Saturday, October 24, 2015

Saving Hillary

Ah, government waste – today at its best? And I thought “we hold these truths to be self-evident” demonstrated a spanking on the days of old, maybe “of gold” but didn't we abolish the “Gold Plated Toilet Seat”? And even though there has become more transparency, and with that less of a delivery for government funded “pork” projects, sometimes our wicked ways and means resurface and paints another picture worth a thousand...Take the Benghazi Select Committee for instance, as it is under scrutiny for wasting $3.3-Million in U.S. Taxpayers' loot, that which is confiscated under the the auspices of “Fedreal Income Taxation” as allowed under the Constitution. Yes $3.3-Million – about 0.0001% of the Tresury's net worth! In perspective, based on Fedreal Minimum Wage, 725-micropennies – hard to see with the naked eye. So sad, that our “Founding Fathers” forgot to include a “Wanton Waste” law as we have here in Alaska – that which finds a criminal misdemeanor for intentionally or knowingly or recklessly with negligence “waste” our hard earned taxable income on, well “waste”! But after watching the Hillary vs. Rowdy Gowdy Showdown - when in between innings of the MLB pennant races - I have come away with a realization conclusion it is time for an exit strategy this tag-team bout – for America that is this wasteful situation that seems not to see the “warning” light at the end of the tunnel vision syndrome. “Wasteful” in the respect that it diminishes not only the loot in the Treasury, but erodes away who we really are from a global perspective – not nice it appears to some audiences in tune to democracy. OK, there were no games scheduled the night of the 22nd, but talk about the 7th inning stretch and how many time-outs for Hillary to change her wardrobe? But I was channel surfing for something that instilled the “American Spirit” was alive and well, as watching Hillary defend herself, well I can see that she is not desirable or fit as the 1st “Female” Commander-in-Chief. Talk about “OUR” Constitution, it appears a “SHE” is not allowed to become the “Chief”. The wording stands: Article II – Section 1, “He shall” - Section 3, He Shall” - Section 4, “He Shall” and has never been “amended” by Congress – to include a “SHE”? Remember that the Canadian “Supreme Court” ruled in favor of “She” ain't qualified, so I wonder what the Rowdy clan would say this about that? Maybe something to waste more money, engage “OUR” Supreme Court to challenge the “HE SHALL RULE”! Anyway, what I take away from the hearings made public, well it is the e-mail use that has clouded the entire evidence collecting process and is forfeiting due process, for both sides on the “Debate”. Trey Gowdy is a brilliant prosecutor, yet cannot get to the bottom of “who, what, where, when and why” due, well the e-mail debacle interfering with everything – and that is what is costing waste of time waste on the Taxpayer's dime. I held a belief that the “Mission” of the committee was beneficial to what went wrong over in Benghazi in 2012, wherein 4-brave Americans “Duty First” found them a gravestone when the smoke cleared, but now having second thoughts to what “We Americans” will get out of it in the end zone. The use of the e-mail surrounds issues of privacy, issues of espionage, issues of possible illegal termination of critical documents and was just a poor damn choice by Secretary of State Clinton, a position that finds the “Secretary” very close to the Presidency – and from 2009 through 2012 with the Constitutional “line of succession” in 4th place and that is as close that Hillary Clinton should ever be allowed that position of power, even if “SHE” is included in “HE” by virtue of how the High Court rules upon “gender neutrality”. So, with lament upon the problem between Clinton and Gowdy, yet never without a solution here is what I would do to forever put the entire mess to rest – closure that is so Hillary can move on with her life so true for the members of the “House” under arrest this committee. Said again, it appears the e-mail use has caused the true “Alice's Thanksgiving Day Massacre” mess, no different a simple dereliction of say “littering”. Yes it was a simple mistake by Hillary and finds a simple indictment. By virtue being under oath while Secretary of State, Hillary was bound by 18 U.S. Code § 2071 - Concealment, Removal, or Mutilation generally: (b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States. Which recommends penalties for violating the “Records Keeping” policies in effect while Clinton was on duty, which “SHE” has already admitted to such dereliction and the Obama Administration has “seconded that emotion” and at the same time insisting that “National Security” was never at risk. We can say that is a true statement, for the most part. So, through the Congress, maybe upon the Gowdy Committee, maybe the Obama Administration, maybe the FBI that is investigating the e-mail for reasonable expectations of suspicious activity, somebody of power should just slap an 18 U.S.C. violation indictment against Hillary Rodham Clinton – maybe through a simple “Citizen's Arrest”, as this is a solution simple to end it all! Remember, “SHE” has already “admitted” the guilt. So, “SHE” accepts the flea bargain plea bargain, as this is a one hell of a Macey's Boston Day bottom basement clearance sale of a lifetime and Hillary pleads guilty to the violation. She hands the bailiff a $2000 check to cover the fine and leaves it all behind us, with that Hillary smile on the way out of the court hearing. Case closure? YES it is and we can all then move on with “Life after Hillary's E-mail Affair”. Simple solution? YES, so why is not this simple out a ways and means for US, for “We the PEOPLE” to save face? Because, our “Founding Fathers” were smart, and even though the 18 U.S.C. violation is what went on with Hillary, the law does not end with a simple $2000 fine of Hillary's net worth and in perspective about 0.0044% or 31-millipennies - still hard to see with the naked eye. The “LAW” states the following: “ disqualified from holding any office under the United States.” Bottom line, Hillary Clinton's attitude has and will continue to set back woman's rights, and is this what we deserve? So YES, the Benghazi Select Committee may have castrated itself into a monster like “Witch Hunt”, but a deserving one. And it is too bad that Gabrielle Giffords was still NOT with US, as there is an individual I would have gone to WAR for, as “SHE SHALL” have been this nation's 1st “Female” Commander-in-Chief!

Believe me, dear Sir, there is not in the British empire a man who more cordially loves a union with Great Britain than I do. But, by the God that made me, I will cease to exist before I yield to a connection on such terms as the British Parliament propose; and in this, I think I speak the sentiments of America.
Thomas Jefferson, November 29, 1775

Believe me, dear Sir, there is not in this United States a man who more cordially loves a union with the Commander-in-Chief than I do. But, by the God that made me, I will cease to exist before I yield to a connection on such terms as the Hillary Clinton Presidency propose; and in this, I think I speak the sentiments of America.
S. Pam MaGee, November 29, 2015

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