Friday, September 26, 2014

Dear Mr. President!

Yes, it is sad that we are starting to see an end of a “Revolution”! Yesterday, Eric Holder stepped down as the United States Attorney General – not for reason of any wrongdoing, but he has successfully fulfilled his duties as an appointee of the Obama administration. So it is time to move on and this American wishes the best and sends along a sincere “Thanks”. And yes, it is sad, as in my book Holder will go down as the “Best” Attorney General of record my lifetime, hopefully going down in the record books as an icon as to what it means to faithfully perform the duties surrounding this all important position. Hopefully, future appointees will look up to Mr. Holder as an example to follow, a “True American” committed to helping a “True Leader” fulfill the obligations inherent with the highest of office under the Red, White & Blue! I still remember the day Mr. Holder single handedly confronted an all out cowardly attack by Darrell ISSA, no match for Holder and it will go down in history as one of the greatest days wherein Congress displayed how out-of-touch it was with American ideologies. And Holder can sure “Hold” his own, especially when such unwarranted attacks seemed to be a continuous blitzkrieg barrage of abuse from other “Statesmen” supposedly - wherein time-after-time Holder proved them all wrong with their frivolousness and that in most cases we witnessed “statesmanship” on the attackers part missing in action. Sad, that such low-life idiotic attacks from the “Poor Moaning Looser's Club” were in efforts at getting to Obama, through his administration. Trying foolhardily to fail this administration under Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States! Sure it was a planned attack and has been going on now for almost 8-years - whittle away at the administration's appointed executives in efforts to whittle away at Obama's legacy. That is wherein my sentiment of a “Revolution” has its foundation, as this is the first U.S. President in a long time that has entered the White House without a personal agenda or secret motive, except to succeed in upholding the U.S. Constitution in all its meaning - for ALL! And Obama along with Holder, they weren't part of the “Good'ol Boys Club” entrenched for way too long with “Corrupt Beltway Politics” and bringing along baggage detrimental to the real cause, so applause to Obama for bringing in new talent to promote his advocacy. That of equal rights and equaling out the playing field of opportunities so all Americans, no matter what political following one preferred, could continue to enjoy the “Trinity” - that of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Enjoyment of such “rights” is not possible without a righteous “Commander-in-Chief at the helm, along with a dedicated staff - seeing eye to eye with the “Chief”. And that my friend is “Revolutionary” to say the least, with respect to the overall definition of the “Presidency” and what this nation has put up with through past delinquencies and dereliction of duty so practiced by “Oval Office” appointees. With such dedication, Holder was no exception to the Obama doctrine and all the time following the boss with devotion to uphold that sovereign “Trinity”, which was for a while under selfishness practiced by other past presidents headed in the wrong direction. Without this “Revolution”, the class system was becoming a reality broader then what could be tolerated by a Democratic Republic. The separation caused by wealth in America has seen a drastic challenge under Obama, not that the wealthier are loosing that $$$ status, but rest assured that wealth does not find favoritism under the present administration's “Mission”. Let's hope the trend continues as only a righteous individual can make that stance hold its ground, that we are “All Created Equal” - what a concept to fight for, what a battle to pick! So yes, we have before us a genuine “American Revolution” and that trend must continue with the next occupant of the “Oval Office”. Today, this “Revolution” has saved the U.S. Presidency, after it was taken over by hoodlums under the Bush Dysentery Dynasty. During those horrific years, we were held hostage our conviction as Americans. But Bush entered the White House so weakened by Clinton, so the opportunists' wrecking ball continued to destroy away the foundation of liberty and let us not forget just how bad off this nation found itself when Obama was sworn in. We faced an economic disaster along with a war-torn military. It was a going away present from George W., designed to fail Obama. But the “Revolution” was a counter-attack measure, and today we have a strong economy, a strong military and health care – the list goes on! But a “President” does not have a magic wand, so let's hope we see the next Commander behave in such a manner as to continue this “What's Best For All America” trend, else we will again loose our courage. So thanks to Obama and men like Holder, we have that part of government somewhat fixed and abiding by the Constitution in its inherent powers granted under the “Presidency”. So all we need to see now is a “Revolution” of the same magnitude within Congress - and Bernie Sanders may be able to perform the same change of mindset on that body as did Obama when all of the 44th's men and women rose to the occasion, to protect the U.S. Constitution at any expense. Said again to emphasize, unlike any other president has performed such duties “For the People” in a long, long time – maybe since George H.W. Bush. Even though I was not a supporter of the latter, at least it wasn't a crime spree administration like we witnessed under Clinton and sonny boy. As far as a “Commander-in-Chief”, Obama's patience during conflicts has helped this “Nation Under God” to become a more peaceful union, unlike his predecessors that liked hitting that “shock & awe” launch button so recklessly, before thinking. We have not seen this kind of overall dedication to peace that office since Jimmy Carter. Yet, the tyrant opposition has tried relentlessly hard to take Obama down, by trying to take down loyal confidants like Holder, trying to find something to attack Obama's steadfast credibility. So far, the neo-conservative fringe “Right” has failed miserably. And I ask, why are they wasting their time, as Obama is doing his job! When it comes to pure “governance”, Obama is not on the side of the Democrats nor on the side of the Republicans – he finds middle ground as that is what is behind the making of a “Good President”, what it's all about. Very few today can perform such an undertaking without prejudice, Obama has proven that there are exceptions. Even with the ISIS problem, we can see wherein the critics have again failed, as the patience in this case may be paying off. Yet, with another success story that will over-flow Obama's written legacy, there will come more attacks by the Sore Hannitys, the Lush Limbaughs, the Ann Coultergeists and all the rest of the cowards bent on seeing this man fail. Why - I ask why do they want their own country to fail? But rest assured that it's too late their tyranny, as Obama's term is running down and by this time next year he will be getting ready to enjoy a placeholder in history unlike his predecessors, of record not another embarrassmentt to America. So thanks Mr. Holder for your dedication to the cause and more thanks to Barack Obama, Commander-in-Chief 44th President of the United States this one great nation under “Revolution”, so help us succeed! Wow, maybe the Lush is on to something, Eric Holder heading to the U.S. Supreme Court, YES!

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