Wednesday, September 24, 2014


From journalists to tourists, beheadings by the insurgency hiding under the ISIS umbrella are becoming an everyday occurrence. Why, and will it hit home, wherein we see such bloodshed here in the “Homeland”? I hope the hell not, but there may be an inexcusable reason enough along with a sick understanding as too why this lunatic insurgency is behaving with beheadings. Because the skull of Suddam Hussein is believed to have been stolen away from the “Madman's” resting place in Al-Awja Tikrit, when he was laid to rest according to the Qur'an after his hanging. And why would someone be interested in a “skull” of an evil person? Just ask George W. Bush, as this precious artifact may be in hiding alongside the skull of Geronimo, another artifact stolen away from its rightful resting place - by none other then Prescott Bush. Yes, as a member of the “Skull & Bones” bringing home the skull of a tyrant is the ultimate prize condoned by a “club” prank called “crooking”, with the stealing of “skulls” started by Prescott. It has become a tradition, wherein it is rumored that Prescott was successful in several other grave robbing expeditions – as supposedly alongside Geronimo's skull is that of Pancho Villa and Martin Van Buren. So yes, Prescott stated a tradition that may have interested George W. Bush – to be like his grandfather and receive the ultimate appreciation by other club members. Look, his legacy with the American public is nothing but disdain, so maybe the “club” is all that counts. And this ultimate in “crooking” raises a member to the highest level of honor, as occurred when Prescott stole away the skull of Geronimo – now in safe keeping and on display for a select few at the “Crypt” located at Yale University. With that said, the skull of Hussein may have been the ultimate reward behind “Mission Accomplished” and excited George W. Bush's ranking in this secretive club to that of his grandfather. And until such time the remains of Hussein are respected by those that respect his passage, then we will see more beheadings and an escalation of hatred. The following was recorded after Hussein's hanging, by those entrusted to preserve the body: "Hurry up, hurry up. I'm going to count from one to four. One, two ...hurry up you're going to get us into a catastrophe." Then another voice says, "Just one second, just one second, Abu Ali. I'm about finished”. Then a third voice says, "Abu Ali, you take care of this." Yes, a beheading following the maybe the “Mission Accomplished” was for real! There's no telling how much the grave diggers received for pulling this “crooking” off – but rest assured they are rich folk today and probably in hiding here in the “Homeland”. So why these “beheadings” on an uprise with the uprise with this ISIS faction? Because, we have before us today a Secretary of State that is also a member of the “Skull & Bones”, and John Kerry may be well aware of who may be keeping company today with Geronimo's remains and to the insurgents, this is the ultimate in disrespect and is before us today an “eye for an eye” mentality of revenge! How can we prove this menace that may be causing innocent beheadings, an FBI raid of the “Skull & Bones” would prove the point. But inaccted a long time ago, the “Crypt” finds preferential treatment with John Lawman - as even a legal search warrant subpoena cannot be obtained for the “Crypt”! So, why did we go to War with IRAQ? To topple Hussein, for no other reason then a ransom on his head for as assassination attempt on George H.W.! And how could someone get away with this “crooking” of Suddam's skull? According to the Qur'an, it is a “haraan” to dig up Hussein's grave, so the perpetrators realized this, stole away the head and sold it to the highest bidder realizing once underground, their plot was safe and sound – most likely sold to an associate of the Bush Dysentery Dynasty – and today we may be paying for this fringe club's madness, or George W.'s madness! So herein we find a fraternity club with a long history of mystery, one that has for the most part minded its business - but a few bad apples spoil it all. With the “crooking” for “Skulls” made popular by Prescott, that may have been the beginning of the downfall of the “Skull & Bones” when George W. found himself in the position to declare war on IRAQ and made bringing home the “Skull” a priority. Of course this is what has gone on and if the authorities can ever determine that the “Skull” of Hussein is in hiding here in the Homeland and American soil becomes bloodstained because of that, then we have no other option then to attack this indecency, by holding George W. Bush accountable. Then again, maybe the Skull & Bones “Tomb” is not where the “Hussein Skull” is in safe keeping, maybe the membership knows better based on observations of George W. and have not any use for his “clowning” around attitude – but one day the “Skull” may surface and if not already finding ownership the bidding will be bold, so will be the beheadings once again front page news.

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