Saturday, November 15, 2014

St. Vincent

I was in Washington, at the Capitol to watch when the Sergeant-At-Arms decides to arrest Mark Begich, for not giving up his U.S. Senate seat. See, Mark is using his “Eminent Domain” power to keep his seat - as he was born, raised and lived in Alaska all his life and will not concede that seat to an “Outsider”. But besides Begich, there is still nobody home, as Congress thinks it is now time for the “Holidays”. And when I went to Don Young's office hoping to get invited in to visit the famed “Big Game Hunter's Museum” made possible by the Indian Gambling Commission, there's mold growing around the office entry door, like it was vacated a long time ago and there was the lingering scent of a dead skunk. His aides are in jail? So when MoanaLisa MurCowpie's aide saw I was upset, she gave me a pass to the Congressional Movie Theater. Yes, they have their own theater with free pop-corn. And it was a sneak preview of a new movie starring Bill Murray, called St. Vincent and supposedly portrays the life and times of U.S. Representative Pete King, when the “Congress” is AWOL. Wow, it is pretty exact, showing what members of Congress do to waste the time of day away when away from their “sworn” duties, when part of a “Do Nothing” 113th Congress. Drinking, track betting, lady's of the right – and they still get paid! So to all those “Americans” still concerned and wondering about “Our” Congress, this “flick” should shed some light on what it's all about.

Bill Murray as Representative Pete King of New York

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