Sunday, December 21, 2014


ALASKA ~ State of State: So how much has the State of Alaska under Governor Bill Walker already lost due low oil prices? He has been in office shy a month, but so far for the Month of December the revenue loss equates to $35,500,000.00 based on expectations! If the “Zeros” made you faint, that's $35-Million. Or, for sake of argument, if this trend continues it means your PFD would be $496 less if today was the summit for the meeting of the financial minds that decide how much that welfare check will bring home. If out-of-control spending continues here in the 49er, with “Mega-Projects” without a purpose along with waste upon frivolous law-suits demanded by Jerry Pervert and Associates, you'll be getting a rain check instead! Possibly an IOU, wherein you may owe. What in hell did Walker inherit besides a sinking ship commanded by a reckless legislature - Pirates ring a bell? It is time to “TAX” the “CHURCH”...or at least have the religious zealots pay for the state lawsuits targeting gay marriage and litigation that will be initiated by Walker in efforts at delaying the sale of Marijuana. Today, with crashing oil prices and crashing oil production, every penny saved counts. And when you hear “chatter” about raiding the “Reserve”, best start assembling at the neighborhood pubs - as that means our inheritance is under siege!

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