Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Pusher Man

Stocks of Interest: From the Wall Street Ticker - Raytheon, Kellogg Brown & Root, Halliburton reach all time highs.

So all of a sudden like overnight, this ISIS crisis became a threat so powerful that we are again back at war without not even enough time to plan it out? And once again the “Presidential War Powers Act” is a hot topic with the Congress, but that representative body is still on vacation. Therefore, we have no representation in this matter, does it really matter? And really, like out of the woodwork came this “Monster” that has Syria and IRAQ under siege. A combined landmass equal to that of Texas, taken over at the blink of an eye by rebels – Rick Perry may be drooling! OK like scorpions from the desert hiding came this dreaded beheading faction and it so nerve racked the Obama administration, well Obama had to place golf on hold and react. I am glad he was at least cautious, but maybe a few more rounds may have found a different outcome – but he held out for “Diplomacy” as long as he could even with all the critics going ballistically insane, because he knows there is something “fishy” going on. I am with Obama on this “fishy” business. But what fascinates me, when the United States did start to send in the Tomahawks in efforts to cause a retreat, we knew exactly where the hoodlums were hiding out? Is our over-night surveillance that sophisticated, of course not as our military has been following this faction since inception – which by intelligence reports started to take shape and make a bold move towards IRAQ on the same day that John Kerry was sworn in as Hillary Rodon Clinton's replacement – as Secretary of State. So why all of a sudden a threat? Because this faction grew way too fast way too soon, and that takes “money” and backing from outsiders. So who or what is behind this yet another round in the annals of out-of-control religious factions that have no home but are trying to take over someone else's home? Look, after 8-years of war started by false pretense and a liking for yellow cake, the “WAR Machine” became addicted to “WAR”. And when Obama did the righteous thing and called back home the troops, that addiction didn't like the withdrawal symptoms - it craved a continuation to idolize the “Pusher Man” so carved out a plan. And at the opportune time supported by wealth and power, infiltrated the peace and dignity of another country, just when Obama had his finger off the pulse – when Kerry was initiated and still trying to figure out how to spell Benghazi. See, “WAR” is so different today, as uprisings can take place with modern day mobility under the disguise of an “Humanitarian Crisis”, so it is easy to sidetrack “aid” away from the intended receiver – thus arming a rebellious faction. Really, the hell with the starving woman and children, I want my gun! What I am getting at, “WAR” is manipulated for reasons unkind even to “WAR”. Yes, the “WAR Machine” could not and would not ween itself away from supplying the components of modern day hi-technology killing machines and was on a roll – which means a “bank roll”. So maybe all the profits made by the “WAR Machine” in efforts for defense contractor CEO's to make a killing there and a killing here, maybe this addiction has found aftermath casualties – the U.S. American Taxpayers! Look, 79% of the arms being carried around by this ICICLE brigade come from American manufacturers, even with sanctions in place. Yes, Obama was OK with “Non-lethal” aid to Syria, but somehow the “Non” went missing in action. I guess there are those that believe the 2nd Amendment is a universal “Right” as is “Stand Your Ground”! So maybe some of the profits made during the Bush heresy went funneled to this hoodlum insurgency, arm them to the teeth, give them transportation and tell them to head towards IRAQ. Stoke up that thirst for “Daddy War Bucks” contributions! And now we see the plan of attack has worked – the “Stocks of Interest” listed above are the telltale sign of the times. RAYTHEON: Maker of the Tomahawk missile at $2-Million a bullet - day 2 of the War means 220 already fired off, which means start the production line back up to replenish the “WAR-Lords” bonus. And today our drones and jet fighters fired on and destroyed all the oil refineries under ISIS control, which means we will be sued and held accountable to rebuild that infrastructure and we always make good our promise to help rebuild – in comes the KELLOG. No not for cereal but for construction engineering opportunites with no accountability for the U.S. Taxpayers' loot getting looted. Hey, it creates jobs. And when tomorrow comes and our “rocket's red glare” declares destruction of the oil fields – hey Dick Cheney will say, “I told you so”, that his net-worth as a top shareholder in HALIBURTON will quadruple overnight. Wow, I hear a sigh of relief from the “Real Housewives of Defense Contractor CEOs”, that they can continue their own addiction, with botox treatments now that the income stream is once again almighty! So, what is it good for, this “War” besides absolutely nothing? Well someone's “Nothing” in this case is another's ticket to wealth - that ticket as demonstrated in the stock value ticker. Yes, the 1% faction here in the Homeland cherishes “WAR”, not that its hierarchy of intent is promoted for “Good Over Evil” but promoted by a “WAR-Lord” mentality in a disguise's a monster this “Pusher Man” that winds up the “WAR Machine” and evades any attempts towards peace and tranquility. Sad thing, we are all part of this “WAR Machine” madness, just watch your 401k portfolio the next few days! And we cannot have it both ways, as any attempts at “Diplomacy” are thwarted to failure by this “WAR Machine” madness - clash of the Titans it is. Obama may go down as the last “Great Diplomatic President”, he tried and in my book he succeeded by practicing patience – but he cannot go it alone this option. He was outnumbered and the odds were against him by his very own countrymen! With that, we have become the evil insurgency against our very own liberties, and that can only find a declaration of War upon our Constitution. Solution? We must begin to embrace at any cost a “Diplomacy” only option, and then walk away forever Amen – until such time we as humans universally accept a “No WAR Machine” human rights policy, realizing that today even humanitarian aid finds “bloodshed” stains when the "WAR Machine" is alive and well. Said again, Obama was on the right track, to that I commend!

Well, now if I were the president of this land
You know, I'd declare total war on The Pusher man
I'd cut him if he stands, and I'd shoot him if he'd run
Yes I'd kill him with my Bible and my razor and my gun

God damn The Pusher
Gad damn The Pusher
I said God damn, God damn The Pusher man

Thank you Steppenwolf

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