Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Don Young vs. Jewel

“The Goof that keeps on....” I guess now that Don is no longer the beltway's “Most Eligible Bastard”, he is posey whipped. Look, it gets pretty sad when this elder so-called “statesmen” must take shots at Jewel! But in a recent poll engaging Alaska's youth, that poll's results indicated that Jewel could beat Don if she were to run for the Congress. Why? Because many of Alaska's kids thought Don was in jail and could no longer serve in the “House”. Wishful thinking, but what a concept. Go KIDS! Look, Don has tried for years to attack Nanny Pelosi, labeling her a “Rabid Skunk” for selfish reasons and a personal vendetta for reasons still unclear. When all this time it may have been merely a cowardly attack based on the fact Don may go down in history as the longest lasting representative, but will retire the poorest of record! See, Don still thinks the Kenai River Classic is of interest to his colleaguess – there's no fish because it's in “By-Catch” mode and Pelosi has a classic that does bear fruit – a winery social and Don doesn't get an invite! Let's see, the “Nanny” beats out Don by a factor of 120x in the wealth while in office category – yes wealth made while holding office. But Don is way down on the list of wealthy congressmen, and as freshmen representatives find out how it works, most are quickly advancing in the standings and leaving Don behind. Very few leave that position not wealthy. Don is the exception, and it is not based on any ethical behavior to say “NO” to handouts, so hold off any congratulations! Don is known to have taken more then his fair share of bribery gifts over the many years Alaskans were fooled and voted him back in – like hunting expeditions to far away lands so he could fill his office with reminders that he represents those opposed to abolishing slavery. Look, did you ever see how the “black” hunting guides are treated on an African Safari? Yes, those “slaves” cannot even eat with the “white folk” and only after the “white folks” have been fed! The only reason Don has not retired is the fact he is embarrassed, because he would not be able to keep the same company with a meager “Congressional Retirement” and his meager wealth will be absorbed by lawyers trying to save his bacon from being rendered in prison. So he must continue to stay in office – waiting for a handout? “So long its been good to know ya” is what the lobby is singing to Don. The fact that he has an ethics charge – or is it an “ethnics” charge – pending approval for removal, no “Lobby” will even get close to him by offering a job for life after the other job for life. In fact, Don will be banned from entering the chambers once he retires, due the fact that he has a conviction for a domestic violence attack, when he roughed up that security guard just trying to protect the “House”, just trying to do his job! Look, there will not be a televised going away party for Don, as most in office can no longer stand his odor, that “frumunder”. Ever notice when he is invited to sit in on a hearing, others vacate the room as they do not want to be on camera when Don takes a conniption shit. He has made the holding of that office a mockery. He cannot abstain from ridiculing other Americans asked to testify, he carries around a grudge like attitude of “My Shit Don't Stink” which in my book is very UN-American. Look at his posture, he is not a happy camper and appears these days to be under the influence of “Constipation”! And my biggest gripe today is the fact that he has thrown a once colleague of trust under the “Bozo Bus”. Yes, he uses every opportunity to tell his fans that the “Ferry To Nowhere” was Ted Stevens' doing – when all the time it was Don that wanted this amphibious assault weapon nobody else wanted – including the U.S. Navy – just in efforts to carry forward a tradition of “Nowhere”, just like with Don's pathetic thirst for bridges and roads providing nothing in return. “He's a real Nowhere Man” ring a bell? He must harbor an existence of high blood pressure and blowing fuses an everyday affair - good luck new wife - as his only speaking engagements these days are at Prevo's “Devil's Disciples Shelter for the Idiots” in Anchorage – the last American hold-out that despises the LGBT community and equality is a word banned from this religion's snake-oil bible. And that congregation's following of lemmings is still stool-stuck with the belief that the “CBC” is a network broadcast's call sign – look busing still exerts pressure on society in Anchorage, with this religious faction – whole different subject. But we need Don, no matter how much “frumunder” mold is affecting his judgment. He has been under the weather ever since Ted threw Don out of his office in Anchorage, because Don farted without approval. And we still need Don, not because he still has staying power - even though he probably gets free Viagra - but we need Don for a single reason, as a remembrance that this state may not have learned yet from our mistakes in electing representation that finds “NOT” an interest as members of the “Corrupt Bastards Club”. It takes years and years to get to that recovery stage, as denial has a tendency of lingering around, but when so-called leaders of the community still kneel down to kiss Don's “frumunder” covered ass, we still have a long ways to go before we find a way out of the mess. And when you look at the candidates considering keeping the Don Young legacy alive and well, maybe Alaskans need a lobotomy. So maybe it will take a few generations to get the point across. But the fact that a younger generation would vote in Jewel over Mr. Frumunder, it is a good sign of the times, as long as we disallow Prevo's henchmen to spoil our right to clear horizons. See, Don cannot give it up, has no idea what battles to pick these days – like his continued abusive attacks upon the EPA. It can work to our advantage if problems are approached with a willingness to compromise, instead of Don's abandonment posture of “Kill the Hippies”, I meant “Messenger”! A case in point is how Mark Begich has dealt with over-reaching government oversight to “Our” advantage. Instead of taking shots at the EPA, Begich can take credit for working with that Federal oversight to extend the air quality permit for Eielson Air Force Base. Until such time it is known the status of that base, the EPA has allowed the power plant to operate under a “shield”, working with Alaska's DEC to allow continued operation under a “waiver”. And it is Begich that has worked with the EPA for permitting SHELL's efforts to continue with exploration work up in the Arctic Ocean. If we just abandon this oversight, we loose sight of respect for the environment. Look, the EPA is not a bad thing. If the EPA mandates cleaner fuels, corporate America is not hurt – as the supply and demand theory controls still today. And how come Don is so hard on “Our Government”? Because he is a closet racist. He hates Obama, as for over 30-years he was all for “Our Government” when it came to porkaholics anonymous. But when a “Black Man” became president and the entire nation found a “Stimulus” program that had transparency, Young didn't like it, not the “stimulus” but the transparency! What in hell is wrong with the American people finding out what is going on? Nothing, except that interfered with Don's concept of how the Constitution allows for “appropriations” to be delivered to states. Which under the Constitution Alaska would get its share, not above and beyond that has been the trend for way too many years. What do we have to show for all that U.S. Taxpayers' loot sent this way in disguise? And it appears that being in favor with Prevo, that Don hates gays and he hates biking trails and anybody that promotes a healthy lifestyle. Don Young has not been good for Alaska, if you disagree with me it is because you are also in denial and have not paid attention to reality and base your political aspirations on a Sarah Palin type reality. Name one thing Don has done for this state? OK, the “Ferry” and some bridges which created a few jobs. OK, he has a tattoo of the VECO grill on his butt, some have said. But give us a break, cannot we do better with our representation. Maybe Don should hire Schaeffer Cox as his campaign manager, then maybe the truth would come out as too why we should no longer tolerate a “Don Young” advocacy. See, Don has lost all respect with his colleagues, can no longer chair a committee due the ethics violations and can no longer visit the White House - due temper flare ups - so he has been sent to the pasture and therefore has no longer any credibility. But we need to keep him in office, said again so Alaska's next generation can be made aware of what “Corruption in Politics” will do for us when not paying attention to details. Honestly, after how many years in Congress is his net worth still less then a $million$? And he cannot get anybody to pay him attention like it was in the old days, when he had Ted to string along, as his only speaking engagements are at local “CBC” affiliates wherein the only stipend is a free lunch. He would do better just showing up at “Bean's Cafe”, at least the clientèle there have a better handle on important things. Honestly, what has Young done after all these years to help out the “Homeless”? NOTHING, as he believes that is what is meant by “free choice”. That said, maybe he can retire to serenade the devils disciples, as it looks as though his only choice for retirement is to relocate to Fort Yukon, or maybe Prevo can offer him a free home – take advantage of the system some more. Anyway, credit to that 3rd grade class that would vote in Jewel over Don Young, way to go! The school that held this poll will be left anonymous due possibility of retribution attacks from....

 The Face of Constipated Representation?
 The Face of Confident Representation?

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