Wednesday, September 10, 2014

UFO Mystery Solved

Last week we heard about a UFO sighting over the coast of Alaska, then with that scare we were told about a rocket that was destroyed soon after take-off out at the famous Kodiak Launch Facility! What, you don't understand what I am talking about that Alaska has its very own Cape Carnival that has not made any money for 11-years yet continues to pay an executive staff that lives in Anchorage “Top Dog Dollar”? So here is my question. Do the “KLF Executives” that bring in $250k plus salaries for staying safe and away from Kodiak – due fear of fallout from rocket blast destruction – do they get to collect a PDF check? Good thing the site workers have protection! I mean, are not we citizens paying those scaredy-cat fat paycheck executives enough for doing nothing? Thought the legislature had a good thing going, best look around at what these “Alaska State Run Corporations” are getting away with, besides nothing. Imagine having a job that pays so well, for nothing in return but “fluff” reports nobody in their right mind would accept – in a true business sense world. Where the “Balance Sheet” takes on a whole different meaning in “Creative Accounting”. I read that stuff - the yearly financial reports of these state run amuck corporations funded by Juneau, yes your money - for comic relief entertainment, and maybe one day all those executives when retired and enjoying a “State of Alaska TIER I Retirement Plan with a Golden Parachute”, they will pay back some of that charity by writing a book: “How Not To Succeed in Business But Get Paid Big Bucks for Nothing 101”. Anyway, the UFO mystery has been solved, as it was an experimental rocket carrying a secret drone and I have been provided pictures of what was left when the drone was successfully deployed before someone hit the “Kill” button - to destroy the rocket that was falling haphazardly towards a Juneau trajectory. But luckily the drone was deployed, so that part of the mission was successful and the remains of this experimental drone were found on the coast of Alaska, still somewhat intact – but now its “Top Secret” design and designation has been compromised. A couple of hikers came across it, after the owners sent in a “Black Sheep” retrieval squadron and they tried to burn away the remains in efforts to conceal its identity but retreated before the “Mission Accomplished”, because they were cold as cod? It's Alaska! See, the main rocket that was destroyed after “blast off” was carrying a pod with the experimental drone, that was jettisoned away and made a somewhat safe landing. And according to sources, the drone was being deployed and was to target, the M.V. Susitna, to eavesdrop on it as some think the “Ferry to Nowhere” may be sunk, to collect insurance money! Wow, Alaska at its best!

 Secret drone deployed from Kodiak Free-Lunch Facility
(still burning after botched-up attempts to destroy its secrecy)

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