Friday, October 17, 2014

Child Abuse

Wow, today's political scene in Alaska is as corrupt as ever – way past the corruption behind Bill Sheffield's impeachment nose-bleeding! “Nose-bleeding” you ask? I guess you have failed in your study of the “Lost Frontier” - upon its historical perspective consistent with Alaska's policy policing politics! It's “Corrupt”, always was, always will be and not even the threat of taking away statehood status could fix it – maybe castration, but we tried that on Palin! See, Alaska had to play catchup with dirty politics, so in the last 47-years - the same amount of time Don Young has been in office - Alaska has been in overdrive in the category of “What Ethics”? Here's is what I don't understand. Ted was not corrupt, but he got nailed – so who in hell threw Ted under the bus? It was either Young in disguise as a “Rabid Skunk” or the MurCowpie's ancestral incestation infestation. OK, “Rabid Skunk” means a Nancy Pelosi costume! Regardless, or in other words disregard, Alaska did not learn from its mistakes and today we see that the state's dirty politics has gotten to the point of “abusive”! We were not watching the borders and “outside “ interests have infiltrated. Yes, we also need a border crossing fence, to keep corruption out! Anyway, when “politics” uses kids in efforts to secure an outcome, it points to a sickening mindset, a demonizing and demoralizing plan of attack based on an income of filth, that allows supporting egregious assaults that should be investigated upon – as this is in a way nothing shy a form of child abuse – camouflaged as we love our “can't see me now” attitude. And yes, child abuse - because it teaches the innocent young to obey the hand that feeds them that is confronted with befriending a faction bent on controlling our destiny at any expense and exposure, including this “child abuse” and today we see more and more influence of such abuse coming from the “Fringe”. Just look at the way Saran Wrap Palin uses her kid posse to promote her narcissist creep show, her public appearance is like watching WWW with Vince McMahon! Yes “Saran Wrap”, it looks so neat and tidy in the box, but becomes a maggot magnet with exposure to the elements, her “fringe” following including John McCain – her promoter, to bad Vince! With that, the wealthy – which uses Palin – that 1% are having more and more an influence on how we vote, not our conscious but our disloyalty to righteousness. Case in point hinges on a most recent read about this “Good Samaritan” take wherein a long standing “Army & Navy” clothing store in Alaska - no not “surplus” but a Carhart gear distributor with “Big Oil” contracts for Nomex body bags - it so conveniently donated winter hats and gloves for kids that are affiliated with the Tanana Valley Chiefs Conference – a consortium of 42 Native Alaskan villages with an adult “voting” population of 10000 plus. That's a whole lot of votes in “too close to call” elections – which we see happening right here and now in Alaska! Now the Tanana Chieftain is a very lucrative and successful venture, with shareholders that have enjoyed health care, job security and continue to fight hard to continue a somewhat subsistence lifestyle, even with the “White-MEN” encroaching upon that culture's respectful domain. It is indeed a success story on how a Native Alaskan culture - the Athabaskan - can be sustained amidst the ever deteriorating natural infrastructure that has supported a subsistence lifestyle, for well over 10000 years - being somewhat abandoned today by industrialization and “Off Grid” crazed lunatics that want to be heroes and behead Geronimo! Yes, the “White-MEN” keeps on trying its best to ruin a good thing. Sure it is on the ruin, if not by now Alaska would have said “No” to anymore sport-hunting and turned all the hunting licenses over to that of subsistence hunting only – to include all that can fit the definition of such. But a success story like the “Chiefs” doesn't need influence by political corruption, else like an Ebola virus the corruption kills good things. So when this “gift” by the surplus owners for “hats & gloves” was applauded by local leaders in Fairbanks, it had nothing to do with keeping the kids warm, as that part of Alaska has been in winter for over a month by now and it will take another month to distribute the clothing, which by that time it will be below zero. But dress the kids up to go out and vote – and remember “Mr. Good Samaritan” from the GOP! So just before the election, we see this gift of generosity – hats and gloves for the kids! So the parents and the community see it as something done out of the goodness of some “White-MEN's” heart, and believe me there is a subliminal message behind the giveaway – to use this “gift” in return to unseat democratic incumbent Mark Begich and vote back in “bent” Don Young. Look, look around at organizations that provide this kind of stuff but refuse to fall prey to the politics, winter stuff is passed out in the summer! I worked for organizations that have done “winter clothing” drives in preparation of winter coming on, for the high plains drifters and these organizations make requests for winter donations in the spring, so the non-political staff can get the stuff distributed before it is needed, giving a sense of comfort those in need – to the families that may be not able to afford warm stuff. To deliver this “crap” just before an election to a select “Native” population, it is pitiful and I for one will boycott this long time supporter of Don Young! There is nothing in the “Good Samaritan” category here but gory be “Citizens United”, once again UN-uniting a culture that tries to maintain dignity. So this is how bad the GOP will go, how far, how low, just to tread on others – through “Child Abuse”! Honestly, using the kids for political gain is when we as a nation have reached the no turning back point, as when we use our kids as hostage – we are no longer a nation of “Greatness”, but a nation of bastards and deserve not a generation to follow in our footsteps - especially not in those footsteps of deceit. So Alaskans' should see this “gift giving” as an example, that even our kids are no longer safe when the “Fringe” has a philosophy based on a foundation of filth and no decent agenda but wanting a complete takeover – scary, as this is wherein we see that politics has become our very own home grown “EBOLA”, a “White-MEN” disease, originating from filth and seeded from wealth!

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