Friday, October 17, 2014

Ted's Legacy At Risk

A vote for Dan Sullivan to replace Mark Begich as Alaska's “stand alone” soldier in the U.S. Senate is guaranteed the following results. First and foremost, it will put Ted Stevens' legacy at risk! Why so here we go. The Alaska Rail Road will loose the $45-million subsidy it gets from Uncle Sam under the “Railroad Administration Act”, which means Bill Sheffield's dream will be bankrupt – so say goodbye to at least 120 good paying jobs and without this infusion from Uncle Sam, the rail will be obligated to double the transport costs, which affects everyone! It means increases in gasoline and heating fuels, food to diapers. And a vote for Dan will mean the military brass no longer under pressure to keep Eielson Air Force Base part of the “Military Preparedness Shield”, so close it down and see another 120 jobs disappear along with no more fighter jets hanging around, which causes a down-turn in jet fuel sales, so the refineries in North Pole can be used as target practice and another 120 jobs on the chopping block. A vote for Dan will also allow the “Military Brass” to realign the Pacific Command, which means at least a half of the Ft. Wainwright foot soldiers will be relocated, to the lower-48. There are brand new barracks in California and Montana waiting for soldiers, wherein the operating costs are a lot less cheaper! And since most of the Alaskan military base utilities – like water, sewer and electricity – went “Privatized” a few years ago to Doyon Utilities, there has come a battle on costs associated with that venture, supposedly with the “cost savings” to the U.S. Taxpayers evaporated by “greed” – as when the Fairbanks based utility was sold to a Canadian outfit and that outfit raised the costs of doing business to over a $billion$, Uncle Sam was forced to send in a cast of attorneys that are trying to defend and prove a contract breach and is having a hard time getting the point across – that they don't give a rat's ass about Canada, yet another reason as too why the brass are looking for an excuse to call in the wrecking ball. These bases are doomed if Sullivan is elected, as he has no idea what is involved in keeping the lights on! With all of the behind the scenes issues without transparency, I guess “incumbency” sometimes finds merit, with Begich that is as opposed to that same sentiment with MurCowpie and Young. Just the military options alone, that which is one of these “behind-the-scenes” things Begich is in tune with without help, if allowed it could and would mean a devastating blow to the Fairbanks economy, maybe a decrease in jobs at the 23% level – yes catastrophic. To bad Begich didn't have help on important issues! Basically, if you own property in Fairbanks, if Dan is your man best file for bankruptcy in line with the Alaska Railroad! And that vote for Dan also allows the brass to set in motion a plan to demobilize the controversial “Missile Defense Shield” in Delta, a loss of another 120 jobs and then Ft. Greely will be closed with respect to military operations - as was planned already but stalled by Begich, the reason a good part of the base has been turned into a “Community Center” for local residents – an infrastructure that can be used for the community. And Begich has almost convinced Obama through Hagel to build another 18-rocket launching silos at Greely – something that will fizzle away if Begich is stumped as there are other “Red” state senators that want that opportunity. Look, Begich has been the “stand alone” foot soldier behind the efforts to keep the above mentioned doom and gloom from becoming a reality. And do you really think Obama will give a rat's ass about Alaska if we dump the only “True Blue” representation? So you best think twice about what you think you want. If economic gloom is in your portfolio, then a vote for Dan Sullivan is your ticket to doom. I am not a Begich supporter, as I despise the ongoing support for the “WAR Machine” and believe we should place our money and talents on humanitarian objectives, but when push comes to shove and we see who has been vigilant in keeping Alaska in the same frame of economic soundness as when Ted was in control - where in hell is Young and MurCowpie on these issues – MIA! So even though by definition found under the U.S. Constitution that Alaska should enjoy 1-seat in the House and 2-Senators, we have gotten along with only “1” for many years and a vote for Dan will diminish that “1” to NOTHING! Yes, we were fooled, as when Frank was in the Senate, he did nothing so why in hell should daughter do something – like father like daughter. With Young, he had power only because Ted was there to back him, something Begich has tried to accomplish but Young is all about the “party” and not about “loyalty” to whatever it takes to get the job done right. And there is probably some bad blood there anyway, with the Begich name and Young's thirst for hypocrisy – like being “Blue” means a supporter of the environment. See, Begich would not join in with Young and MurCowpie to ban the EPA! Look, the EPA makes sure what you get from the gas pump is not water and makes sure vehicles get some decent gas mileage! And what I present here, it is only a fraction of what is at stake! Said again, I am not a Begich supporter, and maybe it is time we elect someone with “zero” stroke and “questionable” credibility and with that allow the perks to go away for good. But that will take its toll, as “Cold Turkey” is a crazed option and with oil revenues crashing, Alaska is vulnerable to an economic slide. The military bases in Alaska are aging and dilapidated, so a vote for Dan will allow the brass to carry through with their plans – it's called “Demolition”. And had we seen a leadership that did not find it necessary to addict Alaska to such “welfare” in the form of “pork” appropriations and Alaska had taken the oil revenues and developed a sustainable jobs infrastructure on its own – then the state would have today the luxury of dumping Begich, for party affiliation over necessity. That is not the case, as Young has lost all his staying power and MoanaLisa MurCowpie is a solid looser when it comes to performing for Alaska. So this is what it is all about. Uncle Sam loot is running low and there is a whole lot more transparency to what state gets what in the form of $$$. Alaska is under the microscope by Congressional members aligned with the GOP and Tea-Party, not for anything to do with party affiliation, but based on a fair share of the government's yearly appropriations made possible by the U.S. Taxpayers' generosity – and some are asking about our $54-Billion in reserve? Like, maybe Alaska should start using some of its own wealth instead of relying on Uncle Sam. I agree with that assessment as I believe also that the PFD program should be eliminated – it is welfare! For years, we were chastised by other state's Congressional representatives on how Stevens' used his clout so Alaska could enjoy above and beyond a fair share of the loot. John McCain despised the fact that Alaska was getting returns of $3 on 1$ from income taxed to regurgitated appropriations – the reason we became famous for “Bridges to Nowhere” as we were swimming in dough. Begich is the only representative that has looked beyond party affiliation and has basically tried to follow in Ted's shoes, and has done one hell of a job. When Begich went out on a limb for Eielson, when he placed all military promotions on hold as a bold move until he was provided specific details of why that base was on the “BRAC” list, you didn't see Young or MoanaLisa backing Begich, as that was a very risky move but it worked for Alaska. MoanaLisa reminds me of the lazy pig in the “Little Red Hen”. With Young, just too much baggage so has no longer any power to help Alaska, and since by virtue of population we get only a single representative, we need to boot Young out of office – replace him with some young blood! Who cares on party affiliation, as Young is waterlogged, he is sinking the ship! In closing, when Obama activated the “Stimulus”, when MoanaLisa and Young in cahoots with Parnell cursed that economic infusion, well Begich went to bat for Alaska and this state reealized over $2-billion as an intravenous. That meant an estimated $1800 per capita, when the “national” average was $800, for California to Texas! Without Begich pushing for more, Alaska would have realized only ¼ that recovery gift – which would have meant a lot less jobs when jobs were needed. And with another “Stimulus” on the horizon, best make sure Alaska has an individual that cares and can make the same convincing argument that Alaska needs more. Sullivan will not be interested in making that commitment, as he will be coached by those against such a plan, in efforts to fail the economy. See, these bastards that are placed in office by the wealthy are guaranteed a payday advance, so give not a rat's ass about “representation” and is in it for someone else's agenda – in Alaska's case it usually means an outside interest. So look at what has occurred under Begich, as without his steadfast approach, again said following in Ted's footsteps, we would have already been embracing a bail out from another source – which means only one thing, the raiding of our henhouse!And should you elect Sullivan and the “fringe” is successful in taking over and arresting Obama's Health Care plan, then you will be without coverage. Yet there are many here in Alaska that will continue to enjoy “Cadillac Coverage”, courtesy the BIA courtesy the U.S. Taxpayers which is the only program that MoanaLisa seems interested in as that is the only constituency that means anything to her with respect to a continued nothingness existence in Congress – as it is enough guaranteed votes to win her “Do Nothing” seat time and time again. Yes, the MurCowpie caters to those that will get her re-elected, and the Native vote does it for her. See, nobody touches the BIA budget, so it is a guarantee and allows the MurCowpie to be but a trouble maker in Congress unless busy elsewhere christening a boat with a bottle of Don Perignon – her favorite pastime when in Ketchikan. So she can chastise any recovery attempts by Obama, chastise health care for all, but mind you attack the BIA and its inefficiencies! These are the uncontested facts of the matter, but outside influence is after only one outcome, political sabotage. And Alaska is not really in the mood for that, unless we want to start spending that $54-Billion inheritance - and once that starts, it is that proverbial “hole” in the dam! So vote your party affiliation, go ahead. Vote your religious propaganda choice, go ahead. But without Begich, Ted's legacy is also at risk! If you honor that legacy, you have only one choice at the voting booth, yes you can cringe when you make that “X”, but it is what it is no matter what the “fringe” wants you to believe!

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