Wednesday, December 10, 2014

And So This Is Christmas

Wow, don't you love statistics? Now according to Phineas J. Whoopee and his 3DBB, “Obesity” in America is increasing at the same rate those suffering from “Food Insecurity”! Which means the fat people are eating us out of house and home, something we were warned against a long time ago but didn't believe either that an eggplant could eat Chicago! Look, we have a system of checks and balance that can only produce so much, but what in hell as happened to our “Agricultural” standing? As we used to produce in excess from our fields of plenty, nutritional grains and stuff that could be sent to 3rd world nations, as we were at one time in history the “Good Samaritan” and “Food Insecurity” was reserved for poor countries. Here, in America? But also according to recently deployed statistics from the 3DBB “Think Tank”, as the amount of “Big Crap on a Bun” sales escalates, we have less grain to give away and due the pressure - from “Tea Time Animal Rights” organizations inbred with the “Bundy” family tradition to use BLM agents as target practice - this pressure for grazing rights on Uncle Sam's domain, we have less and less land to farm for rice and beans – the staple for many! And really, are people starving in this land of plenty? And so this is Christmas, as when we have such a dreaded situation wherein “Brothers & Sisters” going without and a Congress with nothing better too do then keep on doing nothing when little kids are starving, right here in Alaska down there in California to over yonder Texas all the way to Florida, have we not become our own worst enemy? Yes, we have! Talk about “Torture”, better check your neighbor as he may be starving and may want you to “Water-board” him out of misery. Is this not sad, that 18% of American citizens are “Food Insecure”, the definition found below. And according to trends, by 2020 – only a few Saint Nickels' away – ¾ of the American population won't be able to fit their ass into a voting booth and the other ¼ will be too under-nourished to make it to the vote, as the important thing may be for them in stealing food, from the fat ass society trying to fit that over burden into those booths! And as far a good definition of “Obesity, just look around you. Run, as if a the taste-buds ever arouse a stampede, it will be one hell of a riot! And best run home and lock up what food you have left in that cupboard. Look, if we don't stop this abuse and indulgence in overeating, there will come a time wherein babies will be sold, for food! Look, I have seen people go postal because they have not stuffed something down there overgrown gullets since breakfast, and it's only 10am. College kids today think “Lunch Time” is at dawn, is this what we are teaching them? Seems we have forgot to teach them the basics, about “Brotherly Love”! Honestly, for some over-weight guys I have come to understand only bewilderment their bad and grotesque habits – believe what I say, put a baby between a slice of bread, they will devour it and ask for more. Sick, not funny! We should begin today to “TAX” obesity. For every pound of flesh above and beyond healthy...maybe we need a Shylock! But that is wherein we fail. Even though Shylock was able to win a judgment in court, it was the “Merchant” so disguised that trumped that charge, by a defense that denied the taking of the “flesh” without a loss of a drop of blood and that is why we are in this situation today. Hands OFF! Sure Shylock won a long time ago, so did we when we tried to confront “obesity” headon, but due the “Lobby” also in disguise and behind forcing Congress to allow more beef cattle production that shits all over our land, they have been able to keep the insanity to overeat their “Golden Goose”, as a prized position pride and joy. Look, we have for years tried to get “Fast Food” to change such bad habits, it's a business and relies on such habits for making money – it won't change! It will only change if we can assess a fine for such behavior, especially when today we see it affecting so negatively the health and well-being here in America – with others going hungry because the fat ass society cannot take a break away from “stuffing” themselves. So this cannot really be Christmas, not when such “Food Insecurity” is a “REALITY”. Damn, there's even a bill board, posting the sad statistics of “Food Insecure” here in the “Homeland”. Is this for real, pinch yourself, and if you didn't feel the pain, that means you are the problem!
 Definition of Obese
 Food Insecure”
By this time next year, these 3-children will suffer from “Food Insecurity” right here in America, due obesity taking away more then its fair share of food produced from our lands, from sea to shining sea plus imports.

~ Life Sciences Research Office (LSRO) have served as the basis for the standardized operational definitions used for estimating food security in the United States. Food security according to the LSRO definition means access to enough food for an active, healthy life. It includes at a minimum (a) the ready availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods and (b) an assured ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways (e.g., without resorting to emergency food supplies, scavenging, stealing, or other coping strategies). Food insecurity exists whenever the availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods or the ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways is limited or uncertain.

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