Saturday, November 15, 2014

Congress At Work

Factoid: Don't we love “Transparency” with Uncle Sam, as it is amazing what we citizens can find out is going down behind the scenes. Here is one that provides some comic relief. The Congressional Post Office “Clearing & Screening” detail received over 150000 “anonymous” deliveries of Ex-LAX(for constipation relief), an estimated 298000 deliveries of Viagra(for erectile dysfunction relief), and 329000 boxes of Imodium(for relief from diarrhea), all “Post Marked” to various members of the 113th Congress! So it makes sense, as too why we have a “Do Nothing” Congress, as 1/3rd are in need of a good blow so are stool stuck and keeping company with Sir Thomas Crapper, another 1/3rd suffer from an erection lasting longer then 4-hours so can't budge to attend a “bill” vote and the remaining 1/3rd are also stool stuck in the John, hoping to get some relief from crapping. So maybe we should give them a break, as they are sure giving us a break-in it off where in hurts.....
 "I'm constipated"
 "Damn hardon, I can't give up me seat"
 "I'm pooping again"

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