Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Alaskan Realty Addiction

So, is the craze over “Realty” shows premeditated by the pharmaceutical industry, as a ways and means to addict the innocent as victims so it can then profit – by using a subscription through prescription business model? According to research scientists abroad that monitor and study the “American Way of Life”, in efforts to ward off any adverse effects what we do here could in effect “harm” others by association with “likable” things, the “Reality” shows offer very limited “positive” side affects and can actually be detrimental to one's health - especially for the aging population. According to several years of research with patients willing to be used as “guinea pigs”, the Alaskan “Reality” shows were used to demonstrate that there should be limitations placed on such interest, without there exists the possibility of adverse health effects, especially by promoting dementia. As thisconfidential” report suggests, when engaged watching this “Reality” attraction it takes very little in “Activated Intelligence” to a level wherein our brains are problematically engaged, as we are “problem solvers”, that by watching these shows the brain's normal functionality actually retreats into hibernation and may excite that catalyst for dementia – a form called Pronto-Frontal-Temporal inebriation, a degenerate disease. Yes, by watching these shows, by becoming a couch potato addict, a stagnation occurs in the neuronal-energy patterning and thus allows increases in collisions and confusion, which results in the injury to brain cells through a “simulated” inebriation, the possible reason behind such popularity! Now a similar phenomenon usually occurs during sleep, but wherein injured brains cells are repaired and thus is considered a “positive” attribute, not annihilation of cells as the study has found. The “coding” for injured cells is different, thus no repairs are performed! Not so any demonstrated “positive” results when watching these shows which requires a somewhat Low-Level-Intellectual Interaction”, or in scientific terms, L2I2. By becoming engaged in watching these types of “Reality” reduced thought process shows, this “L2I2” activity tricks the normal behavior activity, as the viewer remains awake, this confuses the brain and may be cause for dementia as cells are destroyed and repairs abandoned – due the “coding” difference. When enough cells are injured, the brain tries to limit the adverse effects of limited brain power, as there are processes more important then others – so we start loosing our minds! Yes, when push comes to shove our brains would rather have control over “crapping” then driving Miss Dixie! And remember, the “brain” is our memory and does not liked to be “tricked”! It is well known that by keeping the brain active, through simple things that engage mathematical concepts and principals, like playing cards, sex, and other games - that this keeps the brain waves in order with respect to pattern recognition, allowing the onset of dementia to be at least held at bay. These shows have the opposite effect, and should be banned! These shows perform in complete opposite of what one should indulge upon in efforts to stay healthy, especially with age. So, is this the intent of such shows, is it in “Reality” a time bomb waiting to cause more horrific health effects, from what we have seen in our elderly already with respect to reasoning capabilities? Have our elderly become a convenient target? Look, there is a direct connection between those willing to allow Fred Thompson to rip them off in a reverse mortgage scam and those that seem to enjoy these “Alaska Reality” shows, which are broadcast at the most convenient and ideal time to target our elderly, and young adults alike, but the latter for a different reason – I will get too that later on in this broadcast. Now during the 50s and 60s, there came attempts through TV commercials, to export a subliminal message intended to trick the brain. The German “Mad” scientist under Adolf Hitler were the ones responsible for experimenting with gimmicks that could attempt to secretly coerce us into submission, using ulterior-motive science that engaged that Pronto-Frontal transfiguration. So this science ain't new, just maybe refined over the years and now it is having devastating effects. Back when this was discovered here in America, that merchandising was starting to use these “mind games” during commercials to get us to eat cereal and indulge in cigarette smoking, as kids and under attack by this “Commercial Reality” - our parents were the ones that limited that “cartoon” time so we would not get hooked on the subliminal message. It wasn't the “cartoons” they were afraid of, but the commercial time! It is stuff that doesn't stimulate the “brain” in a positive way, for a reason. In fact, in this study from abroad, when several members of the test team were allowed to substitute “cartoons” instead of an “Alaskan Realty Show”, it actually stimulated the brain in a positive way - as it allowed the “memory” to refresh through repair of “Reality Show” stagnated brain cells, bringing back memories like a slide show! So this is something we need to  read between the lines upon, is it a “Trick” these “Reality” shows? And are those that are behind this “Reality” just using an age-old tactic that was somewhat banned, not by some law, but due the fact we were told about it and fended for ourselves? Is the intent today to addict and then allow a deterioration of the brain's functionality, in support of the pharmaceutical giants? Those that can sell our elderly “dementia” medication and make a bundle. Here it is in a nutshell, addiction makes money whether legitimate or not! If TV can be used as a is! And are these modern day “Reality” shows also being used today in efforts to promote that it is cool to smoke cigarettes? As the latter is banned from commercials, nothing stops it from inclusion in a show's content! Look, most of the commercials that support these shows are, well supported by the pharmaceutical industry! So I made the decision to tell my dad about the adverse effects the “Alaskan Reality Shows” had proven through clinical tests, as mom was getting upset that she had noticed that ever since dad got in tune to these shows about Alaska, he kind of gave up more important social things designed to fend off memory loss – like playing cards. See, he always wanted to move to Alaska, were I have spent most of my adult time, and I for one realize that this crap transmitted across the “Boob Tube” is indeed “fake”. But I had no idea it was starting to show signs of being habit forming, for a reason and targeting our elderly. And like already eluded upon, when one looks at what industry may be behind this crap, hey I “don't need a weather man to tell which way the wind blows”! So, tell your dads, tell your moms, that this stuff is fake and may affect their health, if it isn't too late! And if you see those youngsters smoking anything other then Mary Jane, we know why! In ending, a renowned Psychiatric Association has decided it may include “Reality Shows” in its guide for “Detection of Stagnated Minds causing Mental Disorders”, also known as DSMMD, which may set the stage for the U.S. Surgeon General to make recommendations about the adverse effects this type of entertainment may produce if not limited. Imagine, our elderly targeted, some more!

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