Sunday, October 12, 2014

Attribute of WAR

So the U.S. Taxpayers' sent $450-Million to U.S. defense contractors to build a foreign Air Farce Fleet in anticipation the retreat away from the Afghanistan theater of WAR – as a going away for good token of appreciation, please don't call us again reminder. Amazing what money can do these days, especially if on the receiving end, you get what you pay for doesn't work anymore! But not just yet a going away celebration our useless efforts in the Afghan rug war(s), as we were tricked into signing up to stay another year - going on 15! And one cannot blame Obama, as this started a long time ago so the perportrators bent on keeping us engaged in this Sad Sack affair have an agenda, continue at draining the U.S. Treasury. Ever hear the Afgan rug-rat Hammered Kamikaze sing “I am sixteen going on seventeen”, he's practicing so give him a break as I can see it now – another year next year again wherein we steal away money needed to fix up our “Homeland” and send it to thugs! “THUGS”? U.S. defense contrators and “America's Most Wanted” standing in line for an Uncle Sam handout – those that praise “WAR”, what is it good for what's in your wallet sentiment. Oh, I stand corrected, Kamikaze is no longer the keynote speaker, been replaced by a “Technocat”, a Walt Disney character named Ass-Rat. Whatever, Rug-rat, Ass-rat, it don't matter as they are all down on the knees begging for more – money from the “Good Samaritan”. Does anybody really understand what is going on these days with the “WAR MACHINE”? I don't know why we keep referring to the 113th as the “Do Nothing Congress”, as it must be doing something to keep the “bombs bursting in air, gave proof that our Congress doesn't care”. Therefore, since we did not yet retreat and the planes could not be used until we retreat as part of some “fine print” language in the “WAR” contract signed by our “Do Nothing Congress”, the fleet was sold as “scrap”. Yes, $450-Million worth of brand-spanking new aircraft delivered to the Afghanistan desert for safekeeping was ruined, due no one knowing what to do with this wing-span extravaganza, so sold it as “scrap” for $32,000! The excuse by the local tribesmen is that it created much needed jobs, to destroy the planes, with equipment supplied by guess who? Yes, when the tribesmen wanted to work, a requisition for heavy equipment with giant hydraulic scissor-hands was redeemed by the Congress – just send them what they need. See, had Congress been watching out for the U.S. Taxpayers' interest, maybe someone would have caught on to this, like why in hell do they need demolition equipment, just call in a drone strike! This is another chapter in the “Let's Trump the Gold Plated Toilet Seat”, basically an indication of an out-of-control spending spree by Congress. But some made out, before the scrapping. Yes the defense contractors were jubilant – under Leon Panetta – as several CEOs were awarded a lucrative bonus for delivering the goods on time so their wives could exercise their option of more “BOTOX” and fake bosom procedures so they could be ready as a star on “Real Wives of Defense Contractor CEOs”. What ever happened to what goes around comes around, as I feel the U.S. Taxpayers are getting the short end of the stick – like it works for some not all, depending on what side of the “Mobius Go Round” one is on and it appears the U.S. Taxpayers always end up on the loser's side! And wait there's more – as we will get to spend another $450-Million plus, for another Air Farce. Why in hell are we supporting this nonsense? When is enough truly enough, as we have bridges falling apart and an infrastructure that is in desperate need of repair, right here in the “Homeland”! So, at least we should sue the Afghanistan government for that $32000. That's my stuff, maybe I will bring a lawsuit for return of that sum but would probably get assassinated, by assassins hired by my own taxable income! At least with a return of what is rightfully ours we could maybe paint the bridge down the road, to cover-up the rust! Wow, that $32000 amounts to a ROI of “negative 99.9928”, or 0.007 pennies on “our” dollar. Just like how Wall Street handles my 401k – as I am afraid just saw its worst decrease since 2012. See, the bastards have it figured out, they know we are all too busy being Americans, working our ass off to make ends meet and maybe save a little for retirement. Yes, too busy to mind the hen-house and when the time is ripe, it is raided by the very same people we trusted when we cast that “Vote”. Are not we by now sick and tired of caring and carrying this nation yet find a Congress that finds not a single iota of respect for who we are - all of us hard-working salt of the earth workers? We have before us a faction bent on destroying our benevolent dreams so they can enjoy Don Perignon as we quench our thirst with “the sewer runneth over” water! We have no representation today, and it is our fault as we continue to fuel the abuse. Is there not a judge out there that could declare “No Taxation until Representation is Restored”? I like paying taxes, but not for dead end streets. Yes, I have no qualms or quarrels paying my share for roads and schools, but not for “Botox”. When things like this occur, which happens quite often when WAR finds nobody looking, we need to bring those responsible to the mat of injustice – it is a crime as to how lame our Congress has become. I work hard for my earnings, so do you, which is then taxed to fund frivolous crap. Yes, there may be not anything in the Constitution that prevents such waste and abuse, but what in hell does “I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.” supposed to mean? Yes, I work hard like most Americans, and this “Do Nothing Congress”, well it is good at one thing, freeloading and throwing our money away wherein accountability is merely a suggestion. And that is a reason for WAR, as accountability is the first casualty and there is a faction out there that takes advantage of the fact. Our very own Congress is letting us down, for preferential treatment those that benefit from young kids coming home in a box! The “House”, that institution controlled by miserable monsters is at WAR with the American people, yet we seem to be not able-bodied to get it under control. Look, when you are rich and about to get richer in office – which every member of Congress enjoys through virtue of an upper hand echelon towards wealth obligated – you easily cop an attitude that you need not or don't care about what it takes to live a life that hopes for that dream to come true for all. It is all about “ME”, with a very few exceptions, so even those on our side are outnumbered. Why do you think “Congress” is becoming a nepotism society, because it is easy money, so may as well invite your kids into the scene of the crime – immunity rules! Do you thing John Kerry gives a rat's ass of what it takes to feed, cloth and shelter a family nowadays? Do you thing Nancy Pelosi or ISSA give a rat's ass how most American's struggle just to keep afloat? Of course not, as if they did they would have accomplished something for us by now, instead of accomplishing more wealth for themselves. Look, it wasn't always this bad but over the years the rules and regulations that controlled that “Oath” went on a detour, yes compromised, that which governed what was required after the swearing in oath. The “sovereign immunity” clause provides Congress a “carte blanc” license to kill the messenger, kill the glory be. There is no need to care about that lousy “Oath”, as it is really meaningless and just a showcase of support for a single second, then the hell with the American people. Yes, kill the American spirit by killing any ethical responsibilities designed to keep in-check representation due the American People by virtue “Our Constitution”. They think it's theirs, and deny us liberty due. “We the People” have been screwed over, yesterday, today and tomorrow will be much the same in the “Who Do We Screw Today” category, as we are too damn busy minding our own business – that of survival. It all boils down to money, as that is what has taken over any decency in representation from sea to shining sea. The reason “Term Limits” is so essential, as members of Congress should demonstrate they know what it feels like to be a “True American”, facing the reality of what it takes in efforts to at least have a nest-egg for the future, which today for many is but a dream. I don't know the answers for a problem that is so blatant and punches us right were it counts day-in and day-out as anytime you try to make sense of Congressional nonsense, it always comes back to the same damn thing - don't like them vote them out! It ain't that easy anymore. As we still fear not exercising that “voting” opportunity, so we continue down the same damn – yes Mobius Strip trip. We think they are “In It For US”, when that is just a good line, as once in office, it is “With Them or Against Them”, and what you seem to not understand is that “THEM”, which somehow through “Citizens United” pig Latin is defined as the “LOBBY”. In other words, traitors rule our true identity and destiny! Nothing is sacred anymore, with respect to upholding the Constitution. Nothing is secretive, it is just more of the same blatant disregard for our wellbeing, they now it, they show it and of course they stow it – and they have no fear except the fear of having to find a real job and dread “God forbid” having to behave as a “Real American”! Look, it is just a class act at our expense as their wealth leaves them out-of-touch what it is really like – we need to stop exercising the right, that privilege to “vote” in wealth – it's apple and orange chemistry! Wealth in office is ruining this nation. And that is why it is so hard for the delinquency to say NO to the “Lobby”, say NO to “WAR” and say NO to Defense Contractor CEOs hooked on Botox and fake boobs. “WAR” is an outdated form of cannibalism, a disease that is draining the manhood out of mankind wherein we are throwing away our inheritance for crazed wives of wealthy pimps, those that sign off the “American Dream” for all but a few that feel it is appropriate and proper to cheat their way to the upper ranks, in efforts to toast our defeat. And if an “American Worker”, sorry you are not included in their portfolio of success as most Americans' realize what a crime in action is all about, as we still hold an affinity for ethical behavior. And if confused about this crime in action, just watch Congress at work, watch how “WAR” will continue to perpetuate for no good reason understandable by intellect, as it has become a success story in proving that “perpetual motion” does exist!

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