Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Looking Back

So U.S Representative of the “Do Nothing Congress” Alaskan Don Young is upset that the EPA is getting kudos for making sure our “Navigable Waterways” remain safe, for recreation over mining! Way to go EPA! See, Don is a two-faced animal, a rabid skunk in disguise. Why my sentiment against this aging bastard? An Alaskan history lesson will give you peace of mind. See, way back when during the time Alaska was just getting over the excitement of becoming the newest member of the “Union”, through a “We're In” vote of confidence from a then “Does Something Congress” - circa 1950 - there was still a whole bunch of work to be done. Alaska was still a virgin territory – so rules and regulations and all kinds of things needed to be addressed. Back then, since Alaska was still a territory even under the “new” jurisdiction of the Federal government's acceptance of Alaska as a bonafide “State”, there were still a whole bunch of legal issues that needed to be addressed, in efforts to be like them. For instance, the “Alaska Native Claims Land Settlement Act”, very important “Public Law” that started to see the influence of Uncle Sam on the 49er doorstep. But “Uncle Sam” doesn't come looking for trouble, not unless something causes the G-men to step in, based on dereliction to conviction upholding the U.S. Constitution. Now when Alaska was a “territory” and the same status remained well into “Statehood”, all the inland waters flowing through Alaska were considered “non-navigable”, with respect to the government's definition of such – so such were not under the Federal government's jurisdiction. And Uncle Sam didn't want to get involved, as Alaska had a whole bunch of water! But when Uncle Sam does not claim authority over a state's water ways, there can be no “pork-barrel” appropriations allocated for such natural infrastructure, as if you want money they want control – to make sure whatever is going on meets the “Public Law” doctrine. So Alaska was missing out on boatloads of free money. So in steps Mr. Young, who thought he knew something about “navigable waterways”, as he had his stern-wheeler pilot license and when he was still “young”, piglet handedly persuaded Uncle Sam to take control of all waters within Alaska – for the money, as it was an all or none proposition! And since the yearly appropriations set aside for “Navigable Waters” is divided to the states based on need, well Don found Alaska that “pot'a gold”. This is where the damn “Bridge to Nowhere” found a footing into the giveaway program, one that keeps on giving still today – as Alaska just christened a new “Bridge to Nowhere”, over the Tanana River to an area that will never see a road and that particular “bridge” remains secured by ARMY personnel carriers, 24/7? Because on the other side of that river is an ordinance range, with hundreds of “duds”! See, when Don wanted money way back when for the “Cordova Bridge to Nowhere”, money wasn't available to raise the trestle section that had fallen into the river following the earthquake. Yes, when that thing fell the people in Cordon Blue clapped, as it was a road they surely didn't want. So following the trestle's collapse, it sat there for years acting as a great natural moat barrier for some good fishing. But when times became tough and people in that area needed work, Don came to the rescue and tried to free up some taxpayers' loot, to provide fixing that “Bridge To Nowhere”, money to raise the trestle only, as there was not and would not be any money ever available to ever complete the road leading from that “trestle” – said again, nobody wanted it! So Don was set beside himself, when the money was refused, as it was not considered a bridge needing repair in “navigable waters”. Uncle Sam didn't care, as it was out of jurisdiction. So that is when Dom - I mean Don - had a constipation coniption fit, turned wild like a rapid skunk and attacked Nancy Pelosi and introduced legislation that would turn the entire state of Alaska into a “Navigable Wally World Waterway” extravaganza, wherein $millions$ could be sent this way – for things like “Bridges” and BLM cops, those that are under “hot-water” for arresting some crackpot in the Yukon-Charlie preserve – see once it was all designated “Navigable Waterways”, we lost control of it and now we suffer. This is what we need to remember when we see Don trying to get another term, as it is “blood out of a turnip” like politics. He seizes the moment, when to his advantage, when all the time it was his doing in the first place that has set Alaska on a road to “Government Control”. More “G-Men control over the years did bring in money, like said already, it goes with the territory – you want money, they want control. But what really pisses me off? Don has and continues to throw Dead Ted under the bus, blaming Ted for the M.V. Susitna ferry fiasco. It was Don that wanted this waste, not Ted - but Ted went to boot on Don's request and behalf and now that the “Ferry to Nowhere Nobody Wants” is a political hot potato, Don runs for cover by placing blame on a dead guy that is not here to defend himself – so I will defend TED. Don, admit the truth! Pathetic, that a guy like Don still goes to church – Oh that's not a church, but a charitable donation depot without navigational insight! Wow, ever think of that Mr. Young?

Don Young "STINKS"

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