Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Dear Mr. Young

Wow that was quick. See, it has been only a few hours since I published “Don Young vs. Jewel” and already the Young camp is threatening me with “Cease & Desist” orders with castration follows if I continue to bash Mr. Young. Look, I know I am under attack by Young's youngsters, it's the used condoms left in my mail box that gives them away. Sure it is from Young supporters, as the condoms are the “EEE” for Extra-Extra-Extra “SMALL” sized orgasms. So I will regroup my thoughts on what I was trying to say. Yes Don Young has served this country well, while engaged as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives for well over 40-years. There is no doubt about it that he is a genuine American that believes he is upholding the U.S. Constitution – his sworn duty as a member of the “House”. To that dedication he receives credit from this individual who sees government's role this protectionism in a different light. So Don should be commended for his steadfast ability to fight for American, especially for Alaska, best way he sees fitting with legislation. But to close my apology, I cannot and will not let one singular bothersome point go unattended. Historically speaking, Don was always for “government”, as that is wherein he shinned up for continuous re-election, as that was wherein the hand that feeds was found to be so vulnerable, so don't.... In effect a success story, by working his way up through the ranks, chairing committees that held unabated freedom to the appropriations spending sprees that became common before we were faced with a “Do Nothing” Congress – like Young passing the biggest DOT funded appropriations bill of record ever and so-named after his dearly beloved spouse, TEA-LU – Don made his mark in the “Hall of Shame” with respect to bringing home the “bacon”. So contrary to present day popular opinions, he was indeed a supporter of “Big Government”, as there comes not a “Bigger” entity found under the auspices of “Big Government” then that of the U.S. Treasury. With respect to regurgitated U.S. Taxpayers' loot, it is military spending followed by DOT spending that finds an extravagant lifestyle – both right up Don's alley! So Don was good at making sure Alaska received more then its fair share under the “appropriations” bills that passed through Congress and then Handcocked by the sitting U.S President. Yes, Don was in Congress under Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and now Barack Obama. For the most part, the “Golden Goose of Pork Years”! So with that said, Don knows what goes on in the “Beltway”. But all of a sudden, like when Obama won the race against Mitt, well Don had a change of heart over “Big Government” spending habits. See, when Obama was handed a crashing economy by George “Yellow Face Coward” Bush, Obama had no other choice then to take over control of the Treasury – and so was invented the “Stimulus” that would take control of the past pilferage, by controlling the loot and creating jobs, a program that would last for many years too come. In fact, the final report of the success of that program was just released and to Obama's credit – it worked to save this nation from entering a “Depression”. But by taking the purse-strings away from Congress, it made many very upset. “How are we going to get re-elected” was the town criers spat. That is the main reason today we have a “Do Nothing” Congress, as the only thing they seem to be good at is spending money – no money, we end up with a “Do Nothing” attitude. And just about that time, when Don was told he no longer had control of the Treasury, he signed up with Schaeffer Cox and started a campaign to overthrow Obama! Why? It is called prejudice, racism, whatever you prefer but it casts an ugly duckling side of things upon Mr. Young's own transparency. To this factor alone I offer no apologies my sentiment that he is a racist. He does not like Obama by any stretch of the imagination when in reality Obama does find a fit into Young's mindset of old, in a way. Name one other president that has signed a permit for a nuclear power plant to be built here in the “Homeland”? And what do you think was behind the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act? Yes, Obama did take control of the spending, not a ways and means to limit it, but it became a true “appropriations” bill based on “Need” not “Greed”! If not for that program, this nation would have found out what “TILT” was all about. So I do not get what Young is trying to prove with his alienation away from “government”, and this escape exists for no other reason then the “Color of Thy skin” and that has a trickle down theory upon how Young now looks at the role of “government” - with “NO Respect”. So my apology does give Young credit for his years as a Statesmen. But when prejudice enters the scene, then that takes away the “States” attribute and we have left only a “man” with inner hate upon his “Brothers & Sisters” - that is what I was trying to say. OK, no holds barred he's a genuine bigot when it comes to chastising Obama – the “Commander-in-Chief and at the same time lending “zero” support to the present day administration. Young is stool stuck and cannot reach out and admit what has happened is OK with any seriousness, that a “Black Man” became a U.S. President under his watch - something he will never get over with as “prejudice and racism” is all about our inheritance and that takes generations upon generations to find a fitting fix! It is something that cannot be forced upon an individual, but must come about through a changing mindset that begins to see that there is no threat of a “Black Man” as Commander-in-Chief. Amen....that a color of a mans skin was the Creators choice, that inside we are much the same and wouldn't the world be a boring place if we only found “White Mans” food? Talk about “Bland”!

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