Monday, September 29, 2014

Begich's Record?

First and foremost, I did vote for Mark Begich during his first term attempt at unseating incumbent U.S. Senator Ted Stevens in exile. Basically, Ted didn't have a future in politics once he became friends with Bill Allen and the bimbos let him down. But today, there is only a single reason as too why Begich may never find again my support. I will get to that later during this campaign opinion broadcast. But for the record my dissatisfaction as too why there will come a “No Vote”, Begich's record of achievement surpasses that of MoanaLisa MurCowpie and Don Young's combined, in a heartbeat! Take note: I did not say “vote of non-confidence”! In that category alone, there is no comparison to what Begich has accomplished for Alaska. He single handedly opposed the military cut-backs for Eielson Air Force base, once again on the BRAC wish list - because of Begich's ideologies to keep Alaska from collapse through an economic slowdown showdown. And because of that steadfast conviction to keep Alaska a military state that continued to have bragging rights, now that base is a contender for the new age F-35 squadron. So talk about an about face Begich can take full credit for! Remember, still on a single all-important thing Begich has accomplished as a U.S. Senator for “ALL” Alaskans. At Eielson, now that it is known that base will remain part of the North Defense “shield”, it means a new power plant will be built because the existing plant is running under an “expired” EPA air quality shield – because it was destined for the wrecking ball, so the EPA was very lenient. Yes, a new plant will be built that uses “dirty” coal from Healy yet designed with energy efficiency in mind by using clean coal combustion technologies – developed by funds earmarked by Ted Stevens many years ago. This is all part of Begich's plan of attack, as we have already invested in the technology so he has made the point of no turning back. Where in hell are the other “bums” with respect to looking out for Alaska's interest? Too busy with the lousy lobby I guess. Bottom-line, Begich is looking out for Alaska, even if many of those jobs at the base gainfully employ “Tea-Party” voters - it doesn't matter to Begich. Along with base jobs continuing to supply pay checks with decent wages, it means more then enough jobs for the interior mining industry and increases in rail traffic for the Alaska Rail Road – which is good because with the Flint Hills Refinery shutting down, Casey Jones Sheffield was getting a nose bleed. Yes, Begich's approach is in effect fueling the very same group that is adamant to defeating him at the voting booth – ironic, how silly! So this “one” effort by Begich means thousands of jobs, many for the long run as it would automatically mean a 12-year contract with Uncle Sam. And the trickle down theory, it creates a local supporting infrastructure that was almost lost for this base – once a very important outpost and maybe we will see the same in the future – but that all depends on who is pushing for it. Any newcomer will loose focus, because it was Begich's idea not a very good idea and Mr. Newbie will go into training with the cowards. And to make more head-way in support of Alaska's importance for military superiority, Begich single handedly has ignited an interest in bringing a Coast Guard infrastructure to the North Slope, due the ice melting away. Maybe a “Bravo” and that means jobs for the local native villagers and we were most recently informed that part of that deal entails building several world-class ice-breakers, to be stationed in the North. Said again, thousands of jobs here and there. So it is Begich that is looking after Alaska in the “Daddy War Bucks” category. The reason he may not get my vote again – as I believe WAR is an outdated excuse for jobs over peace. And get this, Begich has convinced the “brass” to not abandoned the controversial “Missile Defense Shield” strategy and funding may be on the way for an additional 18-rocket holding silos, to be built alongside those already in the preparedness stage in Delta. That means hundreds of construction and engineering jobs for life, another infusion into the local and state wide economies. So while Begich has been doing everything right and gaining popularity amongst his colleagues as another “Ted”, like maybe he learned from Ted, well while Begich is working his ass off for “Alaska” the record will also indicate with clarity how MoanaLisa and Don Young have been snoozing-off while Begich does the “Dirty Work” - like MoanaLisa christening a “Ferry To Nowhere” and Don getting his “Bridge To Nowhere”. So yes, the asshole running against Begich, he is a bonafide asshole that knows how to lie when taking shots at Begich's record of achievement – so will fit right in with the faction that is trying its best to discredit Begich. Be it known if you are too busy “texting” then to follow what goes on in D.C., only Begich has shown the gusto that supports many of Alaskan's ideologies with respect to representation, above and beyond he goes I should say. Look, Begich realized that it would be a tough road ahead, trying to fill the shoes of the “Hulk” - he has not failed Alaska in that demand. So to think that a guy named Sullivan that is leading in the polls because he is backed by enormous wealth has more to offer, forget about it as the payback schedule makes sure Alaskans will be in the running, but not first in line and somewhere way down the line. In the meantime jobs and opportunities will evaporate, military funding will get cut and if you elect Sullivan, the $54-Billion state reserve will be on the raid by the Juneau legislators. Said again, if you oppose WAR, then that is the only reason to vote Begich out of office. The “War Machine” lives on, and Begich supports it here in Alaska – as it means jobs and with government cutbacks now a forever reality, there may be no more “Nowhere” projects. For Alaska, it appears military spending is the "saving grace", especially as oil bucks run dry. And Begich was also instrumental in making sure Alaska received its over-share of “loot” with Obama's stimulus program. As most of the nation enjoyed $800 bucks per capita, Alaska realized close to $2000 per tax paying individual – because Begich was at the forefront of that “Recovery” handout. Take it or leave it, we took home a whole lot more then others. And Don Young and MoanaLisa cursed this program! So you best think twice before rocking the boat with new blood. I need not go into any more convincing detail as too why Begich will not see my vote, as I think I have made my point of why he deserves another term – he is committed to make Alaska a military stronghold, as the only money available seems to be in that category – gory? It's your choice. I beg to differ and will vote my conscience, hoping Sullivan has less of a “War Lord” mentality – but I doubt that be the case, so I will reserve my vote. But if you are all for “Military Superiority” here in the 49er, Begich is your man! And if one of the 49% that realy on Uncle Sam writing a paycheck for working at one of the many bases throughout Alaska, you have no other choice – unless un-employment is of interest. Yet if “Give Peace a Chance” is your fancy, best find another state to call home!

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