Saturday, December 20, 2014

Independents' Day

I just purchased a “clone” copy of the “Hydraulic Man Model” under the 3Di licensing. This is the software that has been used to “model” the currents in and out of San Fransisco Bay on the night that Clint Eastwood tried to row away from Alcatraz. According to the “Legend of Mick Dodge”, Clint survived and is enjoying life at 88. So the “Model” was used to test the “legend” and there is a good possibility that Clint is still alive and impersonating an aged “Josey Wales”. So I found another subject of interest wherein this “Hydraulic Man Model” could be utilized, in efforts to find out for sure whether or not maybe “Global Warming” was causing any adverse effects to Alaska, especially up north. Since we are so divided on this issue, any evidence contrary to popular demand and belief either way is a warranted expedition. Now we all know that due delays in ice formation it is cause for concern and in effect changing the polar bear behavior along with coastal erosion uncovering ancient graves of the Eskimos – what else may the “Gore Effect” be promoting? Big deal a few dead bears and some corpses floating around, it's a “Big Ocean”, is that in itself enough for a meltdown? So my target of study was the unsturdy Oooguruk Island, a man-made island used for oil development and located in the Colville River Delta. This river's estuary flows into the mighty Beaufort Sea and is one of Alaska's best kept secrets, so pristine and somewhat inaccessible, a bird migration haven! Now this area is under tight observations and scrutiny because of oil development opportunities – just kidding unless a company falls under the umbrella of “Big Oil”, else don't worry about anything! And best mind your P's & Q's, as a SHELL drilling contractor was just fined some $12-Million and plead guilty to several felonies, for trying to explore! Now once past the exploration phase and onto the development stage, that is wherein you find a greater risk, the potential for environmental destruction should something go wrong. Now the “Oooguruk Island” was designed to weather the worst of storms and predictions from other “Models” back in early 2000 when it was sanctioned for design and approved by the State of Alaska. Well taken into consideration was the “100-year Flood” scenario - which is just a convenient term for any and all “Mega-Storms” that could occur, over a time span comparable. Basically, when all hell breaks loose! Now on a late afternoon in June 2009, after only 1-year into the operation phase wherein oil was being sucked out of the ground at the same time other wells were being drilled, a “rogue” ice sheet estimated to be 6-miles by 3-miles and traveling at 20-miles an hour, it hit the island without warning and almost toppled the drilling rig, which was actively engaged in drilling. Workers were seen running for their lives, but where in hell to run for cover as there was no high ground and this “wave” of ice chunks bigger then Sarahzilla's narcissist ego was inundating this little chunk of foreign land in a hurry. Basically, it allowed no time for an orderly evacuation. Now after the ice beast retreated, it was determined that the only thing that saved the island from total destruction, which may have caused an environmental disaster which could have surpassed the grounding of the EXXON Valdez, the saving grace fact that due a recent trenching of another pipeline just north of the island, well that activity may have been what saved the island from total destruction. It is very shallow in this delta, from 6 to 15 feet, so a sea-floor trench with new overburden, it may have acted as a “break”, to slow down the momentum behind this ice-sheet that had gained strength from an easterly blow that had persisted non-stop for at least 3-weeks. Yes, due recent construction activities the past winter, it may have been what allowed for this to find an arrest upon such a serious situation. But that overburden has most likely been displaced by now, from the spring run-off, so it provides no such protection should another “rogue” ice sheet make its way that same way and targets the island – as too this date nothing has been done to facilitate as a precaution. See, some believe that since it already happened, that it won't happen again – that's a Texas mindset mind you! So the owners of this “Lease” and island, an Independent oil company from Texas, well it was very lucky as this type of storm was not really in the forecast, as the chances of such a storm – as defined as the 100-year monster – it has very high odds of actually occurring. Yes, somebody goofed up! Now of concern was the location of the 100-man camp, was it too close to the island shoreline to protect the workers? Yes it was but No it wasn't, as that would have been a very costly mistake in the original design, it was, so the architectural engineer re-worked his calculations and low and behold – not a problem! See, the state Fire Chief was ready to shut down the operation, then disappeared! I am sure there was a handsome ransom somewhere along the line of accountability and responsibility – in the recalculations! And when all the commotion to evacuate the island when under siege, well when things calmed down it was the site of an environmental nightmare – but since it was so close to shore, the Federal police had no say in the matter no matter what. And the state didn't even send an agent out to assess the damage. WHY? Don't ask stupid questions! So, no fines, no concerns, just keep on drilling. In ending, this is a clear-cut case of “Global Warming”, it is happening as we speak. And instead of admitting so, we would rather take a chance then doing what we should in efforts to find protection against the threat of ice being re-directed because of well, something in the air! Look, it's simple, fix the problem or pack up and go home! Now had this been a “Big Oil” company, this island would not have been designed as a skimpy to-tight-for-comfort fit, based on a shallow budget – as it boils down to money over worker protection. Just look at how North Star and other near-shore facilities have been designed, to protect against the same damn dilemma – that 100-year monster. See, “Independents” are given a “Green Light” based on irresponsible designs, flaws, illegal injections of hazardous wastes instead of disposing of human crap according to law, you name it. And of course they want the state to give them a break, in taxes above and beyond what is offered the “Oil Companies” that perform according to the “Book”! And when we see it happening right in front of, guess what? Nothing said, nothing accomplished except let's keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best. In the meantime fine the hell out of “Big Oil” as they should know better, and so should the State of Alaska oversight. Bottom-line, this island should have been shored up against invasion of “rogue” ice sheets. It happened already, withing 2-years the 100-year monster hit prediction, we were so lucky. So after collecting massive amounts of wind current and water current data from the Cray Super-Jock computer located at the University of Fairbanks, the “Hydraulic Man Model” did indeed produce a result that warns, something is wrong! Yes, the warming trend is cause for concern, especially for inferior type infrastructure wherein the potential for disaster should be of concern – it ain't as we would rather let the “Independents” cheat their way to success, when they really haven't showed us they can even achieve that, with cheating allowed. And yes, it matters if we are killing off the wildlife, if our native culture finds that the sacred resting grounds are being disturbed. And we should be doing everything possible ourselves to at least limit destruction. If you believe “Global Warming” is weakening our ability to explore for resources in critical areas affected by climate change, then please send an e-mail correspondence to the “State of Alaska” oversight authorities at “”. But don't expect a response as this “Independent” crap is a can of worms just waiting to be opened and nobody has the guts to deliver the “Bad News”, except maybe a rogue iceberg – remember the Titanic!
 Oooguruk on a “Calm Day”

 Oooguruk on a “Bad Day”
 Shot of 6-mile x 3-mile “Rogue” Ice Sheet
The Aftermath – an “Environmental Nightmare”

 Dear Independents, please LEAVE!

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