Wednesday, October 1, 2014


So, maybe now the MissHell Bachmanns will for once shut their explosive diarrhea traps, now that we find convincing proof the importance behind ObamaCares. How insane does one have to appear before the authorities bring out the straight jackets? With the Helter Skelter that comes out of MissHell's mouth alone when let loose at the podium, a few decades ago that would have meant incarceration in an insane asylum. How in hell did she ever make it to the U.S. Congress? If it is campaign money that is inviting this kind of frivolous intervention derelicting representation, then we need to amend something fast! If it is by virtue of the “Women's Rights” movement, something ain't right and this kind of fallacy can only delay women achieving an equal footing that of their male counterpart with respect to “politics” and everything else not yet equal. But it appears more of an ailment, a mind-game interference. And MissHell has medical coverage? So why has she not been under observation, as something is eating away her brain, like a thriving “Lobotomy” on steroids and it appears to be a disease that is contagious to her constituency! And why would Sarah Palin stoop so low as to be associated with a fruit fly? Take that back, at least a fruit fly has some semblance of an intellect. Honestly, when Miss Liberty sang out “Give me your sick”, did she mean it? Yes, as we now have ObamaCares and those that suffer the MissHell Bachmann disease can get help, as “Lobotomies” are expensive and may be the only sure cure forward. How come we have become healthier with our bodies due vigilance with nutrition but our minds seem to be “Tilted”, especially when politics arouses the brain chemistry? Yelling and fighting and targeting does not make us better humanitarians. Mention the word “equality” and many think you are a “Socialist”! Like the importance behind proper nutrition, so is what we hear of importance to a healthy mindset. It is the “Doom & Gloom” rhetoric from the political podium that excites this new age “mental retardation”, and something needs to be done to calm this hatred movement. Yes, “Hatred” is a mental retardation! With MissHell, it is a disease, no doubt about it. But we have before us today another reason the importance of ObamaCares, enacted as a ways and means to provide affordable health care coverage for all – so those affected by the MissHell have an opportunity to find a cure, to seek medical attention before it is too late. When “ObamaCares” was made “Public Law” it sent a message to hospitals and clinics from sea to shining sea to no longer turn away the poor and huddled masses. Today, with ObamaCares in effect it means show up with a pain without a concern that you will loose everything including the shirt on your back, get that medical attention and worry about the paper work after the fact – talk about a comfort factor “nothing to fear but fear itself”! With Uncle Sam picking up the tab, there is not the same concern today with “For Profit” institutions getting stuck with a non-payer. Not too long ago, pre-ObamaCares era, many hospitals running on empty and with investors wanting their money's worth the hell with those that can't afford health care we don't care mentality, it meant an intake patient pre-screening even if on death row and an individual in dire straits would be asked for an insurance card up front – if no coverage, you would get sent down the road unless you had arrived with a wallet full of cash. But today, hospitals and clinics have instituted an open arms coverage and “OPEN” for business invites even the timid, or those afraid of their citizenship being questioned. No MissHell, “Deportee” is not a disease! In this “Homeland” there is no longer the fear of being turned away for medical help because your erection has lasted longer then 4-hours! Side-Track: Try to imagine what MissHell sounds like during an orgasm? Quick cure for that erection! Anyway and said again, a fallout of ObamaCares, medical care for everyone. And here is why it is working, the “Litmus” test so to speak. This guy travels from Liberia carrying the EBOLA virus. He lands in Texas and feels awful, the state run by a governor that curses ObamaCares as far as one can curse a sitting U.S. President without getting a visit from the Secret Service Police – as it sure sounds like threatening rhetoric. Now before ObamaCares became a law of the land, a sick person without coverage may have just said the hell with the symptoms and continued on doing whatever he or she was supposed to be “NOT” doing – like spreading a deadly disease across the horizon. And had that been the case today, wherein no-coverage turned a sick patient away from seeking medical attention, this could have been the turning point for a massive and deadly outbreak of this dreaded virus – the first known case here in the Homeland. Yes, EBOLA has arrived in the “Homeland” and is here to stay so thank God for Obama caring ahead of time! So with Americans or visiting foreigners or legal to illegal immigrants no longer suffering the agony and defeat of being turned away for not feeling well, well this guy under the weather is convinced by his relatives to go get a medical check up. Which due to ObamaCares, this was an easy accomplishment, even if not a U.S. citizen as there is no longer a “Turn Away” policy. Low and behold, he was carrying the Ebola virus! So with all the hate and discontent that the MissHell Bachmann and Ted Cruz fringe uses to find a following of desperadoes bent on turning around everything and anything that has found Obama's signature of approval, maybe they should take a breather and realize just how safe we are with the “Government” looking out for our wellbeing. I'll take that back, and re-emphasize with “Obama's Government” looking out for our wellbeing, as the definition of government is sometimes confusing today. But I doubt this “medical emergency” will ever change that fringe mindset, as it is a mental illness behind the cover of the 1st Amendment they suffer, one that perpetuates a preferential political policy – called “Destruction”. And if this “fringe” ever finds a way to invade tranquility by invading the White House, this disease will immediately destroy ObamaCares. And then when a human being shows up in Texas with the symptoms of a dreaded disease like Ebola, shoot'm dead will be the call to action. One way to get rid of them, including those “I thought he looked sick” and the “Killing Fields” will be well stocked with dead bodies, like a call to prayer, with MissHell Bachmann leading the cheer leaders on and Cruz and Palin assisting with the re-loading. And the dreaded diseases curable by a Rick Perry bullet may then be expanded, to include for sake of being proactive, that of a person's skin color and ethnic creation - as something must be wrong, “He ain't white”, bang, bang, six feet under. And we thought Hitler was bad? Anyway, due to ObamaCares, we may have diverted a threat that could have inundated Texas and boiled over the borders, which goes in many directions. Yes, it may have become an uncontrollable sickness – just like we see today with the MissHell Bachmann following – as it is a disease to be so naive! So thanks Mr. Obama, for ObamaCares, as at least your caution and respect has diverted yet another possible sabotage. Think you can sign an Executive Order, that MissHell Bachmann is a disease? How about an order to place Rick Perry and Cruz in quarantine? But please do not do anything that may infringe on Sarah Palin's rights of free-speech, as laughter is still the best medicine around and goes hand-in-hand with keeping me healthy and takes the pressure off ObamaCares and frivolous spending for unnecessary treatments. I bet you use that laughter for the same benefit!

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