Saturday, November 15, 2014

Palin Theme Park

So, AIDEA – a.k.a. Alaska's Imbecile Directorate of Eucharistic Assholes or known in short form as our state owned and funded loan-shark with “No Garowntee a Return” office, it is getting out of the oil rig business in Cook Inlet, after Bucanner decided it was better off to hide & seek bankruptcy and not face angry investors. Look, Bucanner was another “Parnell Pipe Dream” that has proven nothing accept the fact some can be sold a “Bridge to Nowhere” along with a sister bridge with the same destination. OK, so AIDEA once again shows it should have attended kindergarten business school before it was handed over a blank-check bank account – like a spoiled rich kid – no accountability. But maybe they will get it right for once, not with the North Slope LNG Trucking project – I can't stop laughing at that one – but maybe success finally with the “Palin Family Fun Park” in Wasillabilly proper. Yes, AIDEA is funding the “Theme Park”, that which includes bumper cars, race carts, a paint-ball fantasy land and a “Time-out” area for the Palin girls. So what does it all mean, with this drilling rig the state invested in with a company that has filed for leniency from creditors? Well, had AIDEA listened to “roustabouts” about what it takes to “Wildcat” and “Spud” a well here in Alaska, that $23.6-Million sunk into a drilling rig that has remained “sunk” for the last 3-years, if that loot had been placed into the “Reserve” investment account, by this time it would have meant a gain of $14.7-Million. So the State of Alaska lost out again, recouping a measly $7.1-Million, or a 5% return on the investment. So once again, we see wherein somebody's good idea was a loss of loot due a loss of marbles to OK such a ridiculous gamble. OK, it means your 2015 PFD check will be shy by $200-bucks. Wow, what an idea. With that theme park and the Palin girl “Time-out” area, maybe we should buy tickets and pass them out to the AIDEA board, as it sure needs a “time-out” when it comes to haphazardly throwing around good money, like to a pack of outer-space wolves. So once again we see wherein poor planning costs us our inheritance. This is revenue recouped from resource development, but for many in the legislature it is but “Play-Boy” money. Alaska did one thing right, and almost a 2nd thing when we were close to “Impeaching” Bill Sheffield. But we did succeed in placing our “Reserve” and its investment under “private” control thanks to the “Bush Rat” and we see today the results - we have made out pretty damn well, as today that “Reserve” boasts in the neighborhood of $51-Billion and counting. Now that is something to be proud of, said again thanks to Jay Hammond's steadfast rule of the road – keep it away from the thieves. See, “privatization” controlling that “Pot of Gold” operates like a business, with accountability! As an Alaskan, do you have any idea how much property you own “outside”, due careful and thrifty investment spending by “professionals”? Yet for years the citizens of Alaska have been paying the way for poor performers, when the state finds a first hand involvement, wherein the intent was good to support the entrepreneur spirit but with many of the failed projects, these were projects that banking investors even shied away from – as the business plan didn't make sense. The Alaska Railroad, the Kodiak Launch Facility, the Healy Clean Coal Plant, the list goes on. And today we have the “Endeavor” drilling rig to add to that list of failures. Look, money lost means exactly that, “Failure”. When are we going to realize gambling is an addiction? And by this time next year, we will add the LNG-Trucking project as just another failure, so maybe it is time for that “Time-Out”, else turn over all funding and gift giving to a “private eye”! And the sad fact of the matter, not once has a “Failed” State run corporation admitted to “Failure”, and until such time those in such “Imbecile” positions are no longer afraid to admit defeat, we will not see a change and continue to piss it away. Look, altogether Alaska's “State Corporations” with respect to “positive” revenue is like the Iraq ARMY, failure. And why pray-tell are these bureaucrats so afraid of admitting defeat? See, for years Alaskans were subject to falsehood by “Big Oil”. There came all kinds of horror stories, whistle-blower blacklisting, threats of bodily harm those that came forward with the goods, until such time “Big Oil” was given the ultimatum - come clean, stay clean or else. Which they did and today we have a pretty good “transparency” with what goes on in the oil patch, all the way to the Alaska Department of Revenue. But after that, it is like “Zero” transparency and just raid the Hen-House sentiment and practice, which seems to be the “Alaska Legislature's” Modus Operandi. Look, if “Big Oil” is minding their own business, why cannot Alaska's “State Run Corporations” do the same? Because these outfits have unabated immunity and with the price of oil very high for the last few years, a throw-it-away attitude rules. And to hear the Natural Resource “Guru” say that Pioneer's Oooguruk project was a success, what a cop out, as that development was far from anything close a success - the reason Pioneer sold out to Caelus. So we still see a very bad mindset within the Alaska bureaucracy, but that is a carryover from the Palin administration, as if you called the bitch's bluff you were douched - it's called the Monegan Experience and lingers on today. Maybe with Parnell out of the picture, maybe we will see a change in policy that no longer protects “Imbeciles”, as why else did we vote him out? But we have a more dire situation upon us today. See, nobody thought oil prices would dive like it has in the past few months, and the economists are saying it will last for a few more years, with the possibility that oil may see $60-dollars. But the Lesil Budget was designed to throw money away at $100-dollar barrel oil prices, so we have a deficit from all the projects our legislatures “GAROWNTEE'd” to their constituency. So guess what, time to raid the “Reserve”, and even though it is under “privatization”, Lesil can raid it at any time to fund government. And once the “Holy Grail” is raped, that “Reserve” will bleed to death, just the way Bill Sheffield has dreamed about. Answer me this. Bill is a “Failure”, just like AIDEA. But he still has how many “State” credit cards issued to him? Yes, we must look back to our last “Good Samaritan” governor, the “Bush Rat”, yes a republican that makes the Parnell leadership in comparison - well Parnell has given “Imbecile” a whole new meaning. So yes, we all need a “Time-Out”! Take the time to look around, to see what all that “loot” has provided, and I don't see a whole lot that enlists a feeling of “Success”! Especially now that Bill and Don Young's wish did come true, as Alaska does indeed have a “Bridge to Nowhere”!

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