Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Grand Wizard Jury?

Today we heard conflicting testimony from Darren Wilson’s attorneys, with respect to defending the police officer’s action to pull the trigger 12 times when under attack by a so-called demon like monster, an unarmed “black kid”. This revelation came a day after the “Grand Wizard Jury” decided in favor of a “No True Bill”, which means no indictment – which amounts to once again seeing “No Justice” for police brutality aimed at a certain minority. Did we not learn anything from the George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin debates? I guess not, as today and once again “It's the home of police who kill black boys on Mopeds”, heard like bombs bursting in air! Like many advocates of justice have raised concern not in praise yesterday's “Not Guilty” verdict, just another brick in the wall of injustice. Look, I respect the law and the lawman and since my teenage hoodlum days have found nothing but a good relationship with law enforcement, but a few bad apples – maybe due inexperience, maybe more so due action or inaction based on prejudice – it continues to provide fuel for the racism meltdown that is sickening this “My Country 'tis of Thee”. Sure police officers wake each morning and down a bullet-proof vest in the realization they may never again see their loved ones, but these bad apples that should never see the likes of a badge-of-honor, they make it today a very bad situation which taints the entire “mission”. The fallout finds once again nightmares, this time in Ferguson. Sad, as we learn to respect those that become uniformed officers upholding the law, so why are the uninformed taking over? And now with the Michael Brown case closed, telling the truth after-the-fact means nothing – as a person of interest can not be tried twice for the same crime. OK, so we are still at odds the victim and the perpetrator this killing. But according to the 4-man all-white legal team behind Officer Wilson, their client was faced with “split-second” decision making. But when he testified before the “Grand Jury”, these split-second decisions found more then enough time for a “reasonable person” to access the situation and maybe think instead of pulling the trigger based on fear, when during this most critical of times he was having a flashback about being beat up by a monster when he was 5-years old! Not at all a “split-second” reasoning with any credibility to shoot – as in efforts to protect his freedom when before the “Grand Jury” Officer Wilson seemed to reminisce that he had plenty of time, re-calling in boring detail how he thought about this and about that before being attacked by “Hulk Hogan” - more hallucinations - thought about everything like time was at a stand-still. Yes, his “split-second” decision making turned into a story book! So we have before us today “Conflicting Testimony” wherein it appears as though a lullaby was what the “Grand Wizard Jury” decided to accept, and hold the officer unaccountable for taking the life of a “demon”. What kind of LSD was being used by the officer, as his testimony sure finds fantasy? Now, if so his actions required “split-second” decision making, well his lullaby violates the time constraints. And was a drug test performed, as surely this officer was not in the right state of mind, having flashbacks? Well, it doesn't really matter today, as the “Grand Wizard Jury” went home for the holidays and that select and diversified - single black only - group of servants have been set free. But herein find some very interesting revelations of what may have really gone on behind the scenes. Usually in the normal course of “Justice Being Served” a “Jury of Peers” appointed by both sides will allow the servants to choose a “Jury Lieutenant”, one that is basically the boss. Someone must keep order and make sure food it ordered on time during deliberation, “Order in the Court”...I'll have a ham sandwich! But in a “Grand Jury” there is no so-called “Lieutenant” as the “Grand Jury” is a “loose” independent jurisprudence entity without the seriousness and regimented mentality as would be found in a normal court of law jury trial. It is instead a type of “preliminary” clearing house for warranting whether or not criminal activity rises to the bar of a trial by jury – but wherein “zero” evidence is deemed necessary for a trial to be considered. That is why many lawyers tell it like this: “a prosecutor can get a Grand Jury to indict a ham sandwich”! So the rule of law with a “Grand Jury” is simplicity, wherein a “boss” is not needed. But we will never know the true identity of this “Grand Jury” as due its simplicity and covenants, there is strict adherence to secrecy and we will never know also the actual “vote” wherein it takes 9 of the 12 jurors to find a verdict – also called a “True Bill”. It is basically a “mock” trial wherein one standing trial does not get to look eye to eye his accusers. It is all secret, so has not been an instrument of the justice system with “teeth” as it provides no transparency and anybody that speaks up outside the intended audience, they could be held in contempt of court – unlike a normal jury that finds freedom following release unabated freedom to speak their peace. So, in this case the prosecutor presented a massive amount of evidence unprecedented in a “Grand Jury” setting but with no legal direction, and no help from party attorneys or a judge - which means total confusion and with such weakness the time for an opportunist to cheat the system, for his own personal goals. Yes, all it would take in this kind of situation is some “bozo” wanting to prove he didn't fail law school and retained a little knowledge of the “law”, so takes over as the “Lieutenant”, gaining the trust of others through a little knowledge, but attempting to “try” the evidence for his own personal goals – yes the “Grand Wizard Jury” a league of its own which today has proven a horrible outcome. It is the justice system half baked! So, is this to set precedence, wherein we have somebody accuse another of a crime and before you know it we have a secret “True Bill” setting free the perpetrator, or for that matter rendering an opinion not tested by law but becoming the law? Sad day in America, for the victims, for the perpetrator as when the legal system is tested like it was in this case, we should brace ourselves for some petty nightmarish proceedings. And with such secrecy, can we really trust the outcome? Said again, we can argue the merits of this case, argue forever whether or not the prosecutor was derelict by going in this direction, by engaging the “Grand Jury” into unfamiliar territory without legal direction, ague a zillion different scenarios – it doesn't matter as due the veil, we can only guess. So in retrospect, it is a cloaked jury, and the reason I see it as the “Grand Wizard Jury”!

Grand Wizard Jury - 11 of 12 - after reaching "No Bill Not Guilty" verdict in "It's the home of police who kill black boys on Mopeds” trial.(Missing juror was the only black and refused picture taking participation)

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