Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Gory, Gory Alleluia

Size and speed is what it’s all about. No not with sexual fantasies, but with respect to what service provider gets you to pay up a handsome monthly ransom under a 2-year contract that never ends due gimmickry. I had one of the original term contracts with GCI, that was 24-years ago – but it is still in effect! Ever read that fine print, about reneging on a contract – read it, as it allows the service provider to request you are hung, castrated or stoned to obedience for getting behind on a payment or jumping ship to a better provider with better coverage. Honestly, the telecommunication lobby has shown an interest in reinstating “Debtor's Prison”, as this industry makes a whole lot of money providing phone coverage to prisons which under “privatization” makes a whole lot of money incarcerating anybody with a funny name, funny skin color or funny religious beliefs or maybe soon, behind on your cell-phone bill. Remember, even in prison you still must honor that contract and the longer you are behind, the longer you share a cell with Hubba Bubba! But this S&S - size and speed - has its limitations, as the static mass alone of a modern day computer semi-conductor chip - once called a transistor - by virtue of structural mechanics finds limitations – you can only get so much blood out of a turnip as a turnip can only hold so much blood. Some still believe the 2-pounds of shit in a 1-pound bag theory makes sense and Congress was awarded a patent for proving it! Anyway, scientists have looked into the next technological advancement in uProcessor S&S by looking at “light” and “tubes” as the fluid and medium that dictates the flipping and flopping required to calculate 1 + 1 = 2, instead of electrons transmitted over copper. But light also has its limitations, faster yet extremely expensive due all the curtailing attributes of the light spectrum when used in unison with man-made materials. It's that inferiority complex. The Creator made light, we made nonsense and we were right. So scientists are looking at using “living cells” as the next hi-tech money making extravaganza – this I say is treading into dangerous territory. With silicon chip technology, it is basically dumb and dumber technology combined in efforts to provide some semblance of intelligence, it cannot do anything on its own except work or fail. Take for instance this Silicon Valley technology verses the human brain. Go ahead, exercise your brain without a calculator or calculating spread-sheet, and no fair going on-line, just go ahead and add 1 + 1? It was a simple process wasn't it and required only a 3-step process, or if not 4th dimension mind regression impaired, one step. For a computer, realizing it only understands a 1 or 0, to perform that same calculation requires a minimum of 7-logic steps. Sure it's faster, but who is in a hurry to calculate an end result if it has anything to do with how well your retirement portfolio is doing – I always get that divide by zero error. Anyway, with a computer it works when it is programmed, fails when a program becomes infected by a virus or like most computers, it gets tired out and sounds the alarm time to buy a new one. How in hell did they figure it out, to purposely make a computer go tired? There must be an inherent embedded time bomb in those chips. Look, I have allowed my keyboard to enjoy more then enough its share of caffeine laced coffee, it doesn't seem to give a boost. Yet when we begin to find signs that our thirst for speed and memory of the gadgets goes beyond what is truly necessary, we may find that there is the possibility that we may loose control – and end up falling prey to keeping up with the Gates keepers. Do we really need this technology outside the academic or business environment? Why in hell does my stove top need a brain? Why in hell do we need a brain to flush a toilet? How big a TV screen do you need? Look, take time away from the boob-tube and look outside, the Creator has provided a screen that makes this man-made crutch nothing in comparison. Anyway, we get tricked into believing the best is yet to come so just keep trying at buying. But what is on the horizon to fill the addiction is very scary. See, scientists at an undisclosed location have been researching the cells of worms as the mechanism for performing the billions and billions of transitions needed so we can “Text” garbage back and forth at the speed of light. Indeed speed makes bashing another human a brand new sport. How many spend that first enjoyable moment of a new day with a bash attack? I can say that I refrain from such and count to 10 - cups of coffee - before I resort to, well bashing those bent on bashing away the Constitution. Yes, that chip that looks so innocent, it may soon find a living organism as part of its infrastructure. The “Living Trust Chip” may soon be at a Best Buy in your neighborhood, now encased so innocently in sperm or some other fluid to keep it alive, wherein electric currents are shunted to perform state changes through “shock treatment”! According to sources, the living cells extracted from worms are kept alive by human blood like fluids, and electron charges are generated from conventional semi-conductors to stimulate this “shock and awe”, wherein the speed of response is incredible because these worm cells want to conform and hate being electrocuted! Why? Because with a living cell based on a DNA of survival, the response is inherently quick. Yes, conforming technology is what it amounts to. So take these cells from living organisms like worms – which are plentiful and have a very simple cell structure – and you have what may be one day controlling your cell phone, living organism subject to shock treatment just for the sake of speed when attacking your fellow man with “hatred” because you are a coward and can incite violence from far away! Is it humane, of course not. Should it be allowed, of course not, especially for what it may be used for – nothing scientific but just more of the same waste your time with technologies designed to waste your time, and money. See, we are amazed with this technology but in reality it is slow compared to how the human brain reacts. Have we been sold a bill of goods? Our brains on a per human capita basis out performs even a Cray “Super-Computer”, yet we are led to believe computers are immortal except for getting tired. Not the case with this immortality, but science is in it for the “loot” and strives now to approach what the non-human living beings have to offer to fascinate out ambitions to, waste time. It is taking us down a road that should not be allowed? The jury is still out, but with the hate that “texting” allows due no patience required, is it providing us with anything worthwhile? The technology is good, but we see nowadays that it is being used for many things nothing serious, accept maybe having an edge up on the enemy during war and to find fierce competition amongst cell phone service providers. Do you really understand all that hi-tech lingo about “Speed”? Soon, like a worm cell we may find ourselves also wired through micro-umbilical cords with catheters used to extract nourishment for the worms held hostage in our phones and tablets, and all it takes is a single flip-flop out of place and we become the weird! Maybe we are already there. Maybe time to bring back the slide-rule, or abacus, just for something worthwhile to pass the time without a sentence of “Wanton Waste”!

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