Sunday, November 23, 2014

In the Year 2034

It is amazing the “AP” stuff that is available today, and who in hell finds the time to develop this stuff. OH, most of it was designed by NASA and the military! So I find this “AP” that lets you stuff a person picture into “La La Land” and render what that same being will look like in the future, yes a time-forward machine based on some super-duper algorithm that can take the existing snap-shot and render a pretty accurate face lift. So I just grabbed a picture from the news, low and behold it was Sarah Palin on a rage, something about Obama giving the America people the middle finger? Anyway, I stuffed that picture into the “Rendering AP”, then it asked for a year forward and I just happened to see another news article about the year 2034, when Alaskans will see the 1st decrease in the price of “Natural Gas” after the “Big Parnell Pipeline” gets built. Damn some  of us will be dead by then...but here is what Palin will look like in 2034, remember it was her pipeline to begin with!

Wasillabilly's Mama Moose, 2034.

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