Sunday, October 12, 2014


IMAGINE, had George W. Bush while the President of the United States invaded EBOLA instead of invading IRAQ for the “Ghost of Al-Qaeda”. IMAGINE, instead of “War Crimes”, “Good Samaritan” chimes was our reward for “Good Efforts” over that of “Evil Efforts”! Now we are paying the cost, and even that little town in Texas missing the idiot is not safe form an outbreak of the “Monkey Man” disease. And IMAGINE, George's “Ghost Attack” that found many American troops a resting place at Arlington, just a pathetic excuse to fulfil a college prank and Bush Dysentery Dynasty family tradition of “Crooking”, started by his grandfather Prescott, of stealing away the “Skull” of tyrants like that of Geronimo and may today include that of Saddam Hussein, in safekeeping at the “TOMB”. Way to go “W”!
 I'm a monkey,
I'm a monkey,
I'm a monkey,
Monkey, monkey man.
 I'm a monkey, m-m-monkey
I'm a monkey, m-m-monkey
I'm a monkey, m-m-monkey
Monkey, monkey man.

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