Sunday, December 21, 2014


Wow, so MSNBC and FOX have started a “cyber-war” between themselves. The “Left” lunatic fringe verses the “Right” lunatic fringe. No bipartisan love lost here, just like Congress. In fact, I would say that the intellectual quotient level of the audience for FOX and MSNBC is about equal in comparison, except in the FOX case it is the “Right” side of the brain that finds superiority and vice versa with the MSNBC audience. And according to Newton's “zero root” equation with so much weight on the “Right” and so much weight on the “Left”, by the end of work week there is “zero” brain credibility remaining, so MSNBC turns to “Lock-Down” and FOX turns to “Red Eye” - which is a disease like “Pink Eye” on steroids. Conservativitis as it is commonly called, an allergic reaction to way too much liberalism. And here is what I don't understand. The news doesn't just end because it is the weekend. Yes Congress can take the weekend off, but without news coverage, how in hell do I know what cafe and theaters to stay away from? Hope the news hounds don't learn bad habits, IMAGINE if we had only 17-days of news – the amount of days the 113th Congress showed up for work this year. But enough on Congress. Look, today's prison system and life of a prisoner is something we should refrain away from broadcasting over the airwaves, as that gives the criminals attention and with a system with so many innocent bystanders incarcerated because we now realize that prosecutors have low self-esteem along with low-intelligence along with low-credibility so must resort to even lessor those categories as can be found in a “Grand Wizard Jury” to figure out the “Law”, what's the point? Give all of them - prosectors to prisoners and while you are at it Congress - a damn shovel and rake, as the highways have become litter bins for fast food addicts – as all they care about is shoving another “Big Mac” down their oversize gullets while they eat us out of house and home. Honestly, when are we going to get smart and propose an “Obesity TAX”? Imagine how much extra loot it would bring in, could even pay for the prisons and also keep the “Weigh Scale” people busy. “Obesity Police”, a brand new discipline! But the “cyber-bullying” that is supposedly going on between the FOX and the Femhouse, wow, it is getting “critical”. So the FOX started messing with the Ed SHOW, by secretly injecting more then enough “Erectile Dysfunction” commercials – when instead of commercials there was supposed to be ED once again advertising that he has no idea what a “pipeline” is all about and called in the wrong “experts” for advice. Hey Ed, when you flush where in hell do you think it disappears too? And then MSNBC retaliated because of an erection lasting longer then 4-hours, by face morphing Ann Colter through digital technology transparent to the viewer along with North Korea's Hung Dung Phooey's facial expressions and an Ann Poltergeist evolved and re-broadcast as the master-baader of some show called “Justice with Jugs Jeanine”. Yes, another FOX bimbo with a weird stare and talking like under the influence of water-boarding. Anyway, after the SONY “cyber-attack”, we have entered an entire different theater of “WAR”. And who is too blame? Hey that's the name of the most recent “info-gathering” bug that was supposedly compiled back in 1995 and initiated with “If You Start Me Up”. Wow, imagine if every damn computer since 95 has a “back-door”? Anyway, the history of the “BLAME” is fascinating. Yes, the “Stuxnet” malware/virus designed by U.S. counter-intelligence has morphed into a “Tool” that was supposedly used by someone claiming to be George Bush aboard the  USS Guantanamo, with “Mission Accomplished”. But the rogue virus that is causing SONY “Start Me Up” headaches for a movie that was suppsoed to show on Christmas day, it was designed by “US” and them over in Israel and tested against the Iranians. So successful was that infiltration, well what was an “attack” only virus was morphed into an “information” gathering virus and so named the “FLAME” - supposedly in tribute to Valarie Plame – a covert CIA counter-intelligence spy that was working the Iranian “Nuclear” showdown, until her cover was breached by Dick Cheney. So she was hot, so came the “FLAME”. And now after better then 7-years in the refinement stage, the “FLAME” has been turned into the “BLAME” game. Yes, that little piece of hidden “code” that can be used to gather all kinds of intelligence and loose on the network – just “If You Start Me Up I'll Never Stop”. Wow, the Rolling Stones were onto something with this song. Hey, could Keith Richards be a special “Brittish Intelligence” agent? Anyway, the Stuxnet turned FLAME turned BLAME, it can even turn on a computer's microphone and record office conversations. It can record “screen-shots” at 15-second intervals as well as record user and administrative passwords. And it can elf-destruct itself when discovered, exactly what happened in the SONY “cyber-espionage” caper. Basically, it is the 3-in-1 oil, good for everything then some. And it is so secretive and transparent underground where it lives, well it is probably recording every move you make on that computer or smart-alec phone – unless you are watching FOX and trying to calm the children after they became frightened when they saw “Judge Jugs Jeanine” or watching MSNBC and trying to explain to the kids what “Erectile Dysfunction” is all about. What ever happened to good old fashion cereal commercials? The “WAR” on “cyber-security” will be such that we will never get a handle on it completely. And yes, I believe that every damn computer built with an IBM BIOS has been “coded” for U.S. intelligence infiltrating. Start Me Up?

If you start me up
If you start me up I'll never stop
If you start me up
And start me up I'll never stop
I've been runnin' hot
You got me tickin' gonna blow my top
If you start me up
I'll never stop

You make a grown man cry
You make a grown man cry
You make a grown man cry

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Lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

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