a non-destructive energy source...we have the technical knowhow but are confined to the jail-house due the economics due the sensation to be filthy rich – as wealth finds not a reason to find a friendlier ways and means to suffice our addiction and thirst for “fossil fuel heat”. So I am glad the scientific community is starting to admit the possibility of a mistake, as we continue to waste time debating the seriousness of or give not a rat's ass about the “heat”, nature waits no longer and may be on a correction course. So maybe this blog's attention to GAIA has been without waste of time, that GAIA is a strength beyond man's reach and taking action our inaction, let's argue about “Gore Global Warming” some more! So to place it into perspective, like the Beaufort Scale for “Wind Speed” - wherein it simplifies for explanation that panties left to dry on the sail boom extended means a category “3” wind - and take for granted the Nuclear Clock for “Total Destruction” explanations, it amounts to simple renditions that takes complex phenomenon and makes such understandable to the huddled masses so affected. So with due respect to “Global Warming” the proposal of the Le' GAIA scale is as follows:

 Le' GAIA Scale "Today"
(Black Dot)

Based on the “chlorophyll absorption”, it provides a demarcation between the Lovelock “Daisy-world” extremes, wherein “black or white” daisies take over the earth's surface to arrest the heating, thus sending the earth into an ice-age, then vice versa. The “Le' GAIA Scale” focuses on this “absorption” through nature's willingness to adjust to the climate changes. Today, which finds the highest level of natural adjustments, it recognizes a trend that started about 5-years ago, to the point it was observable and justified as “there's something happening here”! So plants that have been called to action the earth's warming and are now on a combat mission, to arrest the heating. Le' GAIA today finds a proliferation of “Yellow” daisies growing from sea to shining sea to Moscow, which means the earth is being taken over by “daisies” of the lowest level of absorption. So during the “heat” of the day, the sun's energy is rebounded back into the atmosphere and when the night time sky arrives, the “black-body” of space acts as a giant “sink” and can garble up massive amounts of heat back into the ether. Same with the oceans, as algae blosoms observed today are unprecedented through history with staggering blooms that allows for the same mechanism, less absorption by reflecting the sun's heat of day back into space. So something is working, the reason places like California are feeling record temperatures into fall – as GAIA is working. But nature is in it for “Nature” and mankind is but a piece of the “Big Picture”, how this correction course will effect our Neanderthal infrastructure is yet to be scene – but rivers of mud on an interstate highway? Yet without alarm, as if all nature does is provide daises as a relief, well I place my wage on its steadfast knowledge over mankind's “Do Nothing” attitude! Maybe the “Creator” realized how foolish we can be when “economics” rules and all we can offer is a debate with solutions few and far between!

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