Thursday, October 16, 2014

Hull of a Success

Wow, Ketchikan has another success story that goes to show when we put out money where our mouth is for an infrastructure that benefits the citizens, it means we have a governor that cares! Thanks Sean, for continuing the “Tradition”. Especially when that money towards questionable projects at first glance finds completion that shows a different outcome, that the project was of necessity and can pay for itself and create higher than minimum wage jobs. See, the Ketchikan “Dry Dock” has been busy the last two-years finishing up on the $200 million, 261-foot-long NOAA research vessel Sikuliaq – to be operated by the University of Alaska in Fairbanks. Which is good news for MoanaLisa MurCowpie, as she has used the “Dry Dock” crime scene many times over for champagning - a.k.a campaigning with a bus - especially when there is a hull christening that involves Don Perignon. Yes, drink up the bubbly then smash the empty bottle for good luck! “Message in a bottle, message in a bottle”. See, the dry dock at Ketchikan which is used by the MoanaLisa as a success story started with the building of the M.V. Susitna, as the litmus test that the boat-building owners thought they could hire slave wage welders and compete with high paid welders that could go up north to the oil-fields and make 4x as much and be guaranteed overtime with steak and lobster on the weekends! OK, not fair as when MoanaLisa shows up in her hometown, the workers get 6% rat-hair tube-steaks and are required to take a break – and must clock-out? And I have heard that the grill used for these events is the famed “VECO” grill, the evidence that the g-man has been looking for in efforts to indict Ben! Now the “Susitna” is the amphibious assault personnel carrier turned “fairy” and originally designed by the NAVY, that is now a “ferry” in operation between Pt. MacKenzie and the Port of Anchorage. It takes 31-seconds at full throttle to get between ports, amazing as this hull was designed for attacking the beaches of IRAQ – the reason the NAVY didn't want it as “what beaches”! So the design and building of this one-of-a-kind vessel with only a single USGS certified Captain, it was not a waste of U.S. Taxpayers' loot on the loose and has been put to good use, carrying over 5000 vehicles each day between the valley and the “Big Wild” cosmo. See, many are flocking to the valley for a day trip, as there is a place wherein one can actually see Russia from Alaska – yes a road killing attraction owned by Sarah Palin! And the “Susitna” is also an emergency response vessel should geese take down a commercial jet leaving Ted's Pirate Ship – the International Plane & Passenger depot designed by Keith Richards when he was rehearsing for “Pirates of the Caribbean”. It's a pirate ship, with masts and planks to walk and if you ever had to sleep a night in the lounge, this place is haunted! And the cost of a donut, yes the pirates are at work! Really, Mark Begich owns the donut concession? Anyway, the “Susitna” is unique and also offers night-time dinner cruises – if traveling to Anchorage, do not miss out on this extravaganza with salmon caught right in front of you and cooked on a grill that is a replica of the VECO grill. And funding for this ferry – Don Young's $115-Million gift for bribing a re-election – since that loot came from the Federal Transportation Administration, Alaskans and any other American citizen can take a ferry ride for 1/3rd the normal ticket costs, during non-peak hours, which is about a day's salary with the discount but well worth it. Too bad there wasn't open water all the way to Fairbanks, a ferry ride would be worth it over the train ride robbery costs. See, since the FTA also funds the continued existence of Bill Sheffield's derailment, ticket cost savings during “non-peak” transport hours is or should also be a realization to any Alaskan or United States' citizen, just like occurs across America from sea to shining sea every day - as Uncle Sam cares about transporting people to food shelters then back to their squatter like habitat for non-humanity, as vagrancy is no longer allowed in the city proper so the homeless must hide under cover in the woods – so the rail system is a ways and means of subsistence. But in Alaska, for some reason the cut-rate tickets on the rail are only available during seasonal non-peak operations, which Bill defines as winter. So in January you can get a ticket to Fairbanks for cheap courtesy Uncle Sam, but you are stuck there for a week at -50! I did take the opportunity for the enjoyment of a daytime cruise on the M.V. Susitna, in the comfort of the Ferry's foc'sle as I sipped a latte from a local brewer and watched as whales migrated through the breaches in the Port of Anchorage's newly constructed containment structures then heading south after a good laugh. Honestly, whale recordings indicate they know how to laugh and this was discovered during the filming of the “Big Miracle”. And the Beluga whale population surrounding the ferry's wake was staggering – with only a single pod left but not allowed endangered species status due pressure from MoanaLisa - damn sounds like gunshots, some guy just shot a Beluga! Eagles flew above the ferry, lured by the Beluga massacre, as did flying fish - as this ferry has turbo-thrusters and throws fish every which way but loose! Hey, there's plenty of fish, so what that a few get chewed up along the way. And the M.V. Susitna Captain was very knowledgeable, like an authority on the area and with that more like a tour boat it was – at a discount! “Over there is the Sheffield Port Abortion, that has over a $billion$ dollars in cost overruns to the U.S. Taxpayers and Bill still has a credit card, ha, ha” - sure sounds like a familiarrr voice, could it be, yes it is Joe Hazelwood - “and that is the Warzonoff sewer plant, yes hold your noses and this is where the migrating salmon get their last meal before spawning” - waiter, I will pass on the salmon barbecue! And if we are lucky with nightfall, we might see some fireworks when another rocket blows up over the pacific, from the Kodiak Launch Facility, ha, ha”. Really, this was one hell of a joy ride! On our way back into port, Joe finalized it all, “Over there is the Nesbit Court House - built to last a Richter 10 earthquake, so the courts can always ban gay marriage in Alaska. Richter 10, I remember it well back in 89. And this was a piece of land that was at one time used only as a down-town park for dog shit, property owned by Wally Hickel but worthless due it was in the earthquake Red zone. But when Wally was governor, after Bill was impeached, he convinced the legislatures to build a floating foundation, designed by engineers from Stanford University and with that sold his worthless piece of property for $15-million. Now the dogs have no where to shit but the courts can shit on justice, ha, ha”. See, Joe learned a whole lot about Alaska when performing his community service, his penance for the Bligh Reef wreck. Anyway, sorry while off on a tangent, but now we see this new ship, about to be christened in Ketchikan. So the “Dry Dock” infrastructure was paid for by state and Federal bucks, it is producing “hulls”, creating jobs and when used as a political stumper, keeping the Cowpie in office. What you mean the NOAA ship to be used by the UNIVERSITY of ALASKA was not built in Alaska? This is a sacrilege, as it was built in Marinette, Wisconsin. Sounds like its a landlocked ship? Anyway, this is wherein our leadership faults our own good, which allows for a reason as to why the Sikuliaq was build in another state when we had the infrastructure to improvise – which means we did loose jobs to outsiders. It is based on stroke, as this ship built for NOAA was built using “Stimulus” bucks - and when you have a “Dominionist” governor and a “Cowpie” Senator and a “Rabid Skunk” Congressman that poopoo Obama's attempts to kick-start the economy, then somebody else gets the handout and we loose, just because of a bastard mentality. Yes, Alaska has lost $millions$ ever since Ted went undercover as neither MoanaLisa MurCowpie or Don Young has the stroke it takes – Don had it and lost it due incompetence, MoanaLisa never learned it! And even though Begich is the lone soldier that strives to continue to enhance Ted's legacy, when he has a governor and other's against such, we will continue to loose and with that, end up spending our inheritance on foolish things. And wait there is more, as Parnell just signed a bargain with the boat-builders at the Ketchikan “Dry Dock” for two new ferries to be added to the fleet. Wow, more champagne! But the reason for this emergency madness contract overnight was simple. First and foremost, the “Dry Dock” had no work and I just crossed the San Fransisco Bay Bridge, and witnessed all of Alaska's ferries are now down south for their annual “off-season” turnarounds - why there and not here in Alaska? Secondly, there is a catch as too why all of a sudden there is work. Back many years ago, Ted found money to build two modern-day passenger ferry terminals along the Alaskan coast down in the “Panhandle”, based on many different reasons including no reasons of necessity. So the money was delivered, courtesy the U.S. Taxpayers as Alaska was still receiving an over abundant share of wealth in the form of regurgitated income taxation in the form of appropriations - a.k.a. “Pork - that which pissed even John McCain off! So the ferry terminals were built, but with no ferries to service the area and by then it was too late as the local residents had been perturbed enough to move away – the terminals have remained vacant without passengers for the last 5-years. But somebody is on to us, yes some young “republican” servants are looking at what is happening here and are making sure we are not still stuck in the Don Young fantasy mode and mood of building “Nowhere” projects – especially when outside politicians know Alaska has about $54-Billion is reserve , like maybe it is time we spend our own money on frivolous crap? Yes, Alaska is under the microscope by the g-man and since we reneged on building a ferry to support the terminals, we have been arrested for “Wanton Waste” violations and given the “or else” and must pay back the money to Uncle Sam - with fines and interest possible. So this is how Parnell reacts, throw money at it, for ferries that will be built and then what? Why all of a sudden this oversight from a party that was at one time in unison with Ted, a guy you did not cross even if you had the evidence? Because we finally got caught, as Don Young did build a “Bridge to Nowhere” using the excuse the military needed it to cross the Tanana River, for practicing WAR. And when asked about this bridge, the military response, “We're the ARMY, we bring and build our own bridges, we don't need bridges”! So we are now paying the piper. And it is the same with the money wasted on the M.V. Susitna, as now it is up for sale – I stand corrected as we cannot even give it away and by reneging on that responsibility, owed to the U.S. Taxpayers, we are on the hook to pay back $millions$ for that waste also. And when it is all said and done, we will learn wherein this corruption was started, with the Alaska Railroad, and that has been a bigger wreck then Joe's shipwreck. Goes to show what happens when you have an opportunity to “impeach”, yet are afraid to impeach, same with the sad excuse as too why MoanaLisa MurCowpie and Don Young are still in business - and at the same time Begich is on the attack for actually performing and charging way too much for a doughy donut! Now, what a thought, Joe Hazelwood for Alaska governor? How about as a replacement for Don, or MoanaLisa, as at least Joe admitted to his shipwreck!

 Photo of Ketchikan SHIPWRECK!

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