Monday, September 29, 2014


Leave no stone unturned...the last thing any officer wants to see is an innocent person sitting in jail.” A quote from U.S. Senator of the 113th “Do Nothing” Congress, Alaska's MoanaLisa MurCowpie in a recent correspondence to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. This is truly a WTFSP message - “What the Fungi Sarah Palin” - designed to STRATTERGIZE, cause the stakes'r high” - according to Dolla B. But maybe more befitting response to MoanaLisa's response is this: “And naïvetivity don't pull you through...they got some hungry women there and they really make a mess outa you. As to even start to believe this statement finds any semblance of believability, that there are not “innocent people sitting in jails” from sea to shining sea demonstrates how out of touch the wealthy have become - be it out of convenience as stupidity does have its limitation. As wealth today is not made the old way, but more in tune to success through hocking! I would bet that some of the Cowpie's wealth comes from the “Prison Industry” and I would bet she gets funding from “SuperPUKE” lobbies bent on the “Three Strikes Your Out and In For Life” racket – gotta keep them beds filled! There are hundreds maybe thousands of innocent “victims” incarcerated that never saw a righteous trial, because they were “poor” and today we must no longer hide or holdout the truth behind this concealment, that it was more likely than not a preferential sentencing of “Throw Away the Keys” treatment based on “color”. And why place blame on the “police”, as it is the “All White Jury” that propagates this dilemma. Remember, “Prison” helps out that 401K retirement plan as putting those away for 3-puffs is a great investment! It is so easy to point a finger of guilt at a man of a different color, even if for innocent misdemeanor crimes! Too bad will all of the hi-tech wizardry that some inventor has not devised a mirror “APP”, wherein when you are preparing the makeup for the work-day the color of your skin is different – to get a message across when starting off the day – that there is not or should not be any difference of opinion based on a spectrum reflection. But just look around you, the evidence is overwhelming that many give not a rat's ass about our “Brothers in Black”, as when Obama was elected, it was like a premeditated prejudice through racism backed discrimination that oozed from our follicles and we have before us today a “blood on the tracks” society. Just too damn busy to get involved, allowing acceptance this racism rules due those inherent prejudices of inferiority – just another black convict our sentiment. In Texas, when aging prisoners of color incarcerated for life realized new trials could set them free based on technological advances in DNA tracing, Rick Perry signed a declaration that would no longer allow DNA as evidence in a re-trial to those already incarcerated. WHY? Because it was beginning to show a very bad patent of abuse and costing the state $billions$ in retribution. It was cheaper to keep them locked up, had nothing to do with honesty for freedom's sake. Hey, it doesn't pay to put someone away just because – throw away the keys again it was! There are some states wherein “Black” arouses hatred and like a virus storms across to border states and soon our nation will be engulfed by this hatred. Sorry, we are already there. WHY? Anyway, it is not in hiding any longer, it will never again be back in hiding and we have now the time to amend past discriminatory practices – we owe it to mankind's humanitarian “trials & tribulation” to get it right. We as a nation have always learned from our mistakes, it takes time and maybe not the first time a lessons learned reaches out for “Change”. We are still challenged by the atrocities upon our Native Americans, but time seems to be healing. We owe it too other challenged races, to make good the protection afforded under the Constitution – else we will fail ourselves. Look, if we eradicate the “black race” like some proclaim is the solution, the wealthy will still want them prison beds filled – get the point? But when a sworn U.S. Senator thinks this mindset, where in hell do we begin to fix things? Even though a “Do Nothing” Congress, they can still get things done when push comes to shove that positively affects their selfish needs, in the form of despicable legislation “Not for the People” but representation for those that help survive the “I'm PACing” mentality. We are being held hostage, by Congress! And it is our very own vote that allows this self-inflicted wound. When are we going to get it, and get out of it? Anyway, if the shoe fits wear it – the cowpie is what we get thrown back our way, when trying to save our say! So we fight today for what little we have left, which means we give not a hoot about those wrongfully incarcerated, more self-important issues at hand requiring our undivided attention. That is not a failure of Congress, but a failure that incarcerates us individually for complacency and that flag is not weathered from lack of environmental protection, but lack of attention. And how can we begin to regain a freedom lost for someone wrongfully incarcerated when at the same time we are loosing our own freedoms? Because it is a failure of Congress, they have the keys to “Our” treasury and money still speaks of freedom, yet we are only getting 3-cents on the dollar and if a “Black Man”, more like a big fat “zero” with respect to RESPECT! IMAGINE, if the Supreme Court ruled that “Lobbyists” are crooks, due RICO violations? Then imagine again the trickle-down accomplice theory – then maybe we would have to set free our wrongfully incarcerated as Congress would demand for themselves “single status” cells!

What a “STRATTERGIZE” fit looks like!

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