Saturday, October 11, 2014

Dalton Highway Fire

FAIRBANKS – A Fairbanks LNG transport tanker and truck being used to “Winter” test the feasibility of transporting LNG from the North Slope overturned and caught fire at Mile 341 Dalton Highway and was blocking traffic and the heat was melting the permafrost, according to Transportation Officials. This is a breaking story.....

Update: The truck/tanker combination being tested to deliver LNG from the North Slope to Fairbanks burned through the night, as with no fire fighting equipment in that area there was no other choice and safer to let it burn itself out. The heat from the escaping liquified natural gas fire could be felt from a distance and the billowing black smoke seen for miles. By daybreak, a “Sink Hole” was indicative that the intense heat had caused the “permafrost” to begin a thawing cycle. This has caused a gapping hole at the scene and the roadway is no longer fully supported, especially for safe travel of some cargo trucks. It is estimated that the road may be down several weeks for repairs, as “permafrost” must be re-frozen to keep it stable and that requires special equipment that must be sent up from the lower-48. According to sources, it is very difficult to re-stabilize the “permafrost”, and the overall effect won't be known until next spring. The road may have to be re-routed as once the “permafrost” is disrupted, it can have devastating consequences. Those opposed to this project are now asking the authorities to halt any further consideration the feasibility until such time it can be be re-assessed as to the merits, with such shortfalls even in the test phase.

 ~ LNG Tanker ablaze through the night, flames consuming 8000 gallons of highly flammable natural gas ~
~ Dalton Highway sink hole caused by LNG truck fire ~

This is a "What IF" TEST.

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