Friday, September 12, 2014

Sarah "MamaBrawl"

Dear Sarah “MamaBrawl” Palin;

I hope you again decide to supply humor by running for, well this time around make it the PRESIDENCY! To hell with the VP position, you deserve the “Best”! See, debates are boring, and since you have not a sense of intelligence when it comes to debating global politics, a debate would be a political death blow to any aspirations at taking over as Commander-in-Chief. But please enter the race, and instead of debates, how about employing “Family Tag Team” matches? Yes we can all be entertained ring side by Vince McMahon and then watch the candidates debate, with right hooks, sucker punches – reality live family “Put up the Dukes” brawling! “RUMBLE”! And think of the on-line betting possibilities! And it turns me on to hear you yell out, “YOU KNOW WHO I AM”? So please consider this request, as things are getting pretty boring on the “beltway” and when I heard that you, Toad and the gang were in a brawl in Anchorage, wow, wish I was there. Next time, please let me know where the “smack-down” will take place, post it on the bird, don't want to miss this kind of excitement and action. And I have a question, when should you start the youngsters' interest as members of family brawling? Is 5 to early? What about grandma, can she be included? And are foreign objects allowed? Wow, I saw you throw that sucker punch on Hannity the other night, where did you learn that move? No wonder the “Toad” doesn't mess around!

 "You Know Who I Am?"

 "Here's me right hook"

"Putting Up the Dukes"

Photos courtesy the FOXY Lady. No NOT Coulter, Miss Megyn Network!

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