Thursday, December 11, 2014

Dear Dick Cheney

So, you have come out of the closet and made mention that George Bush did indeed know all about the “Torture Techniques” you so designed and desired, like “Water Boarding" and “Rectal Re-hydration”, which I take it you are trying to save your ass making it sound as though George approved your wishes to treat humans like dog shit on a hot Texas afternoon! Rather odd, as just last night after the CIA report was made public, your boss George was quick to crave some air time and make it known he knew nothing? So please answer this one question for the American Spirit:

I'm sick and tired of hearing things from
uptight, short sided, narrow minded hypocrites. All I want is the truth, just give me some truth. I've had enough of reading things by neurotic, psychotic, pigheaded politicians. All I want is the truth, just give me some truth. No short haired, yellow bellied son of tricky dicky's gonna Mother Hubbard, soft soap me with just a pocket full of hope, like money for dope, money for rope. I'm sick to death of seeing things from tight lipped, condescending, mama's little chauvinists. All I want is the truth, just give me some truth. I've had enough of watching scenes from schizophrenic, ego centric, paranoid prima donnas. All I want is the truth now, just give me some truth. No short haired, yellow bellied son of tricky dicky's gonna Mother Hubbard, soft soap me with just a pocket full of hope, like It's money for dope, money for rope. I'm sick to death of hearing things from a uptight, short sided, narrow minded hypocrites. All I want is the truth now just give me some truth now. I've had enough of reading things by neurotic, psychotic, pigheaded politicians. All I want is the truth now, just give me some truth now. All I want is the truth now, just give me some truth now. All I want is the truth, just give me some truth. All I want is the truth, just give me some truth.

So Mr. Cheney, if you have made it this far, for once can you tell the truth? If George did not know about this stuff, please admit it as we would not want to send an innocent man to prison – for “WAR CRIMES”! You hold the evidence and it appears that for now you have no qualms throwing George to the wolves of Justice. Just an honest answer, so we can do what is necessary to protect our sovereignty which it appears you along with George failed to do so.

(Question courtesy of John Lennon)

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