Monday, November 24, 2014

Man's Laughter

Is “True Bill” a new book by Hillary? My guess finds the Ferguson “Grand Jury” votes 12 for 12 to indict police officer Darren Wilson for blowing “how many” bullet holes in Michael Wilson, an unarmed “Black Brother” sitting in his car enjoying a “Twinkie”. Of course it will be an “Involuntary Manslaughter” verdict, as this is America - “Land of the weak and home of the lame”. So it means at most 2-days in-a-row protests, peaceful and then not, just in time for Thanksgiving Day – time to pig out and watch football! So law enforcement will be busy until “pigsty” time, then the indictment excitement incitement will fizzle. Then the “Involuntary Man's Laughter” will proceed through the courts, wherein another jury will be smothered by that “Stand Your Ground” defense, just like how Bill Clinton stood his, when accused of assaulting Monica - “Ture Bill”, is an indictment! And Alaskans must remember that the “Stand Your Ground” defense started in the “Lost Frontier”. Yes, when Alaska was still the “Last Frontier” envy, when lost and hungry the rule of the wilderness-winding-road was simple, use and take only what was necessary for survival. Which meant road-side and remote cabins remained unlocked, so provisions left over from hunting parties were made available to help out those stranded. Same thing with remote lodges, take what you need and don’t abuse and if and when times find greener pastures, repay time. But things changed, with a trigger happy preacher. Yes, one night a few down and out guys trying to feed their families had taken some “loaves of bread” from a church on the Parks Highway and were returning the favor, by showing up to leave some cash at the alter, hoping to make friends with the preacher. But the preacher thought otherwise and stood his ground, with a trigger happy smile that he had finally caught the robbers red-handed, and shot the men in the back as they retreated away in fear of their lives – yes running for their lives after leaving some cash to pay back what they had “stolen” to feed their families. Yes, the preacher shot the guys when they were retreating, bullet holes obliterating their human spines like a remake of when Sonny Corleone was drilled down by the Barzini henchmen. The preacher was easily and quickly indicted by a “Grand Jury”, but during the trial was acquitted, based on a “Stand Your Ground” verdict – even before such a dysentery defense became popular. After that, our state could no longer claim it as the “Last Frontier” and opted for the “Lost frontier”, a spirit that reigns supreme today more then ever in light of “Reality” filming making us look like a bunch of decrepit idiots. Today, the “fringe” has taken over the wilderness and turning it into a pathetic waste land – so don’t blame oil development for ruining things - so maybe the “Stand Your ground” was a forecast of what to expect from the loony tune fringe! Too bad the Alaskan natives gave up so much during the “Lands Claim Settlement Act”. But maybe it is not too late, for the 13-original corporations to take control of Alaska’s lands and place those that trespass under arrest. I went out hiking in McCarthy a few years back, had some asshole on a 4-wheeler follow me, like I was invading his land! He was just a fat asshole and I could tell from his accent, he was a felon from the swamps. See, Alaska has become a magnet for felons. Yes, many that cannot get a job come “North to Alaska”, so they can rely on “welfare” and shit all over our land. They illegal hunt like some God given right, fish out of season, trap out of season and for no reason and trespass, basically “Standing Their ground” and get away with it. Yes, our wilderness has become a retirement home for those that cannot make it anywhere else. Not that all convicts are bad, they just learn a different lifestyle while incarcerated, one that provides an easy living and they expect the same when sent away from that 3-squares a day routine. Look, in today’s world, who has the advantage? Preachers with guns, felons with guns, wilderness wannabe loonies with guns and maybe down the list we find some semblance of righteousness for the salt of the earth middle-class saints that still believe we can live together without fear and not interested in being loaded to the gills with monster killing rifles, when their ain't no monsters! IMAGINE, shot dead eating a “Twinkie”, last meal? See, if you are honest and law abiding, you have not a need for an attorney on retainer - when everybody else has a retainer - yes, we are on our own. If “Black” on your own lost out a long time ago, you have NO Rights except the right to conform to “Death Squads”, for trying to enjoy a “Twinkie”! So with non-indictments and all kinds of trick tactics before us that sends a clear-cut message that justice is but a suggestion, well yes, lawyers suck as somebody else seems to demand preferential treatment, standing the ground against “Justice”, that which at one time found a foundation that covered all law abiding citizens and today we find that foundation under water, cesspool water controlled by those that make a living making sure justice is served, to those that can afford it! Look, it's just a longer a “Right”.

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