Sunday, November 23, 2014

Sour Grapes

Now that the dense British “influence” fog has lifted, appears Mr. Mark Begich is using the sour grapes attitude to reason why he will go down in Alaskan history as a 1-term senator - in a state that historically finds incumbency as a shoe in. Sure he can blame MoanaLisa MurCowpie for “Zero Tolerance” support, but that was too be expected, as Miss Nepotism used Begich then spit him out like, well Josey Wales on the run. And during the Begich term, Mark-my-word sided more towards the “Right” agenda on many occasions, especially if in Alaska's favor. That was his job, look out for Alaska and he did it in a fashion comparable to how Ted Stevens minded his own business. Look, Ted was the “power-house” for Alaska and still is, as some things were cast in concrete during his terms of endearment and Begich saw too making sure the “concrete” had cured. It was not Don Young, nor Frank MurCowpie and surely not daughter dearest that have proven anything deserving a legacy for Alaska – except comic relief that incites the fact imbeciles can often times fool the voters! And with all due respect, who in hell would want to be part of a “Do Nothing” Congress? The 114th will be no different then the 113th, 112th, 111th, 110th....Why would somebody want affiliation with a body of government, an institute that should be incarcerated for “evading” the oath? Look, had ethics and congressional responsibility been not flushed done the royal toilet, the Sergeant-At-Arms would have been very busy the last few years processing criminal mischief. We have a broken Congress. But with respect to many issues front and center the Obama Administration, Begich looked not the party line but the effect legislation would have on Alaska – case in point the military turn-down turnaround, he fought to keep the “War Machine” giving here in Alaska. Now there exists many factors that enter into the “Bureaucratic” equation, which starts off during political office aspirations with a rich daddy, for funding an exploratory committee and ends with a depository committee once an office has been bought – stool stuck. And that is not the way things were designed by the original Congressional picnic. What was supposed to remain simple has become very complex, as a ways and means “too fool most of the people most of the time”. And it works. When we look around to what ails America today, it ain't Congress, it ain't Obama with ObamaCare, it is “We the People Alone” that finds 100% of the blame. We have become complacent on the reality of the issues, utilizing what little time we have left in the day after commuting and working for a living, well we rely on others to provide help. But therein exists the rudimentary problem, the swines have realized we the tired masses are lemmings when it comes to “representation”. We strive to be part of “Our” government, yet when we are not told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but lies so help me “Democracy”, we end up making decisions that...well puts us where we are at today – a torn, a war torn nation. I no longer support the democrats, as that institute faulted a long time ago. I no longer support the republican institute, as that party also failed, a long time ago. And when institutes so endeavored to uphold Miss Liberty fail and faulter, there comes no rresurrection as parties derelict in the conviction of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness are given only a single chance. Both parties have failed, by allowing loyalty to be but a suggestion and royalty their goal – yes swines! So we are at the crossroads today, were it will end will be revolutionary and we will once again be a nation of “Brotherly Love” as we became somewhat following the World Wars. We have not that conviction today, as Washington is broke. Our reliance today rests solely in the Commander-in-Chief. Yes, we are a borderline bonafide nation and if Obama caves, at least we have the 2nd Amendment Right to fulfill our goals. I carry not a gun, but believe so strongly upon the 1st and 2nd that should push come to shove, I can an will defend my position, by way of mouth and means of force. Speak now or forever hold “secure” your piece... But back to Mr. Begich. He pissed off Obama, so he cannot today wish that the 44th would have come to his defense, with ads or appropriate support days following up to Begich's re-election attempts – a seat lost and today the property of the Koch Brothers. Money wins! Obama did nothing to help Begich in a 2nd chance! Look, I am an Obama supporter, as he did keep this nation from bankruptcy, with the “Stimulus” project. And it goes to show we can do wondrous things, with projects here in America instead of fueling the “War Machine” and sending $trillions$ to the “Theater of Waste”. IMAGINE – thanks John – what that kind of loot could have and should have done right here in the “Homeland”? Anyway, one thing that really pissed off Obama wherein he would not come to Begich's defense came about in October, when Begich sided with the rest of the Alaska delegation – Don Young and MoanaLisa MurCowpie – and declared “War” on Obama. Yes war, by purposely with prejudice circumventing the power of the sitting president. On that day, the 3-stooges trumped Obama by using an outdated “opinion” by President Reagan published back in 1988 to push through another controversial pipeline construction permit, and on the same day that Congress said “NEY” to the Keystone Cops and the XL “Dirty Oil” pipeline project. They basically used precedence set to fool the people, to keep this project out of Obama's reach. Why, because it is a “Dirty Gas” pipeline project and finds no clear chance it ever finds candidacy for a “Green Star”, in fact it goes totally against Obama's “Global Warming” initiative. Yes, “Our Congress” fooling the President, fooling the “People” at the expense of Corporate America. So, Begich shit in his own pocket. Of course this would piss off Obama and for that matter any sitting U.S. President, as too use such finds a dangerous policy. But what else would you expect from the likes of a Don Young, the likes of a MoanaLisa MurCowpie. The existing law was sabotaged, as the law specifically states that the sitting president “Must” weigh into the project, to “Export” Alaska natural gas any where else but Canada and Mexico. But our crazed delegation including Mark decided it was alright to use some dead president that made a statement some 25-years ago as if it matters still today what was thought back then – that was before “Global Warming”, so things have changed! So, Begich gets what he deserves, finding a new career. Had Begich proved to be a statesmen when this project was up in front of the DOE for approval and insisted on it going before Obama and holding-his-ground without fear by telling his counterparts this was a duty of the “sitting” President, this would have provided Begich the support from the “Oval Office”, and we may have seen a different outcome – both in the approval process for a “Dirty Gas” pipeline and a different outcome with Begich's re-election results. Look, Obama had the power and money to blitzkrieg the scene. So, Alaska gets its “Dirty Gas” pipeline, we get to sell that gas to nations not part of the free-trade agreement – which means sending it far and away to places with no labor laws and for that matter no environmental laws. Pathetic, but like already mentioned, we have a Congress that does not abide by anything close to civil, finds ethical reasoning but a farce and will do anything to undermine the President. And is not this “Treason”?

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